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自行车交通是当今我国城市客运交通的重要组成部分。居民是否选择自行车直接受到各种因素影响。本文分析了影响自行车交通方式选择的微观影响因素,并定义其为“基于个体出行方式选择的自行车交通影响因素”。本文将其分为个体特征、出行信息和交通方式服务水平主观感知等三类影响因素。文章期望找出基于出行个体的自行车交通影响因素,研究各影响因素的相关性和内部联系,并分析这些因素对出行选择的影响权重和作用机理。因此建立了包含因子分析的二项logit模型,并以南京市的调查数据为例阐述了模型的应用。本文的结论为交通政策制定者和交通规划师建立可持续交通系统以及发展和谐交通提供了一些有价值的信息。  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new procedure to forecast the future O/D demand. It is a hybrid of logit and Fratar model. The hybrid model has the long run, policy sensitive, characteristic of a logit model, calibrated at sector‐level with little/no zero O/D cells. This feature, joint with a Fratar‐type operation at zonal level within a sector, gives a better performance to this model than either of the two types of the models alone. The performance of the hybrid model is contrasted with a neural network model, and shows encouraging results in a real case. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of various factors on highway drivers' speeding behaviour and estimates the amount of money that a highway driver is willing to pay for speeding violations in Taiwan. The contingent valuation method is applied to measure drivers' preference and to derive the value function of the amount of money. Logit and probit models are estimated to analyse the significant variables influencing speeding behaviour and to calculate the willingness to pay for speeding violations. The research results show that increasing speeding fines is an effective way to reduce illegal driving behaviour on highways. Significant variables affecting highway drivers' speeding behaviour include gender, engine capacity, past offenders in the previous year, and the risk‐seeking characteristics of drivers. Finally, the logit and probit models show that the amounts of money that highway drivers are willing to pay for speeding violations are $US119 and $US116, respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
There are a number of studies on modelling with Revealed Preference (RP) data. It is a traditional technique and it is based on actual market data. The method has been extensively used in transportation as a tool for predicting travel demand. Although the method constitutes a relevant analysis on the process of modelling, it suffers from limitations, mainly associated with the lack of control over the experiment, that sometimes overwhelm the model results. This work proposes and tests a methodology for estimating a more efficient binary RP sample set. The objective is to develop and test a methodology that identifies and eliminates potentially irrational choices made. Responses are evaluated according to the set of trade-offs in values of time. Having identified these individuals they are eliminated from the original sample and a new sample is created, the selectively replicated (SR) sample. Original and SR samples are then re-estimated in a tree nested logit structure.  相似文献   
Future levels of vehicle air pollution in urban areas will depend on the proportion of new car buyers who opt for less polluting vehicles, as these appear on the market. This paper examines the factors likely to influence the demand for lower emission and zero emission vehicles. Using a discrete choice experiment, suburban driver commuters choose between three types of vehicle, one conventional, one fuel-efficient and one electric. Each is characterized by varying vehicle cost and performance measures, range and refueling rates, and commuting costs and times. The latter are manipulated to determine how their use as economic instruments might influence vehicle choice. All cost and time variables are expressed as ratios of the respondent’s current situation. Parameters of a multinomial discrete choice model are used in a choice simulator to estimate the average choice probability of each type of vehicle under different scenarios reflecting possible future relative vehicle prices and performance levels as well as differential commuting costs and times based on policies aimed at encouraging the purchase of cleaner vehicles. The evidence is that the latter economic instruments will have modest effects on vehicle choice. By contrast there would be a large shift of demand to cleaner and zero-emission vehicles provided their cost and performance came within an acceptable range of conventional vehicles.  相似文献   
James Odeck 《Transportation》1996,23(2):123-140
This paper explores the priorities for road investments in Norway, with particular emphasis on the use of benefit-cost calculus. The author tests whether the observed rankings of the Ranking Road Agencies are explained and/or influenced positively by the benefit-cost ratio. Second, based on a questionnaire survey, the tradeoff made by Regional Road Authorities between an economic welfare maximizing strategy and the observed strategy in analysed. Benefit-cost ratio is found to be a significant explanatory variable in only four out of fifteen regions. In only one region does benefit cost ratio explain more than 30 percent of the observed variation. The trade-off analysis demonstrates that ranking by benefit-cost ratio if adopted gives formidable return as compared to the observed rankings. The reasons given by the Regional Road Agencies for not ranking investment projects according to benefit cost ratio is that several important impacts are not valued monetarily and therefore are not included in the benefit-cost-ratio. The results of the questionnaire survey give reasons to doubt the Regional Road Agencies understanding of the welfare maximizing principles of benefit cost calculus. Concluding remarks on the observed behaviour of the Regional Road Agencies are also offered.  相似文献   
交通出行方式离散选择模型的效用随机项结构研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多项Logit模型效用随机项独立同分布的假定为多项Logit模型带来IIA属性,降低了多项Logit模型的行为解释能力。以多项Logit模型的基本假定为基础,以开发能够真实反映不同选择肢效用随机项的异方差性和相关性的效用随机项结构为目标,逐步放松多项Logit模型效用随机项独立同分布的刚性假定,系统综述了不独立同分布、独立不同分布、不独立不同分布的效用随机项结构的拓展。  相似文献   
基于Logit模型的城市道路交通事件检测仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Logit模型为基础,利用效用函数与概率的概念,建立分时段的城市道路交通事件检测算法。由PARAMICS软件产生模拟交通流数据,将数据输入LIMDEP软件并标定效用函数的系数,同时还输出最大概率预测表。仿真试验结果表明:(1)基于Logit模型的检测算法不仅能够用于城市道路的事件检测,还可判断事件发生所在的车道。(2)在路段长度、车道数、流量相等的模拟条件下,交叉口信号超过仿真所设定的1 min时段长度时,检测效果降低。若将模型时段长度由1 min提高至超过最大信号周期,即可解决检测效果降低的问题。  相似文献   
This study estimates the safety effect of illumination on accidents at highway‐rail grade crossings in the United States, using data from exhaustive data from Federal Railroad Administration database covering the period 2002–2011. Using mixed logit modeling approach, the study explores the determinants of driver injury severity at unlighted highway‐rail grade crossings compared with lighted highway‐rail grade crossings in the United States. Several key issues are explored including availability of relevant highway‐rail grade crossing accident inventory data; relevant data element structures; specification and estimation of models to estimate driver's injury severity with lighting and without lighting; and techniques to interpret model parameters. Overall, highway‐rail grade crossing lighting improves safety by reducing the probability of high‐level injury severity through improvements in driver's visibility compared with unlighted intersections. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Plans are underway to introduce green transportation systems at Taiwan's famous scenic spot, Sun Moon Lake, to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon reduction effects after changing the current lake tour modes are assessed using a nested logit model with a stated preference survey, which investigated tourists' choice preferences. The empirical results reveal that the modes of electric bus, electric vehicle sharing, and bike are clustered in the same competitive group. Travel cost, in‐vehicle travel time, and out‐vehicle travel time are found to be statistically significant with the expected negative effects. In particular, the attribute of carbon reduction is only significant for green tourists, who are willing to pay US$ 3.5/kg of carbon saved. The result indicates that more efficient carbon reduction is possible by restricting the usage of gasoline vehicles rather than improving the service levels of low‐carbon modes. Notably, the effect of parking charges on emission reduction is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 4511 trees per day. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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