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This paper develops various chance-constrained models for optimizing the probabilistic network design problem (PNDP), where we differentiate the quality of service (QoS) and measure the related network performance under uncertain demand. The upper level problem of PNDP designs continuous/discrete link capacities shared by multi-commodity flows, and the lower level problem differentiates the corresponding QoS for demand satisfaction, to prioritize customers and/or commodities. We consider PNDP variants that have either fixed flows (formulated at the upper level) or recourse flows (at the lower level) according to different applications. We transform each probabilistic model into a mixed-integer program, and derive polynomial-time algorithms for special cases with single-row chance constraints. The paper formulates benchmark stochastic programming models by either enforcing to meet all demand or penalizing unmet demand via a linear penalty function. We compare different models and approaches by testing randomly generated network instances and an instance built on the Sioux–Falls network. Numerical results demonstrate the computational efficacy of the solution approaches and derive managerial insights.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of transit-based emergency evacuation highly depends on the location of pick-up facilities, resource allocation, and management. These facilities themselves are often subject to service disruptions during or after the emergency. This paper proposes a reliable emergency facility location model that determines both pre-emergency facility location planning and the evacuation operations afterwards, while facilities are subject to the risk of disruptions. We analyze how evacuation resource availability leverages individual evacuees’ response to service disruptions, and show how equilibrium of the evacuee arrival process could be reached at a functioning pick-up facility. Based on this equilibrium, an optimal resource allocation strategy is found to balance the tradeoff between the evacuees’ risks and the evacuation agency’s operation costs. This leads to the development of a compact polynomial-size linear integer programming formulation that minimizes the total expected system cost from both pre-emergency planning (e.g., facility set-up) and the evacuation operations (e.g., fleet management, transportation, and exposure to hazardous surroundings) across an exponential number of possible disruption scenarios. We also show how the model can be flexibly used to plan not only pre-disaster evacuation but also post-disaster rescue actions. Numerical experiments and an empirical case study for three coastal cities in the State of Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport, and D’lberville) are conducted to study the performance of the proposed models and to draw managerial insights.  相似文献   
This paper offers an exploratory study of sustainable facility location. The methodology, based on the classical uncapacitated facility location problem, provides decision makers with a multi-objective optimization model to determine the trade-off among economic, service and environmental considerations. Our results indicate that it may be desirable to open more facilities than optimal from a narrow economic perspective to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of transport and to improve service reliability.  相似文献   
进路预告信息通过GPRS网络传递,是CTC与CIR之间传输的重要业务之一,是保障铁路运输安全的重要手段.围绕广深线深圳站进路预告接收异常问题,进行故障定位,判断为因CIR发生小区重选导致短暂脱网丢包,从而影响到深圳站进路预告接收,为此提出调整天线倾角及重选参数的优化方案,为相关铁路单位运维工作提供参考.  相似文献   
Attitudes play an important role in determining individual transit behaviour and the measurement of attitudes is relied on by public transit authorities’ world over. Given their role in behaviour and policy making, the accurate measurement of attitudes is of critical importance. Traditional satisfaction scales are prone to bias and on their own they are only a partial measure of attitudes. Given that satisfaction scales have been used to assist with large scale transport infrastructure investment decisions, to aid policy makers examining reactions to alternative policy changes and reform, and to measure the success of new initiatives, deriving robust satisfaction scales should be of critical importance. This paper introduces a dual version of best–worst scaling as an alternative measure of satisfaction. Best–worst scaling is free of the biases inherent in traditional response scales and is ideal for handling the comparative evaluation of large amount of attributes, particularly those which are inherently qualitative. The paper makes a further innovative contribution by proposing a model structure for the joint estimation of satisfaction and importance. Our model shows a better delineation between the attributes used to measure attitudes towards bus use and a more detailed understanding of the relationship between importance and satisfaction; enabling transport operators to better understand what counts most and assess their performance.  相似文献   
机车车辆动力学研究及发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
机车车辆动力学在最近10年得到迅速发展,考虑车辆—轨道耦合作用的耦合模型得到广泛应用。随着大跨距跨江铁路桥的建设,车和桥的耦合振动会引起接触网的振动,进而影响弓网的耦合振动。因此十分有必要开展接触网—受电弓—机车车辆—线路—桥梁耦合大系统动力学的研究。进行机车车辆动力学性能优化,必须首先确定机车车辆动力学三要素的优先关系,即运行的稳定性—安全性—平稳性,建立以列车为研究对象的模型,同时在模型中考虑机车车辆结构弹性和频变特征悬挂参数以及气流扰动的影响,进而进行灵敏度分析和参数优化。给出考虑频变特性的钢弹簧等效计算方法以及基于循环变量的列车系统动力学建模和计算方法,并验证了计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   
李自信 《中国水运》2006,6(9):85-86
根据中小型水利工程项目分散、投资小、工期短的特点,介绍了当前中小型水利项目施工劳务管理的现状,分析当前中小型水利工程劳务市场建立困难的原因,提出在当前形势下中小型项目施工企业须遵守国家的法律法规,杜绝违法劳务分包,推进劳务市场的建立、成熟和完善。  相似文献   
魏仲斌 《中国水运》2006,6(10):225-226
高校党务工作必须围绕教学这个中心来展开,就是要把为教学服务视为第一责任,把为教学作贡献视为第一选择,把为教学排忧解难视为第一要务。  相似文献   
王文辉  王隆元 《中国水运》2006,6(12):242-243
为了进一步增强和做好学生党建工作,在学生园区内形成良好学习和生活的氛围,我们形成了一支以学生党员为主的骨下力量——学生党员服务队,不仅在日常学习和生活中严格要求自己,而且在引导同学积极上进、加强学生园区文明建设等方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
为了研究航运服务业集聚的生成模式和生成要素,本文在对服务业集聚理论研究的基础上,根据市场和政府对航运服务业集聚的作用,将其生成模式划分为自然生成模式、政府主导型生成模式和混合推动型生成模式,并分别结合伦敦、新加坡和上海三个城市的航运服务业集聚模式的生成要素进行了系统研究。  相似文献   
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