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A planar suspension system (PSS) is a novel automobile suspension system in which an individual spring–damper strut is implemented in both the vertical and longitudinal directions, respectively. The wheels in a vehicle with such a suspension system can move back and forth relative to the chassis. When a PSS vehicle experiences asymmetric road excitations, the relative longitudinal motion of wheels with respect to the chassis in two sides of the same axle are not identical, and thus the two wheels at one axle will not be aligned in the same axis. The total dynamic responses, including those of the bounce, pitch and the roll of the PSS vehicle, to the asymmetric road excitation may exhibit different characteristics from those of a conventional vehicle. This paper presents an investigation into the comprehensive dynamic behaviour of a vehicle with the PSS, in such a road condition, on both the straight and curved roads. The study was carried out using an 18 DOF full-car model incorporating a radial-spring tyre–ground contact model and a 2D tyre–ground dynamic friction model. Results demonstrate that the total dynamic behaviour of a PSS vehicle is generally comparable with that of the conventional vehicle, while PSS exhibits significant improvement in absorbing the impact forces along the longitudinal direction when compared to the conventional suspension system. The PSS vehicle is found to be more stable than the conventional vehicle in terms of the directional performance against the disturbance of the road potholes on a straight line manoeuvre, while exhibiting a very similar handling performance on a curved line.  相似文献   

Electric Vehicles (EVs) motors develop high torque at low speeds, resulting in a high rate of acceleration with the added advantage of being fitted with smaller gearboxes. However, a rapid rise of torque in EVs fitted with central drive powertrains can create undesired torsional oscillations, which are influenced by wheel slip and flexibility in the halfshaft. These torsional oscillations in the halfshaft lead to longitudinal oscillations in the vehicle, thus creating problems with regard to comfort and drivability. The significance of using wheel slip in addition to halfshaft torsion for design of anti-jerk controllers for EVs has already been highlighted in our previous research. In this research, we have designed a look-ahead model predictive controller (LA-MPC) that calculates the required motor torque demand to meet the dual objectives of increased traction and anti-jerk control. The designed LA-MPC will improve drivability and energy consumption in connected EVs. The real-time capability of the LA-MPC has been demonstrated through hardware-in-the-loop experiments. The performance of the LA-MPC has been compared to other controllers presented in the literature. A validated high-fidelity longitudinal-dynamics model of the Rav4EV, which is the test vehicle of our research has been used to evaluate the controller.  相似文献   

The effect of centre-of-gravity heights on the high-speed performance measures of long combination vehicles including truck with double centre-axle trailers, Nordic, and A-double combination vehicles is investigated. The high fidelity three-dimensional models, used in this research, are validated against physical test data. These models are often accurate in terms of the actual dynamic behaviours of the vehicle. On the other hand, the simple yaw-plane single-track models with linear tires require less number of vehicle parameters. In this paper, it is investigated how accurate the estimations of performance measures are at high forward speeds by such single-track linear (STL) models. The influence of load height is especially studied. The high-speed performance-based standard or PBS measures considered are rearward amplifications of both lateral acceleration and yaw velocity; lateral load transfer; yaw damping and high-speed transient offtracking. The results show that tire relaxation has a large effect and it is rather easy to add to an STL model, so it is assumed to be modelled in STL. With realistically high payload and a required accuracy of PBS measures of approximately 10%, only the accuracy of rearward amplification of yaw velocity calculated by the frequency response is fulfilled by the STL. With low payload, the same statement is valid, but with around 5% in required accuracy. The roll dynamics effects are more important than the tire non-linearities.  相似文献   
象山港大桥建设对湾内潮流特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用潮流数学模型,分析象山港大桥工程建设前后象山港内的潮流特性和工程建设对桥区潮流变化的影响。计算结果表明,大桥建设前后港内纳潮量基本不变,湾内高潮位略有下降,桥位区流速有所增加,港湾内整体流速有所减小,但改变幅度的相对值均不超过5%。除局部地区外,工程建设对湾内的潮流特征影响较小。  相似文献   
针对列车运行控制系统的质量安全测评工作,一般采用基于质量成本的评估方法。目前,已有的质量成本评估方法主要关注点在于追求降低测试质量成本,却忽略了项目对时效性的需求。引入时效维度,建立基于时效因子的测试质量成本评估模型,并应用于城市轨道交通列车运行控制系统的测试过程评估。利用自适应遗传算法寻找到的最优解表明,在满足时效性的条件下,可有效地改善现有的测试质量成本,为测试过程的评估提供了更好的参考。  相似文献   
通过对城市轨道交通钢轨扣件中60Si2Mn弹条在现场实际使用过程中发生断裂现象的理论定性和有限元定量分析研究,确定了影响弹条断裂的原因。通过研究60Si2Mn弹条在钢轨扣件中的受力情况可知,其最大等效应力集中点与弹条现场使用实际破坏点相吻合,这是弹条断裂的主要原因之一,而弹条长期处于强度极限条件下工作,最终发生疲劳破坏,为弹条断裂的根本原因。经过现场对比试验,提出了相应的优化措施和60Si2Mn弹条在设计和维修养护过程中应把控的关键点。  相似文献   
铁路交通中基于通信的无线定位问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
熊磊  朱刚  谈振辉 《铁道学报》2004,26(1):73-76
简要阐述无线定位的基本原理和在铁路交通中的具体应用和发展趋势 ,对定位误差进行了分析 ,并结合铁路交通定位的特殊性 ,提出适合铁路交通的单、双基站定位方案 ,在定位精度和抗NLOS等方面对各方案进行比较分析。提出建立自适应列车运动轨迹预测模型 ,并对如何提高定位精度进行了分析。  相似文献   
车桥系统气动特性的节段模型风洞试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
侧向风作用下的车桥耦合振动分析需要考虑相互气动影响的车辆和桥梁各自的气动参数。为考虑车辆和桥梁的相互气动影响,在常规桥梁节段模型三分力测试装置的基础上研制了一种三分力分离装置———交叉滑槽系统。该系统利用环形滑槽和直线滑槽交叉点位置的变化来调整车辆和桥梁间的相对几何关系,并能实现车桥系统的同轴转动,从而方便地进行不同攻角情况下气动力的测试。利用交叉滑槽系统通过节段模型风洞试验对车桥系统的气动特性进行了多工况对比研究,讨论了车桥系统的雷诺数效应,分析了车桥间的相互气动作用,比较了车辆在桥上位置的影响。试验结果表明,基于交叉滑槽系统的节段模型风洞试验测试是可行的;车桥间的相互气动作用对车辆和桥梁的气动力有较明显的影响。  相似文献   
集中化调车作业研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高四维  高雅 《铁道学报》2004,26(6):8-13
在分析自动化指挥系统与作业组织方式相互关系的基础上,以提高整体调车效率为目标,提出集中运用调车设备、进行整批次高深度选编、使多元性选编目标综合达成的集中化调车作业新模式;在研究集中化调车作业与分散化调车作业取向差异的基础上,明确了集中化调车作业的采用条件,指出盲目分散化作业的主要表现;论证集中化选编模型的有效性及推行集中化调车作业的必要性;在实现自动化指挥的条件下,就如何采用集中化作业组织方式提出了具体建议。  相似文献   
高速铁路综合调度系统体系结构的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用计算机最新发展技术,结合高速铁路运输特点,从系统的角度提出基于三层C S体系结构的高速铁路综合调度系统结构模型和体系结构,采用消息中间件技术,构成高速铁路综合调度系统的关键业务平台,实现系统各主要业务的集成,充分利用既有信息系统的成功经验及软件复用技术,构成一个完整、统一、标准的高速铁路综合调度系统。依据本研究结果所设计的高速铁路综合调度系统仿真试验系统已经建成。  相似文献   
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