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文章主要对山区高速公路长度较大,且坡度较陡路段的交通事故分析,捋清各种事故的共同特点和诱发因素,从事故状况、路线状况、事故原因分析、交通设施的角度对湖北沪渝高速公路鄂西段提出了安全改造方案,由于运营的原因,现在进行安全改造不太可能采用路线的措施。上面所提到的措施可以同时运用,也可以选用其中一种或几种,都将在一定程度上减少事故次数、降低事故严重程度。在此基础上,为鄂西段高速公路的安全管理提出一些参考建议,为高速公路长大下坡路段的安全设计与风险管控提供有益的指导。  相似文献   
文章利用SLOPE/W模块,基于确定值方法和可靠度理论的极限平衡法.对隆林新洲养护站边坡在不采取支挡措施和采用锚索抗滑桩支挡措施情况下,如何保持边坡稳定性进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of personal and environmental characteristics on severity of injuries sustained in pedestrian–vehicle crashes using a generalized ordered probit model. The data covers 2000–2004 of pedestrian–vehicle crashes taken from police incident reports for Baltimore City and supplemented with local land use, urban form and transportation information specific to the individual crash locations. The results on personal and behavioral variables confirm previous findings. Women pedestrians involved in crashes tend to be injured less frequently than their male counterparts; children have an increased likelihood of sustaining injuries and older persons are more likely to be fatally injured. Pedestrians who cross against the traffic signal, are not in a crosswalk and are involved in a crash after dark are associated with greater injury risk. Of the built environment policy variables of interest, transit access and greater pedestrian connectivity, such as central city areas, are significant and negatively associated with injury severity. These results suggest that the environmental conditions should be given more scrutiny and be an important consideration when evaluating and planning for pedestrian safety.  相似文献   
More and more multiple-track tunnels and super-large section tunnels have been built, and disman- tling of temporary strut is a weak point of the whole structure during force transfer when the secondary lining is con- structed. It is significant to guarantee structure safety during dismantling of temporary strut. Little systematic re- search on safety in dismantling of temporary strut of the super-large section tunnel with double-layer primary support has been conducted, so the internal force and security of the two-layer primary support of the Xinkaotang tunnel were analyzed by a numerical analysis and site measurement, and it proves the effect of two-layer primary support on the safety during strut dismantling. The research results indicate that: (1) with constant support thickness and one-time longitudinal dismantling length, the safety factor of secondary primary support is larger than that of the first primary support, and the safety factor of the first primary support is larger than that of the single-layer primary support. Change range of safety factor for the first primary support is smaller than that of the single-layer primary support, and the safe factor for the single-layer primary support is smaller than that of the secondary primary support; (2) with the same support pattern, the safety factors increase firstly and then decrease with an increase of the onetime dismantling length. The calculated results of various cases show that the reasonable one-time dismantling length for this project is about 9 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
In order to quantitatively evaluate the safety of the surrounding rock of an underground cavern under seis-mic load, a comprehensive evaluation method for the stability of surrounding rock is proposed based on the general safety factor and point safety factor. A calculation method for the general safety factor of a cavern based on the prin-ciple of shear strength reduction of a rock mass is given, the run-through of the plastic zone between the main power-house and main transformer room is presented as a critical criterion for the overall instability of the cavern, and the general safety factor is obtained by searching for the reduction coefficient. A point safety factor calculation method based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is given. The influence of different seismic input parameters on the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions are studied based on an underground power-house cavern of a hydropower station in Southwest China. The results show that the quantitative evaluation method for the stability of the surrounding rock based on the safety factor is feasible and can reflect the general safety de-gree and local safety degree of different positions of the cavern for different working conditions. It is found that the general safety factor of the cavern and the point safety factor of key positions decrease with an increase of the ampli-tude and duration of a seismic wave while they increase with an increase of the incident angle; additionally, the low frequency of a seismic wave has a great influence on the cavern while the high frequency has little effect. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
以某10000kW大功率高压共轨电控柴油机为研究对象,实现柴油机状态参数的在线控制、标定和实时循环采集,并阐述CCP通信应用层协议的应用技巧和开发过程。该系统功能完备且稳定性好,为整机综合电控系统的开发提供通信基础平台,能明显缩短较复杂的大系统研发周期,可广泛应用于工程项目中。  相似文献   
为研究深埋双线铁路隧道衬砌高水压分界值以及高水压作用下的衬砌受力状态,基于双线铁路隧道设计标准,利用有限元软件计算和分析双线铁路隧道衬砌在不同水压作用下隧道衬砌安全系数的变化规律,确定双线铁路隧道衬砌的高水压分界值。研究结果表明:Ⅱ、Ⅲ级围岩条件下水压力在0~0.05 MPa(约等于隧道净高一半)和Ⅳ、Ⅴ级围岩条件下水压力在0~0.1 MPa(约等于隧道净高)范围内变化时,隧道断面安全系数基本不变。在Ⅱ、Ⅲ级围岩条件下,双线隧道的高水压第一分界值为0.08~0.20 MPa;高水压第二分界值可取为0.40MPa。在Ⅳ、Ⅴ级围岩条件下,双线隧道的高水压第一分界值为0.12~0.35 MPa;高水压第二分界值为0.50 MPa。双线铁路隧道采用标准设计图进行设计时,能够承受的最大静水头为50 m,超过50 m的静水头,则需要优化断面。  相似文献   
为有效评估典型地铁站台射频天线对乘客电磁暴露的安全性,设计地铁站台无线通信系统吸顶天线和乘客人体模型,利用基于有限元的电磁仿真软件,构建吸顶天线辐射下的地铁站台乘客候车电磁环境模型,研究候车乘客的公众电磁暴露问题。结果表明:天线分别工作在900和2 440 MHz时,人体组织的平均比吸收率最大值分别为4.441×10-7和1.165×10^-6W·kg^-1,电场强度最大值分别为0.139和0.148V·m^-1,平均比吸收率在人体组织内的衰减均大于电场强度的衰减;2 440MHz时的射频电磁能量在颅内的穿透能力小于900MHz时;所有计算值均低于国际非电离辐射委员会制定的公众电磁暴露限值,说明地铁站台射频天线对乘客的电磁暴露不会构成健康威胁。  相似文献   
陈雷  曹亮 《北方交通》2006,(12):91-94
分析了水上交通安全和宏观因素的关系,指出了进行水上交通安全宏观定量分析的可行性和存在的问题,结合目前宏观水上交通安全分析和评价的研究现状,提出了可行的研究方向。  相似文献   
T460型汽车安全带紧急锁止性能试验台的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李强 《汽车技术》1996,(4):22-28
为快速检验和评价汽车安全带的紧急锁止性能,研制了T460型汽车安全带紧急锁止性能试验台。介绍了该试验台的主要结构设计及工作原理。该试验台采用了微型计算机控制系统、气浮导轨机构以及气动和电动相结合的自动化技术,使得试验台具有自动测试,数据自动采集、存储、处理和曲线自动绘制及打印等多项功能。  相似文献   
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