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借助GIS平台,对公交线网进行编码,并利用ArcGis的缓冲和叠加分析工具,建立公交站点和地铁站点的空间对应关系。根据调查得到的公交线路站间OD矩阵,利用地铁意向调查标定的参数结果,得到公交客流转移到地铁的比例。基于GIS平台构建的地铁客流预测模型,可以有效地提高建模速度,并能对公交线路调整进行快速反应。  相似文献   
Choice of parking: Stated preference approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over recent years, parking policy has become a key element of transport policy in many countries. Parking policy measures can affect many different dimensions of travel behaviour but are likely to be most significant in terms of travellers' choice of parking type and location. This dimension of travel choice has, to date, received comparatively little attention, yet is of vital importance if we are to properly understand and predict the effects of parking policy measures.This paper presents two studies addressing this issue carried out in the United Kingdom and Germany. Both studies used a stated preference approach in order to collect disaggregate data on travellers responses to changes in parking attributes and used these data to build simple logit models of parking type choice. The studies were designed in order to allow comparable choice models to be estimated from the two datasets. The results obtained strongly indicate the need to separately identify the costs associated with different components of the parking activity (e.g., general in-vehicle time, parking search time, egress time) and also point to the existence of significant differences in the relative valuation of these components across different journey purposes. Where possible, the results of the choice modelling exercises are also compared with existing revealed and stated preference results and are found to be generally in line with prior expectations.  相似文献   
Discrete choice experiments are conducted in the transport field to obtain data for investigating travel behaviour and derived measures such as the value of travel time savings. The multinomial logit (MNL) and other more advanced discrete choice models (e.g., the mixed MNL model) have often been estimated on data from stated choice experiments and applied for planning and policy purposes. Determining efficient underlying experimental designs for these studies has become an increasingly important stream of research, in which the objective is to generate stated choice tasks that maximize the collected information, yielding more reliable parameter estimates. These theoretical advances have not been rigorously tested in practice, such that claims on whether the theoretical efficiency gains translate into practice cannot be made. Using an extensive empirical study of air travel choice behaviour, this paper presents for the first time results of different stated choice experimental design approaches, in which respective estimation results are compared. We show that D-efficient designs keep their promise in lowering standard errors in estimating, thereby requiring smaller sample sizes, ceteris paribus, compared to a more traditional orthogonal design. The parameter estimates found using an orthogonal design or an efficient design turn out to be statistically different in several cases, mainly attributed to more or less dominant alternatives existing in the orthogonal design. Furthermore, we found that small designs with a limited number of choice tasks performs just as good (or even better) than a large design. Finally, we show that theoretically predicted sample sizes using the so-called S-estimates provide a good lower bound. This paper will enable practitioners in better understanding the potential benefits of efficient designs, and enables policy makers to make decisions based on more reliable parameter estimates.  相似文献   
The increase of urban traffic congestion calls for studying alternative measures for mobility management, and one of these measures is carpooling. In theory, these systems could lead to great reductions in the use of private vehicles; however, in practice they have obtained limited success for two main reasons: the psychological barriers associated with riding with strangers and poor schedule flexibility. To overcome some of the limitations of the traditional schemes, we proposed studying a carpooling club model with two main new features: establishing a base trust level for carpoolers to find compatible matches for traditional groups and at the same time allowing to search for a ride in an alternative group when the pool member has a trip schedule different from the usual one. A web-based survey was developed for the Lisbon Metropolitan Region (Portugal), including a Stated Preference experiment, to test the concept and confirm previous knowledge on these systems’ determinants. It was found through a binary logit Discrete Choice Model calibration that carpooling is still attached with lower income strata and that saving money is still an important reason for participating in it. The club itself does not show promise introducing more flexibility in these systems; however, it should provide a way for persons to interact and trust each other at least to the level of working colleagues.  相似文献   
城市公共交通乘客出行成本的量化研究,对于科学合理地评价公共交通系统的社会效益意义重大,而出行时间价值是进行乘客出行成本估计的一个重要环节. 本文以北京市市区居民SP调查数据为依托,通过分析公共交通出行时间价值的影响因素,选取Logit模型为基础模型,引入“出行者收入”作为模型新增变量,并针对工作商务、社会娱乐两种出行目的在不同换乘情况下出行时间价值模型进行参数标定,建立了基于SP调查数据的改进型时间价值求解模型,并计算得到北京市公共交通出行者在不同出行目的和有无换乘情况下的换乘时间价值、候车时间价值以及运行时间价值. 研究发现,工作商务出行目的出行时间价值普遍高于社会娱乐的出行时间价值,出行者在不同出行目的和有无换乘情况下的候车时间价值,大于换乘时间价值以及运行时间价值,并且有换乘情况下的候车时间价值大于无换乘情况下的候车时间价值.  相似文献   
联合火力打击方案的选取需要综合考虑各方面的因素,TOPSIS法可以通过计算,对于各个作战方案进行优选和排序,为联合火力打击作战指挥员选择方案、定下作战决心提供理论支持。  相似文献   
为更好地指导投资者,从行为金融学的角度,通过对投资者的风险规避效用曲线、期望效用、投资净现值和投资机会成本的分析,探讨了投资者风险态度的界定、阶段性投资工具配置、投资决策中机会成本的把握和投资期权的运用等影响投资者风险投资行为选择的因素.研究表明:投资者的风险偏好直接影响其对风险性收益的追求,并反映了投资者承受风险的心理临界;随着风险企业的发展,投资者以股权、债权的投资分别有减少、增加的趋势;在风险企业(项目)单位产出价格不变的前提下,投资者保持还是行使期权执行权力,取决于投资机会成本与净投资收益比较的高低;反之,投资等待还是加大投资的趋向将随单位产出价格的降低或提高而增强.  相似文献   
出行成本是出行者在选择出行方式时的重要考虑因素。随着我国高速公路网和收费政策的逐步完善,自驾已成为出行者考虑选择的主要出行方式。为研究节日里选择小汽车出行的用户特征及影响因素,通过意向调查的方式对小汽车出行者的偏好进行调查。应用二项Logit模型建模分析,结果显示个人属性、出行属性以及出行环境等都在不同程度上影响出行者的节日出行选择行为,其中小汽车拥有状况、驾龄、旅行时间、出行者在以往节日里选择的出行方式、通行费、线路熟悉程度等对节日出行行为影响较为显著,该研究成果在交通预测、交通管控等方面具有指导性作用。  相似文献   
为更好地反映不同决策者对电子收费系统(ETC)评价的偏好,从政府、运营者和付费者三个主要利益主体的角度对ETC系统的评价指标及评价方法进行了研究。根据评价指标体系筛选原则,确定了基于决策偏好的ETC系统评价指标体系;通过综合分析成本-效益法(CBA)和数据包络分析法(DEA)的各自特点,依据基于决策偏好所确定的评价指标,同时引入当前一些比较好的算法来优化CBA,DEA和AHP法,建立数学模型,从而确立了基于决策偏好的综合评价方法。该方法较为全面地对ETC系统社会经济影响进行评价,所建立的指标体系和方法能更直观、更可靠地反映出决策者的决策偏好。  相似文献   
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