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POC语音调度系统在朔黄铁路运营生产中发挥了重要作用,本文为朔黄POC语音调度系统设计了一种语音服务质量评价指标体系,并详细描述了各指标的计算公式和测试方法,为朔黄铁路LTE系统服务质量检测评价提供指导和支撑。  相似文献   
党的十九大对国家治理体系和治理能力现代化提出了新任务、新要求,突出社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化.以湖南省株洲市荷塘区为例,通过深入实施三社联动,不断创新基层治理,推进社会治理体系和治理能力现代化.  相似文献   
我国铁路经过6次大提速后,硬件设施水平得到了大幅提升,但与之配套的旅客信息服务体系却相对滞后。目前绝大多数铁路列车上的媒体终端是单向播发系统,研发适合铁路列车的车载移动信息服务平台已迫在眉睫。本文针对铁路旅客信息服务需求,运用系统分析法和功能分析法研发设计了集管理、服务、监控、娱乐四大功能于一体的列车车载移动信息服务平台,该平台的应用功能主要包括列车点餐、视频点播、音乐点播、电子书、新闻发布、广告发布、列车时刻表、整晚点信息发布、游戏、监控等。在车载信息服务平台的基础上,选择平台应用案例中点餐功能进行研究和开发,运用个案研究法实现了基于Android的列车订餐系统。  相似文献   
Web 服务的安全作为近年来一个重要研究领域得到了越来越多的重视。论文分析了 SOA 平台下 Web 服务的安全性问题,并对解决这些安全问题的 Web 服务安全规范做了系统的总结。着重描述 WS‐Security 规范以及衍生的其他规范,并对实现跨域单点登陆的 SAML 规范以及描述安全策略的 XACML 进行一定的分析和比较。  相似文献   
绿色图书馆的提出、发展及其推广,是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物。文章从"绿色环境、绿色服务、绿色馆藏、绿色管理"四个方面探讨了如何将图书馆创建成一个绿色的图书馆。  相似文献   
In India pedestrians usually cross the road at mid-block crosswalks due to ease of access to their destination or the development of adjacent land use types such as shopping, business areas, school and residential areas. The behaviour of pedestrian will change with respect to different land use type and this change in behaviour of pedestrian further reflects change in perceived level of service (LOS). So, it is important to evaluate the quality of service of such crossing facilities with respect to different land-use type under mixed traffic conditions. In this framework, pedestrian perceived LOS were collected with respect to different land-use type such as shopping, residential and business areas. The ordered probit (OP) model was developed by using NLOGIT software package, with number of vehicles encountered, road crossing difficulty as well as safety considered as primary factors along with pedestrian individual factors (gender and age), land-use type and roadway geometry. From the model results, it has been concluded that perceived safety, crossing difficulty, land-use condition, number of vehicles encountered, median width and number of lanes have significant effect on pedestrian perceived LOS at unprotected (un-signalized) mid-block crosswalks in mixed traffic scenario. The inferences of these results highlights the importance of land use planning in designing a new set of pedestrian access facilities for unprotected mid-block crosswalks under mixed traffic conditions. Also the study results would be useful for evaluating pedestrian accessibility taking into account different land-use type and planning required degree of segregation with vehicular movement at unprotected mid-block crosswalk locations.  相似文献   
基于综合交通枢纽的现代服务业集聚区建设的系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代服务业集聚区与综合交通枢纽共生共荣.介绍了综合交通枢纽对现代服务业集聚区发展的影响的相关理论,总结国内外依托综合交通枢纽合理规划现代服务业集聚区的一些成功经验,分析了综合枢纽的客流特点.从客流总量预测及客流组成特点,分析了基于上海虹桥综合交通枢纽的现代服务业集聚区建设.  相似文献   
叶亮  贺宁 《城市交通》2007,5(2):66-70
非集计模型近年来在交通模型的研究领域受到较多关注.主要讨论了未建交通系统中意愿调查方法的使用,以及如何在意愿调查数据的基础上建立非集计模型并进行客流需求分析.着重对基于SP调查的非集计模型在黄浦江水上巴士交通客运交通系统中的应用进行了研究和探讨,介绍了黄浦江水上巴士交通的SP调查以及其他相关调查,建立了非集计模型用于水上巴士交通服务模式选择和需求预测,对上海市水上巴士未来客流增长空间进行了判断.指出非集计模型适用于具体的小规模的有针对性的规划设计项目,SP调查的设计以及调查数据的采集是非集计模型建立的关键,基于SP调查的非集计模型可用于未建交通系统的服务模式确定、客流需求预测等方面.  相似文献   
This article proposes a new, generalized travel cost based method to operationalize network accessibility provided by airports. The approach is novel as it integrates features of network topology with multiple quality aspects of scheduled air transport services into one metric. The method estimates generalized travel costs for the full set of feasible travel paths between an airport and all network destinations. Rooftop modeling accounts for schedule delay and isolates the most cost-efficient travel paths per O-D relation. Respecting the assumed arrival time preference of passengers and adjusting for destination importance, connectivity scores are derived. The method is then applied to explore changes in the global connectivity pattern of Scandinavian airports from 2004 to 2018. The results suggest distinct spatial differences throughout the network, but less pronounced in size than suggested by popularly applied connectivity measures. Findings also highlight the importance of the geographical location as a determinate of an airport’s connectivity.  相似文献   
略谈高速公路服务区的建筑节能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从建筑节能的角度,探讨高速路服务区的节能减排,倡导在今后服务区建设和改扩建中树立并积极推行绿色建筑理念,着重从节水方面提出了相关的措施和建议。  相似文献   
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