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联合火力打击方案的选取需要综合考虑各方面的因素,TOPSIS法可以通过计算,对于各个作战方案进行优选和排序,为联合火力打击作战指挥员选择方案、定下作战决心提供理论支持。  相似文献   
为更好地指导投资者,从行为金融学的角度,通过对投资者的风险规避效用曲线、期望效用、投资净现值和投资机会成本的分析,探讨了投资者风险态度的界定、阶段性投资工具配置、投资决策中机会成本的把握和投资期权的运用等影响投资者风险投资行为选择的因素.研究表明:投资者的风险偏好直接影响其对风险性收益的追求,并反映了投资者承受风险的心理临界;随着风险企业的发展,投资者以股权、债权的投资分别有减少、增加的趋势;在风险企业(项目)单位产出价格不变的前提下,投资者保持还是行使期权执行权力,取决于投资机会成本与净投资收益比较的高低;反之,投资等待还是加大投资的趋向将随单位产出价格的降低或提高而增强.  相似文献   
在市场规模不确定的条件下,以最大化销售商利润为目标,综合考虑消费者时间偏好及策略型行为,构建无预售、仅预售和两阶段预售策略的定价和订货模型,得出相应的最优预售价格和订货量。此外,对无预售与2种预售策略展开对比研究,探讨预售策略实施的条件,通过数值算例分析系统参数对预售最优决策及利润的影响。研究结果表明:两阶段预售策略下最优预售价格低于现售价格,给现售阶段的最优订货量不超过无预售策略;两阶段预售策略总是优于无预售策略;当且仅当预售时长小于某一临界值时,仅预售策略才会优于无预售策略;两种预售策略的优劣取决于销售商能否有效地根据产品现售价格和采购成本设置合理的预售时长。  相似文献   
A common way to determine values of travel time and schedule delay is to estimate departure time choice models, using stated preference (SP) or revealed preference (RP) data. The latter are used less frequently, mainly because of the difficulties to collect the data required for the model estimation. One main requirement is knowledge of the (expected) travel times for both chosen and unchosen departure time alternatives. As the availability of such data is limited, most RP-based scheduling models only take into account travel times on trip segments rather than door-to-door travel times, or use very rough measures of door-to-door travel times. We show that ignoring the temporal and spatial variation of travel times, and, in particular, the correlation of travel times across links may lead to biased estimates of the value of time (VOT). To approximate door-to-door travel times for which no complete measurement is possible, we develop a method that relates travel times on links with continuous speed measurements to travel times on links where relatively infrequent GPS-based speed measurements are available. We use geographically weighted regression to estimate the location-specific relation between the speeds on these two types of links, which is then used for travel time prediction at different locations, days, and times of the day. This method is not only useful for the approximation of door-to-door travel times in departure time choice models, but is generally relevant for predicting travel times in situations where continuous speed measurements can be enriched with GPS data.  相似文献   
It is commonly accepted that the modal choice of a shipper is influenced not only by the pure economic attributes of transportation – time and cost – but also by more qualitative factors. These quality attributes relate to frequency, reliability, flexibility, transport duration and risk of loss or damage; they are usually difficult to quantify in monetary terms. Different techniques exist that help to understand better how these different quality attributes of freight transportation influence modal choice. In this paper we apply a stated preference design. Using real business data, the aim is then to derive partial utility functions that allow us to calculate monetary values for these different quality attributes.  相似文献   
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) can provide many of the benefits of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), such as reduced petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, without the “range anxiety” that can accompany driving a vehicle with limited range when there are few charging opportunities. However, evidence indicates that PHEVs are often plugged in more frequently than BEVs in practice. This is somewhat paradoxical: drivers for whom plugging in is optional tend to do so more frequently than those for whom it is necessary. This has led to the coining of a new term – “gas anxiety” – to describe the apparent desire of PHEV drivers to avoid using gasoline. In this paper, we analyze the variables influencing the charging choices of PHEV owners, testing whether drivers express preferences consistent with the concept of gas anxiety. We analyze data collected in a web-based stated preference survey using a latent class logit model. The results reveal two classes of decision-making patterns among the survey respondents: (1) those who weight the cost of gasoline and the cost of recharging approximately equally (the cost-minimizing class), and (2) those who weight the cost gasoline more heavily than the cost of recharging (the gas anxiety class). Respondents in the gas anxiety class expressed a willingness to recharge at a charging station even when doing so would cost approximately four times as much as the cost of the gasoline avoided. While the gas anxiety class represents the majority of our sample, more recent PHEV adopters are more likely to be in the cost-minimizing class. Looking forward, this suggests that public charging station operators may need to price charging competitively with gasoline on a per-mile basis to attract PHEV owners.  相似文献   
基于Nested-Logit模型的国际集装箱运输链选择行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内陆腹地至沿海港口间的国际集装箱公路、铁路运输链为研究对象,在市场调查的基础上,选取港口航线密度、通关便利度、运输时间、运输费用、可靠性作为托运人运输链效用函数的变量,建立Nested-Logit模型。运用义乌市国际集装箱托运人的RP/SP调查数据,标定模型参数,分析托运人的运输链选择偏好,估算各条运输链选择概率的运输时间、运输费用、可靠性的弹性及其边际替代率,并据此提出发展海铁联运的对策建议。研究表明,开通义乌与港口之间的集装箱五定班列并辅以优惠的价格政策,可大幅提升铁路在国际集装箱运输链中的竞争力。  相似文献   
对于缅甸的仰光市而言,鉴于其新的快速轨道交通系统对于缓解城市现在以及将来的交通压力方面的作用,本文将依据SP调查数据对其居民出行方式选择行为进行研究.与发达国家相比,由于发展中国家诸如收入等社会经济环境因素变化相对较快,这就要求我们无论在调查方法还是模型构造上都要反映出这种交通行为决定因素的影响.因此,此次SP调查首先在设计上就反映出了将来的收入以及其他服务水平属性变化的影响;同时,也相应地进行了RP调查.接下来,要对一个RP/SP相结合的交通方式选择模型进行标定;在这个模型中,出行时间和费用的参数被分别定义为将来收入的函数.此次SP(以及RP)调查选在仰光市的一个住宅区进行,时间是2003年3月.调查结果显示,与其他交通方式相比较,被调查的人对新的快速轨道交通系统显示出了极大的偏爱.利用调查上来的数据,本文对所提出的模型结构的有效性进行了验证.另外,模型对将来的模拟分析结果显示:随着收入的增加,将来仰光市小汽车的使用将有一个很大的增加,而新的快速轨道交通系统的利用将因此减少.  相似文献   
“闯黄灯”现象在道路上的广泛存在给道路通行效率和交通安全带来了严重影响.传统观点认为驾驶员闯黄灯主要是由于信号灯设置不合理引起的.基于经济学中风险决策理论,分析驾驶员在交叉口的黄灯行为决策过程和主要影响因素,在对周围驾驶员的采访和交叉口实地观察的基础上,设计了模拟场景的调查问卷,并使用SPSS统计软件进行数据分析,就驾驶员决策的影响因素-路况和时间建立Logistic模型.结果表明:安全因素对大部分驾驶员都起着决定性作用,而时间因素的影响则因人而异,不同类型的驾驶员对等待时间的敏感度不同.  相似文献   
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