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This paper develops a model to investigate the effects of spatial pricing on ride-sourcing markets. The model is built upon a discrete time geometric matching framework that matches customers with drivers nearby. We demonstrate that a customer may be matched to a distant vehicle when demand surges, yielding an inefficient supply state. We further investigate market equilibrium under spatial pricing assuming a revenue maximizing platform, and find that the platform may resort to relatively higher price to avoid the inefficient supply state if spatial price differentiation is not allowed. Although spatial pricing facilitates market clearing, the platform may still set price more than the efficient level, which compromises the public interest. We then propose a commission rate cap regulation that reaps the flexibility of spatial pricing and can achieve the second best under some homogeneity assumptions. 相似文献
This paper examines the possible placement of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) on an urban tram system for the purpose of exploring potential increases in operating efficiency through the examination of different locations for battery energy storage. Further, the paper suggests the utilisation of Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries at existing Park and Ride (P&R) sites as a means of achieving additional energy storage at these locations. The study achieves this through MATLAB modelling utilising captured GPS data and publically available information. This study examines the scenario of uni-directional substations with no interconnection between the overhead catenary for both directions of travel, and discusses the trade-offs between ESS size and required current limits.The results show the savings in both energy and basic CO2 emissions alongside the discussion of Return on Investment (RoI) that can be achieved through the potential installation of ESS at identified ideal locations along the tram network. Moreover, this may be extended to the use of EVs as stationary ESS sited at the existing P&R facilities. Further, the model may also be used to inform future infrastructure upgrades and potential improvements to air quality within urban environments. 相似文献
文章在传统乘坐舒适性评价的基础上研究心率变异性(HRV)对乘客在站姿、坐姿状态下乘坐舒适性进行评价的可行性。以某品牌纯电动公交车为研究对象,采集试验车辆选定位置处X、Y、Z三个方向的振动加速度信号,并采集受试乘客站姿、坐姿两种状态下的生理信号,并利用不同数据处理方法进行处理,最后得到站姿、坐姿状态下的对应指标如时域分析下的均方根值、HRV三角指数(HRVti);频域分析中的标准化低频分量与高频分量之比(nLF/nHF);非线性分析中的散点椭圆拟合短半轴与长半轴之比(SD1/SD2)、样本熵(SampEN),结合受试乘客主观评价得到舒适性评价。通过研究可知HRV分析,可以作为传统乘坐舒适性的评价补充。 相似文献
江铃轻型货车行驶平顺性的改善 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文针对江铃轻型货车行驶平顺性不佳问题。进行了系统的道路试验,电液伺服模拟激振试验,模态试验和理论分析;查明了该车平顺性不佳的主要原因是前后悬架刚度过大,特别是后悬架在空载时;在不改变钢板弹簧安装尺寸的条件下对前后板簧进行了改进设计。试制后装车试验表明,行驶平顺性显著提高,操纵稳定性有一定改善。改进型板簧、台架的疲劳寿命达到了标准要求,在行驶可靠性试验中未出现板簧损坏。改进型板簧比原车板簧质量减轻 相似文献