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In this paper, we explore the diurnal dynamics of joint activity participation in a small city in Pennsylvania, USA, using behavioral data and an inventory of business establishments. We account for the variation caused by the collective impact of social, temporal and spatial choices of individuals to produce predicted space–time visualizations of activity participation. The focus is on how social contexts of an activity impact the temporal and spatial decisions regarding the activity locations and how this impact varies depending on activity types. A comparison across activity types and social interaction types is made among spatial patterns during a day. The CentreSIM dataset, which is a household-based activity diary survey collected in Centre County (Pennsylvania, USA) in 2003, provides very detailed social interaction information enabling the analysis of social, spatial and temporal aspects of activity participation. In this paper we use this information to develop a spatio-temporal interpolation method and demonstration based on kriging. In this way, we extract the dynamic social taxonomy of places from the behavioral information in the dataset and suggest how urban and transportation models can be informed from the dynamics of places by observing “what is taking place” (activities being pursued in the context of this paper) combined with “what exists” (business establishments) or “what is available” (businesses that are open). The method here can also be used to improve the design of urban environments (e.g., filling gaps in desired activity locations), manage specific places (e.g., extending the opening and closing times of businesses), study transportation policies that are sensitive to time of day (e.g., pricing of parking to discourage crowding and traffic congestion), and modeling of spatio-temporal decisions of social activities in travel demand models (e.g., to guide the development of model specification and representation of the space in which behavioral models are applied).  相似文献   
Recently, policy makers’ expectations about the role of electric cars in reducing emissions have risen substantially. In parallel, academic research on purchase intentions has dramatically increased. Originally, most studies have focused on utility attributes and price. More recently, several hybrid choice models have been estimated to include the impact of attitudes on choice probabilities. In addition, a few studies have caught the attention to social influence. In contributing to this line of research, this paper reports the results of an expanded hybrid choice, which simultaneously estimated all these different effects in a single integrated model of purchase intention. Results indicate that the model performs well. Costs considerations contribute most to the utility of electric cars. Social influence is less important, but there is also evidence that people tend to take it into consideration when there are positive public opinions about electric cars and the market share becomes almost half of friends of their social network. The intention to purchase an electric car is also influenced by attitudes about environmental concerns and technology acceptance.  相似文献   
The social dimension of activity–travel behavior has recently received much research attention. This paper aims to make a contribution to this growing literature by investigating individuals’ engagements in joint activities and activity companion choices. Using activity–travel diary data collected in Hong Kong in 2010, this study examines the impact of social network attributes on the decisions between solo and joint activities, and for joint activities, the choices of companions. Chi-square difference tests are used to assess the importance of social network variables in explaining joint activity behavior. We find that the inclusion of social network attributes significantly improves the goodness-of-fit of the model with only socioeconomic variables. Specifically, individuals receiving emotional support and social companionship from family members/relatives are found to more likely undertake joint activities with their family members/relatives; the size of personal social networks is found to be a significant determinant of companion choices for joint activities; and activity companions are found to be significant determinants of travel companions. The findings of this study improve the understanding about activity–travel, especially joint activity–travel decisions.  相似文献   
The evacuation operations problem aims to avoid or mitigate the potential loss of life in a region threatened or affected by a disaster. It is shaped to a large extent by the evolution of evacuation traffic resulting from the demand–supply interactions of the associated transportation network. Information-based control is a strategic tool for evacuation traffic operations as it can enable greater access to the affected population and more effective response. However, comparatively few studies have focused on the implementation of information-based control in evacuation operations. This study develops a control module for evacuation operations centered on addressing the demand–supply interactions by using behavior-consistent information strategies. These strategies incorporate the likely responses of evacuees to the information provided in the determination of route guidance information. The control module works as an iterative computational process involving an evacuee route choice model and a control model of information strategies to determine the route guidance information to direct evacuation traffic so as to approach a desired network traffic flow pattern. The problem is formulated as a fuzzy logic based optimization framework to explicitly incorporate practical concerns related to information dissemination characteristics and social equity in evacuation operations. Numerical experiments highlight the importance of accounting for the demand–supply interactions, as the use of behavior-consistent information strategies can lead evacuee route choices to approach the operator-desired proportions corresponding to the desired traffic pattern. The results also indicate that while a behavior-consistent information strategy can be effective, gaps with the desired route proportions can exist due to the discrete nature of the linguistic messages and the real-world difficulty in accurately modeling evacuees’ actual route choice behavior.  相似文献   
Despite considerable interest in the role of social interactions and social context on transportation, there have been very few attempts to explore specific cases of social interaction influencing transportation systems. This paper explores the social practice of slugging, an informal system of carpooling in the Washington, DC area. Slugging emerged in response to the establishment of Virginia’s High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes in the early 1970s, as single drivers picked up riders alongside the road (slugs) in order to meet the requirements for driving in the less congested HOV lanes. Drawing on the work of sociologist Anthony Giddens, as well as the sociological insights of Georg Simmel and Stanley Milgram, we suggest that the practice of slugging highlights the processes of institutionalization and structuration. This paper details how the region’s mass transportation policies and urban culture have combined to result in an institutionalized practice with particular norms and logics of behavior. We conclude that looking at specific cases where social context has affected transportation, like slugging, could provide useful insights on the impact of social context on transportation policies and systems.  相似文献   
On the grounds that individuals heavily rely on the information that they receive from their peers when evaluating adoption of a radical innovation, this paper proposes a new approach to forecast long-term adoption of connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs). The concept of resistance is employed to explain why individuals typically tend to defer the adoption of an innovation. We assume that there exists a social network among individuals through which they communicate based on certain frequencies. In addition, individuals can be subject to media advertisement based on certain frequencies. An individual’s perceptions are dynamic and change over time as the individual is exposed to advertisement and communicates with satisfied and dissatisfied adopters. We also explicitly allow willingness-to-pay (WTP) to change as a result of peer-to-peer communication. An individual decides to adopt when (i) there is a need for a new vehicles; (ii) his/her WTP is greater than CAV price; and (iii) his/her overall impression about CAVs reaches a cutoff value. Applicability of the proposed approach is shown using a survey of employees of the University of Memphis. Our results show that the automobile fleet will be near homogenous in about 2050 only if CAV prices decrease at an annual rate of 15% or 20%. We find that a 6-month pre-introduction marketing campaign may have no significant impact on adoption trend. Marketing is shown to ignite CAV diffusion but its effect is capped. CAV market share will be close to 100% only if all adopters are satisfied with their purchases; therefore, the probability that an individual becomes a satisfied adopter plays an important role in the trend of adoption. The effect of the latter probability is more pronounced as time goes by and is also more prominent when CAV price reduces at greater rates. Some caveats may be inserted when considering the study results as the findings are subject to sample bias and data limitations.  相似文献   
This paper examines the time-use patterns of adults in dual-earner households with and without children as a function of several individual and household socio-demographics and employment characteristics. A disaggregate activity purpose classification including both in-home and out-of-home activity pursuits is used because of the travel demand relevance of out-of-home pursuits, as well as to examine both mobility-related and general time-use related social exclusion and time poverty issues. The study uses the Nested Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value (MDCNEV) model, which recognizes that time-decisions entail the choice of participating in one or more activity purposes along with the amount of time to invest in each chosen activity purpose, and allows generic correlation structures to account for common unobserved factors that might impact the choice of multiple alternatives. The 2010 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data is used for the empirical analysis. A major finding of the study is that the presence of a child in dual-earner households not only leads to a reduction in in-home non-work activity participation (excluding child care activities) but also a substantially larger decrease in out-of-home non-work activity participation (excluding child care and shopping activities), suggesting a higher level of mobility-related social exclusion relative to overall time-use social exclusion. To summarize, the results in the paper underscore the importance of considering household structure in activity-based travel demand models, as well as re-designing work policies in the United States to facilitate a reduction in work-family conflict in dual-earner families.  相似文献   
Significant effects of traffic congestion include the cost associated with extra travel time, fuel consumption, and gas emissions. This paper develops a mathematical function to quantify the monetary impact of transition designs between signal timing plans on users and the environment. This function offers an approach to reduce problems such as excessive travel time, pollution emissions and fuel consumption. The proposed social cost function is evaluated for various transition plans to assess the impact of the number of steps required to adjust signal timing. The relationships between delay, fuel consumption and gas emissions and the number of steps needed to achieve the transition are also analysed.  相似文献   
Understanding how destination choice and business clusters are connected is of great importance for designing sustainable cities, fostering flourishing business clusters, and building livable communities. As sharing locations and activities on social media platforms becomes increasingly popular, such data can reveal destination choice and activity space which can shed light on human-environment relationships. To this end, this research models the relationship between characteristics of business clusters and check-in activities from Los Angeles County, California. Business clusters are analyzed via two lenses: the supply side (employment data by industry) and the demand side (on-line check-in data). Spatial and statistical analyses are performed to understand how land use and transportation network features affect the popularity of the identified clusters and their relationships. Our results suggest that a cluster with more employment opportunities and more types of employment is associated with more check-ins. A business cluster that has access to parks or recreational services is also more popular. A business cluster with a longer road network and better connectivity of roads is associated with more check-ins. The visualization of the common visitors between clusters reveals that there are a few clusters with outstanding strong ties, while most have modest ties with each other. Our findings have implications on the influence of urban design on the popularity of business clusters.  相似文献   
This study explores the possibility of employing social media data to infer the longitudinal travel behavior. The geo-tagged social media data show some unique features including location-aggregated features, distance-separated features, and Gaussian distributed features. Compared to conventional household travel survey, social media data is less expensive, easier to obtain and the most importantly can monitor the individual’s longitudinal travel behavior features over a much longer observation period. This paper proposes a sequential model-based clustering method to group the high-resolution Twitter locations and extract the Twitter displacements. Further, this study details the unique features of displacements extracted from Twitter including the demographics of Twitter user, as well as the advantages and limitations. The results are even compared with those from traditional household travel survey, showing promises in using displacement distribution, length, duration and start time to infer individual’s travel behavior. On this basis, one can also see the potential of employing social media to infer longitudinal travel behavior, as well as a large quantity of short-distance Twitter displacements. The results will supplement the traditional travel survey and support travel behavior modeling in a metropolitan area.  相似文献   
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