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吴琼 《华东交通大学学报》2009,26(5):108-113
法律文本翻译时译文应忠实于原文,这是法律翻译者必须遵循的一个基本原则。在语言顺应论关照下,译者翻译法律文本时,需要全面考虑相关因素,然后有意识地采用减译法、增译法和变译法等三种方法进行针对性选择与顺应,以使译文忠实于原文,成功地传达原文的法律效力。 相似文献
王电建 《兰州交通大学学报》2011,(2)
针对中美联合教育项目留学生在美国大学校园生活和学习的适应状况,本研究从多维的角度调查项目学生在学业方面遇到的主要问题及学生的性别、年龄、教育层次、在美时间等因素对学生文化学习适应的影响;调查项目留学生在美大学校园文化生活满意度与其对美国的态度、思乡、文化休克之间的关系,以期为国内大学发展与之相关的出国留学生适应辅助项目提供支持,为留学生出国前的语言培训、学业和心理准备提供帮助。 相似文献
Because individuals may misperceive travel time distributions, using the implied reduced form of the scheduling model might fall short of capturing all costs of travel time variability. We reformulate a general scheduling model employing rank-dependent utility theory and derive two special cases as econometric specifications to study these uncaptured costs. It is found that reduced-form expected cost functions still have a mean–variance form when misperception is considered, but the value of travel time variability is higher. We estimate these two models with stated-preference data and calculate the empirical cost of misperception. We find that: (i) travelers are mostly pessimistic and thus tend to choose departure times too early to achieve a minimum cost, (ii) scheduling preferences elicited using a stated-choice method can be relatively biased if probability weighting is not considered, and (iii) the extra cost of misperceiving the travel time distribution might be nontrivial when time is valued differently over the time of day and is substantial for some people. 相似文献
为探索减轻驾驶员暗适应水平的方法,以不同速率主动降低光照强度,并测试光照强度突变为零后驾驶员辨识前方物体时间。建立室内实验环境;测量以不同速率提前降低光照强度的情况下,外界光照强度突变为零后驾驶员辨识前方物体的时间。根据数理统计原理,解析辨识时间与光照强度变化率之间的关系,分析提前改变光照强度对辨识时间的影响,寻找最短辨识时间及其相应的光照强度变化率。实验数据显示,提前降低光照强度7.0s以上与不降低相比,对驾驶员暗适应的作用显著且趋于稳定,驾驶员辨识前方物体时间最多可以减少61.91%。实验结果表明,提前改变光照强度对于短时间内缓解驾驶员暗适应现象有所帮助。 相似文献
This paper proposes a state-augmented shipping (SAS) network framework to integrate various activities in liner container shipping chain, including container loading/unloading, transshipment, dwelling at visited ports, in-transit waiting and in-sea transport process. Based on the SAS network framework, we develop a chance-constrained optimization model for a joint cargo assignment problem. The model attempts to maximize the carrier’s profit by simultaneously determining optimal ship fleet capacity setting, ship route schedules and cargo allocation scheme. With a few disparities from previous studies, we take into account two differentiated container demands: deterministic contracted basis demand received from large manufacturers and uncertain spot demand collected from the spot market. The economies of scale of ship size are incorporated to examine the scaling effect of ship capacity setting in the cargo assignment problem. Meanwhile, the schedule coordination strategy is introduced to measure the in-transit waiting time and resultant storage cost. Through two numerical studies, it is demonstrated that the proposed chance-constrained joint optimization model can characterize the impact of carrier’s risk preference on decisions of the container cargo assignment. Moreover, considering the scaling effect of large ships can alleviate the concern of cargo overload rejection and consequently help carriers make more promising ship deployment schemes. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the interdependency across two critical infrastructures of transportation and motor fueling supply chains, and investigates how vulnerability to climatic extremes in a fueling infrastructure hampers the resilience of a transportation system. The proposed model features both a bi-stage mathematical program and an extension to an ‘α-reliable mean-excess’ regret model. The former aspect allows decision makers to optimize the pre-disaster asset prepositioning against the maximum post-disaster system resilience. The latter aspect of the proposed model devalues the impact of ‘low-probability, high-cost’ sub-scenarios upon model results. The model reveals the reliance of post-disaster urban mobility on the interdependent critical infrastructure of motor fueling supply chains. The results also suggest how investment in the fueling infrastructure’s vulnerable elements protects urban mobility while the transportation network is stressed or under attack. 相似文献
针对综合运输这个复杂、抽象的巨系统,基于灰色系统理论,对影响其协调运行的因素进行灰色关联分析,弥补采用传统数理统计方法做系统分析时所导致的缺憾。 相似文献
张刚 《辽宁省交通高等专科学校学报》2014,(3):41-44
随着我国参与经济全球化的长足发展,省域内临港经济区内的跨文化交流日益频繁,同时跨文化适应问题也越发突显,并以前所未有的速度影响着港口航运物流企业人员的工作表现。通过采用SPSS软件和Microsoft Excel软件对调查数据进行的统计分析,发现相关企业人员的跨文化适应情况与工作表现呈现正相关关系。通过进一步分析发现影响这些人员的跨文化适应的社会文化和心理因素表现出共性特征。这为临港经济相关专业专业英语教学改革提供了依据。 相似文献