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宁波轨道交通1号线一期工程高架线开展了无声屏障、全封闭声屏障、全封闭声屏障+梯形轨枕和全封闭声屏障+道床垫浮置式整体道床工况下的噪声对比测试试验.在各测量断面处布置7个噪声测点,并得到12.5~20000 Hz频段的噪声声压级与频谱曲线,分析各工况下噪声频谱特性与降噪效果.结果表明:仅采用全封闭声屏时,噪声源强处降噪效果最佳,且降噪效果随水平距离的增大呈衰减趋势;在全封闭声屏障的基础上采用梯形轨枕或道床垫浮置式整体道床后各测点(测点l除外)处降噪效果进一步增大,减振轨道确保了全封闭声屏障的降噪效果;减振轨道能有效减小桥梁结构噪声,但同时也增大了轮轨噪声;全封闭声屏障+道床垫浮置式整体道床的降噪效果优于全封闭声屏障+梯形轨枕.  相似文献   
作者介绍了适合中小型车站Smart 2.0系统的一种可行方案,通过对该系统安全性的分析,该方案具有结构简单、安全可靠、节约投资等特点。  相似文献   
总结2005年全路工务系统在六大干线安全标准线建设、第六次大面积提速线路改造、生产布局调整、安全专项整治等重点工作中取得的成绩,指出存在的问题;安排2006年全路工务重点工作,要以科学发展观统领全局,坚持“线桥结构现代化,施工作业机械化,企业管理科学化”方针,围绕实现铁路跨越式发展的总体目标,深化铁路体制改革和工务修理制度的改革,全面完成各项任务,进一步夯实安全基础,确保工务安全生产的持续稳定和铁路第六次提速的顺利实现。  相似文献   
优化施工控制流程强化施工安全管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贯彻落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会,要求铁路加强安全管理。兰州铁路局在强化施工安全管理方面,通过调查和分析施工安全中存在的主要问题,提出优化施工控制流程、强化施工安全管理的新思路,并在站段开展现场控制与管理的有益尝试。目前,施工质量得到了有效提高,施工安全得到了有效控制,顺应了铁路局直管站段后创新管理模式的需要。  相似文献   
Estimates by the World Health Organization suggest that, on a yearly basis, road crashes kill 1.25 million people—nearly 3400 road fatalities per day—and injure up to 50 million. Traffic injuries are not equally spread over the world, however; some countries are hit harder than others, and the chance of being killed in a road crash depends on where one lives. Almost 90% of all traffic casualties occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Globally, the number of fatalities per 100,000 population (mortality rate) ranges from less than 3 to almost 40. The rate is less than 9 in high-income countries (HIC) but averages around 20 in LMIC, with the African region demonstrating the highest rate (26.6). While road safety trends have been positive in HIC over the last few decades, trends in LMIC are not telling a positive story: road fatalities are expected to increase to almost 2 million road fatalities per year by 2020.The United Nations has adopted several resolutions on road safety and proposes actions to tackle the global road safety crisis. Considering the current level of road safety to be unacceptable, the UN has taken several initiatives. One effort, the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, has generated substantial activity around the world over the last couple of years. Furthermore, it is very encouraging that the UN included road safety in the Sustainable Development Goals that it laid out in September 2015. Road safety is part of the public health agenda and the urban development agenda. Measured in “real actions,” however, the responses so far from the overall global community and individual countries do not suggest that we are already on the right track to bringing down the death toll on roads.The future of road safety is uncertain and definitely not the same for all regions of the world. Countries with a mature road safety approach and an ambition to make further progress are expected to move in the direction of a pro-active approach: a Safe System approach. It is reported that many LMIC, meanwhile, are on the brink of designing road safety strategies and implementing action plans. The international community is willing to support LMIC, but LMIC cannot simply copy successful HIC strategies because local circumstances differ. The principles of successful HIC strategies are applicable, but the priorities and action plans should take root in and align with local conditions.  相似文献   
区域计算机联锁系统实现车站联锁、区间闭塞和调度指挥一体化控制。DS6型区域计算机联锁系统在集二线集贲段研制成功并开通应用。区域计算机联锁功能完善,技术特点明显,适用性强,是今后计算机联锁的发展方向。  相似文献   
移动闭塞信号系统的安全距离计算浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从安全距离的基本概念、计算要求、所需考虑的参数及计算过程等方面,对移动闭塞信号系统的安全距离进行了初步的分析和探讨,得出了移动闭塞信号系统安全距离的一般计算原则和方法。  相似文献   
针对电务专用管理要求,紧密围绕路局扩大再生产的攻关项点和任务目标,稳步推进电务劳动组织和维修体制改革,做到修程修制与劳动组织合理衔接,提出破解安全维修与分散管理的措施。  相似文献   
杨明 《铁道通信信号》2013,49(10):61-64
以目标距离模式ATP系统项目为基础,阐述七阶段法的风险评估应用。结合故障树分析(FTA)和事件树分析(ETA),对目标距离模式ATP系统中的车载ATP控制单元的某个危害进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   
为有效评估典型地铁站台射频天线对乘客电磁暴露的安全性,设计地铁站台无线通信系统吸顶天线和乘客人体模型,利用基于有限元的电磁仿真软件,构建吸顶天线辐射下的地铁站台乘客候车电磁环境模型,研究候车乘客的公众电磁暴露问题。结果表明:天线分别工作在900和2 440 MHz时,人体组织的平均比吸收率最大值分别为4.441×10-7和1.165×10^-6W·kg^-1,电场强度最大值分别为0.139和0.148V·m^-1,平均比吸收率在人体组织内的衰减均大于电场强度的衰减;2 440MHz时的射频电磁能量在颅内的穿透能力小于900MHz时;所有计算值均低于国际非电离辐射委员会制定的公众电磁暴露限值,说明地铁站台射频天线对乘客的电磁暴露不会构成健康威胁。  相似文献   
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