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用小波变换提取车型特征实现车型分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
车辆通过环形线圈检测器时 ,车体物质与环形线圈相互作用改变了线圈的谐振频率 ,从而形成频率变化曲线。作者采用小波变换方法从频率变化曲线提取车型特征可以实现对车辆的自动分类。分类效果比较理想  相似文献   
微机控制超声波自动探伤机是取代传统的手工探伤,由人控转变为机控,实现铁道车辆检修现代化的 重要手段。针对目前微机控制超声波自动探伤机在使用过程中出现的技术性能、设备质量、执行工艺等方面的 问题进行了分析,提出了改进措施和建议。  相似文献   
为了获得全路网的实时动态交通流量信息,需要选择合适路段来配置交通检测器,并由安装检测器的路口来预测未安装检测器路口的交通量.文中根据城市路网中路段交通流量的相关性,运用基于数据融合的统计分析技术--聚类分析方法和逐步回归方法,对城市道路交通检测器优化配置的方法进行了研究.实例分析证实,这为检测器空间优化配置提供了一种简单可行的方法,并为交通数据采集的科学性、实用性提供了保证.  相似文献   
为了实现对FPSO系泊钢缆的有效检测,研发适合水下环境的漏磁检测仪,应用ANSOFT软件对检测仪磁路部分进行有限元仿真计算,确定了磁路部分的结构,分析各主要参数对磁化效果的影响并优化设计。试验结果证明,设计的磁路满足检测仪使用要求。  相似文献   
为了清除附着在管道内壁上的铁磁性腐蚀产物,防止其在漏磁检测的过程中吸附到检测器上影响检测结果的精度,开发了直板钢刷清管器和磁力钢刷清管器。结果表明:清管器携带的钢刷能对管道内壁实现有效的打磨,对内壁上的腐蚀产物有较好的清理作用,磁力钢刷清管器具有打磨作用的同时还具有磁性,能有效地吸附铁磁性杂质,并能将其带出管外,清管效果更好。分析2种清管器的应用结果,制定了更优的清管工艺过程,其清管效果在检测工作中进行验证。  相似文献   
曹武安 《北方交通》2012,(10):45-47
就地热再生配合比设计是个复杂的过程,既要考滤采样的代表性,又要考滤RAP、新添料及再生剂的影响。通过对配合比设计过程中要注意的问题进行探讨,为以后热再生配合比设计积累经验。  相似文献   
姜蕊 《交通标准化》2010,(21):14-18
智能交通系统(ITS)是公认的缓解城市拥堵的有效手段之一,交通检测器为ITS提供交通基础数据支持。在城市路网中合理布设交通检测器是保证交通数据准确、有效的前提。以交通检测器效用最大和布设检测器费用最少为目标,构建交通检测器优化布局模型,并通过算例加以说明,为此类研究提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) was used for extraction of effective components of sarcandra glabra (Thunb.), and then chromatographic fingerprint of sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) was studied by high performance liquid chromatography/diode array detector (HPLC/DAD). The conditions of MAE were optimized by an orthogonal experiment, and then the authentication and validation of the chromatographic fingerprint were conducted. Nine peaks were identified as common peaks in the fingerprint chromatograms, and isofraxidin was considered as a reference compound and quantified. Relative standard deviations of retention time and peak area of each component were less than 3% and 8%, respectively. Similarity and difference analysis were conducted by use of PCA and relation coefficient. Twenty batches of sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) samples from two different producing areas could be classified into two different groups in the PCA model. The results showed that MAE-HPLC/DAD method was simple, efficient and stable for the study of complex chromatographic fingerprint of sarcandra glabra (Thunb.), which could provide more reliable and precise information for quality evaluation.  相似文献   
通过环形线圈检测器采集的数据,不仅具有时间序列的特性,而且与其所处的空间位置有很大的关系。文中论述了线圈检测器数据产生的原理,并提出了相应的预处理算法。针对交通数据管理现状和数据挖掘需要,借鉴了空间多维数据模型以建立交通流数据仓库。  相似文献   
Travel time estimation and its variation for urban expressways are vital to both the information provision to road users, and the system evaluation and management for traffic administrators. Fruitful research efforts have been made to develop methodologies of reconstructing spatiotemporal traffic states mainly for freeways based on one or multiple data sources. However, few studies specifically focused on urban expressways. There are more intensive merging and diverging traffic due to short distances between ramps, for example, 300–500 m. Based on the empirical analysis of traffic data collected on a typical segment of a congested urban expressway, this study proposes an extended generalized filter algorithm for the urban expressway traffic state estimation based on heterogeneous data. More specifically, the multiple sources of data include both fixed sensor data (e.g., inductive loops or radar data) and global positioning system (GPS) probe vehicle data. This study compares the proposed algorithm and the traditional algorithm for freeways using data collected on the segment of expressway in Beijing, China. Results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method, as well as its feasibility and effectiveness.  相似文献   
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