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针对自动驾驶车辆,文章在交叉路口环境下提出了一种改进的快速搜索随机树(RRT*)路径规划算法.首先,对自动驾驶车辆的驾驶行为环境予以描述;其次,针对原始RRT*算法提出改进的目标偏向策略予以改善;进一步,对原始RRT*算法在交叉路口无效采样的问题,提出一种概率采样策略.基于Matlab/Simulink联合仿真平台构建...  相似文献   
Recent empirical studies have found widespread inaccuracies in traffic forecasts despite the fact that travel demand forecasting models have been significantly improved over the past few decades. We suspect that an intrinsic selection bias may exist in the competitive project appraisal process, in addition to the many other factors that contribute to inaccurate traffic forecasts. In this paper, we examine the potential for selection bias in the governmental process of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) transportation project appraisals. Although the simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria is typically used in practice, traffic flow estimate is usually a key criterion in these appraisals. For the purposes of this paper, we focus on the selection bias associated with the highest flow estimate criterion. We develop two approaches to quantify the level and chance of inaccuracy caused by selection bias: the expected value approach and the probability approach. The expected value approach addresses the question “to what extent is inaccuracy caused by selection bias?”. The probability approach addresses the question “what is the chance of inaccuracy due to selection bias?”. The results of this analysis confirm the existence of selection bias when a government uses the highest traffic forecast estimate as the priority criterion for BOT project selection. In addition, we offer some insights into the relationship between the extent/chance of inaccuracy and other related factors. We do not argue that selection bias is the only reason for inaccurate traffic forecasts in BOT projects; however, it does appear that it could be an intrinsic factor worthy of further attention and investigation.  相似文献   
以京福铁路客专(闽赣段)梅树岭隧道为工程背景,针对隧道洞口浅埋偏压段的施工,从方案确定及施工过程中所采取的措施出发,依据施工状况提出具体的处理措施。实践证明,所采取的措施及处理方法保证了隧道洞口的施工安全及施工进度。  相似文献   
简述凤凰岭隧道进口高边坡斜交进洞施工工法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
忻州—阜平高速公路忻州至长城岭段凤凰岭隧道进口段(马家庄村)的进洞方案选择中,成功地解决了高边坡斜交进洞的难点,保证了安全,提前了工期,节约了成本,保护了生态。通过总结各施工难点,形成了本施工工法。  相似文献   
工程项目成本控制是企业生存和发展的血脉系统,是企业通过高质量的生产管理水平提升市场竞争力的根基依赖。本文从项目成本控制的概念模型出发,探究了从工程预算到偏差控制的项目成本控制理念,并且从寻求能够实现工程项目成本控制的实效途径出发,提出了采用阶段性成本控制工作转化来优化成本控制主线的建议。  相似文献   
洞口浅埋偏压隧道塌方处理施工技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对渝湘高速公路平阳隧道出口端洞口浅埋偏压段塌方原因的分析,确定了合理的隧道塌方处理施工技术方案,采用封闭裂缝、适当清方、注浆加固稳定滑塌体、加长明洞回填反压、施工斜井加快稳定段隧道施工的综合治理措施,成功解决了隧道在浅埋、偏压地质条件下的塌方穿越问题。  相似文献   
密集的构造节理,容易在施工中引起掉块、片帮、剥落、坍塌等工程灾害,且容易使隧道初期支护结构处于偏压状态,对支护结构安全性十分不利。从隧道力学的基本理论出发,依据实测围岩压力值,建立荷载一结构模型,对隧道初支内力进行分析,计算其安全系数,评价粉质黏土段施工采用的初支结构的安全性。计算结果表明:构造节理偏压对隧道支护结构受力较为不利,围岩压力呈不对称分布时,初期支护抗拉安全性较差,需根据实际偏压情况适当加强初期支护参数。  相似文献   
A novel magnetic-controlled switcher type fault current limiter (FCL) for high voltage electric network is presented. The current limiting principle of the FCL and the bias current influence on the characteristic of the FCL are discussed. The experiments on the 220 V/50 A test model show that the FCL can limit the fault current swiftly and effectively. Under the normal state, the bias current adjustment can change the FCL voltage loss; under the fault state, the steady fault current can be easily adjusted to the preset level by bias current regulating. The experimental result is in accordance with the principle analysis and the FCL has the advantages of flexible control strategy and simple and reliable structure. Foundation item: the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2005CB221505) and the Research Fund for Doctoral Program of High Education of China (No. 20050248058)  相似文献   
曹俊 《交通标准化》2014,(22):75-78
结合工程实例,介绍了A、B两个近距离相邻深基坑的开挖技术。在A基坑已开挖后,B基坑两侧受坑外水土压力不平衡的状态下,通过采取更换支撑形式、加固夹缝土体等技术措施,结合信息化监测手段,实现基坑的安全开挖及周边环境、管线的安全,为类似工程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
贵广铁路贺街隧道进口位于浅埋偏压地段,前期施工过程中各种地质灾害屡有发生,并且多次发生大型滑塌、初支侵限、结构大变形现象,对施工进度、安全、质量均产生不同程度影响,为山岭隧道浅埋偏压施工困难之典型。本文系统介绍了如何采取措施确保结构稳定性和综合治理措施以及受力转换合理性,实践证明隧道安全施工得以保证。  相似文献   
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