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通过分析影响城市道路横断面方案选择的因素,并按照因素间的并列关系或从属关系,建立了影响因素的多层次结构模型;采用层次分析法确定各影响因素的权重,并根据工程实践经验提供了影响因素评语的确定依据;从而建立了城市道路横断面方案评价的多级模糊综合评判模型。工程实例分析表明,多级模糊综合评判方法是合理可行的。  相似文献   
为了研究超大粒径沥青混合料(SLSM)的高温稳定性,在借鉴大粒径沥青混合料(LSAM)研究方法的基础上,确定SLSM的级配,并以SBS改性沥青作为粘结材料,利用车辙试验的动稳定度评价SLSM的高温性能,并与普通密级配沥青混合料进行比较。结果表明:超大粒径沥青混合料的动稳定度比普通密级配沥青混合料的大17.07%,用作沥青路面的下面层满足要求。  相似文献   
Singapore’s Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system involves time-variable charges which are intended to spread the morning traffic peak. The charges are revised every three months and thus induce regular motorists to re-think their travel decisions. ERP traffic data, captured by the system, provides a valuable source of information for studying motorists’ travel behaviour. This paper proposes a new modelling methodology for using these data to forecast short-term impacts of rate adjustment on peak period traffic volumes. Separate models are developed for different categories of vehicles which are segmented according to their demand elasticity with respect to road pricing. A method is proposed for estimating the maximum likelihood value of preferred arrival time (PAT) for each vehicle’s arrivals at a particular ERP gantry under different charging conditions. Iterative procedures are used in both model calibration and application. The proposed approach was tested using traffic datasets recorded in 2003 at a gantry located on Singapore’s Central Expressway (CTE). The model calibration and validation show satisfactory results.  相似文献   
As more European roads become tolled by various means, an increasing share of road users become subject to more than one tolling scheme in their regular driving. This can be especially burdensome for long distance hauliers, who may pass several countries and tolled motorway systems during the course of 1 day. For this reason, a range of projects have been initiated attempting to increase the level of interoperability between tolling systems, many of which with only limited success. By analyzing current incentives, costs and benefits for toll operators and road users, we conclude firstly that the current level of interoperability is likely to be lower than socially optimal, and secondly that a direct regulation making the provision of interoperability mandatory is likely to be in excess of what is socially optimal. We argue that vertically separating the monopolistic toll operators could be a cost-efficient way to achieve a socially optimal level of interoperability as a equilibrium market outcome.  相似文献   
该文针对裕华路的交通现状进行路段摄像及浮动车法调查,得出交通量及饱和度数据,并预测规划期末的交通量及饱和度,为道路规划设计方案提供技术支持。  相似文献   
针对Passat B5轿车前悬架,开发了双筒滑阀式磁流变液减振器,提出了簧载质量的绝对速度及其与非簧载质量间的相对运动速度估计算法,利用实测悬架参数和磁流变液减振器的非线性阻尼力特性,建立了带磁流变液减振器的半主动悬架模型。沥青路面试验结果表明:相对于被动悬架,采用磁流变液半主动悬架后车辆平顺性改善大于10%。  相似文献   
分析了中环线真北路武宁路立交在上海城市道路网格局中的地位,明确了其功能定位,确定了该立交的建设标准和建设规模,提出了几个立交设计方案并分别进行了评价分析,通过比选确立了建议方案,并对城市立交的建设提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   
详细的分析了引发道路发生冻胀、翻浆的原因,并提出了一些合理的处治方法。  相似文献   
针对北京市海淀区京新沙阳路桥地段遇降雨极易产生积水情况,采用历史降雨和积水资料进行调查分析和流域地形分析,最终分析出积水原因的研究技术路线,并以问题为导向,在尊重和维持原自然排水系统的原则下,制定出积水治理方案。  相似文献   
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