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This paper systematically reviews studies that forecast short-term traffic conditions using spatial dependence between links. We extract and synthesise 130 research papers, considering two perspectives: (1) methodological framework and (2) methods for capturing spatial information. Spatial information boosts the accuracy of prediction, particularly in congested traffic regimes and for longer horizons. Machine learning methods, which have attracted more attention in recent years, outperform the naïve statistical methods such as historical average and exponential smoothing. However, there is no guarantee of superiority when machine learning methods are compared with advanced statistical methods such as spatiotemporal autoregressive integrated moving average. As for the spatial dependency detection, a large gulf exists between the realistic spatial dependence of traffic links on a real network and the studied networks as follows: (1) studies capture spatial dependency of either adjacent or distant upstream and downstream links with the study link, (2) the spatially relevant links are selected either by prejudgment or by correlation-coefficient analysis, and (3) studies develop forecasting methods in a corridor test sample, where all links are connected sequentially together, assume a similarity between the behaviour of both parallel and adjacent links, and overlook the competitive nature of traffic links.  相似文献   
This paper documents a fuzzy-logic-based incident detection algorithm for signalized urban diamond interchanges. The model is capable of detecting lane-blocking incidents whose effects are manifested by patterns of deterioration in traffic conditions that require adjustments in signal control strategies. As a component of a real-time traffic adaptive control system for signalized diamond interchanges, the algorithm feeds an incident report (i.e., the time, location, and severity of the incident) to the system's optimization manager, which uses that information to determine the appropriate signal control strategy.The performance of the model was studied using a simulation of an actual diamond interchange. The simulation study evaluated the model's performance in terms of detection rate, false alarm rate, and mean time to detect. The model's performance was encouraging, and the fuzzy-logic-based approach is considered promising.  相似文献   
To investigate the car-following behavior under high speed driving conditions, we performed a set of 11-car-platoon experiments on Hefei airport highway. The formation and growth of oscillations have been analyzed and compared with that in low speed situations. It was found that there is considerable heterogeneity for the same driver over different runs of the experiment. This intra-driver heterogeneity was quantitatively depicted by a new index and incorporated in an enhanced two-dimensional intelligent driver model. Using both the new high-speed and the previous low-speed experimental data, the new and three existing models were calibrated. Simulation results show that the enhanced model outperforms the three existing car-following models that do not take into account this intra-driver heterogeneity in reproducing the essential features of the traffic in the experiments.  相似文献   
Drivers get involved easily in Left-Turn Across Path with Opposite Direction Traffic (LTAP-OD) conflicts at signalized intersection with unprotected left-turn phasing. This study classified the left-turn drivers’ performance into four types: (1) the correct acceptance of safe lags/gaps, (2) the correct rejection of dangerous lags/gaps, (3) the false rejection of safe lags/gaps and (4) the false acceptance of dangerous lags/gaps. Based on the high mounted video camera data, the logistic regression model was used to obtain the critical gaps for estimating whether the lags/gaps were safe or not. The results show that the cognition behavior of the left-turn drivers should be improved while the gap/lag is drawn near the critical gap. Furthermore, the conservative drivers are more likely to reject the larger lags/gaps and yield the right-of-way to the opposing vehicles. Simultaneously the poor response execution may cause drivers to have difficulties during the turning performance when the lags/gaps are large enough. These results could be used as the basis for a discussion of the right time to support the drivers.  相似文献   
随着城镇化进程加快,城市规模增加所带来的集聚效应和交通拥堵等负外部性之间的矛盾越来越突出,优化城市交通基础设施建设是缓解该矛盾的重要举措。本文同时考虑了集聚经济和交通拥挤两种外部性,构建并求解了一个两区域城市空间结构模型,分三种情况探究了轨道交通的投资引入和道路容量的优化对城市规模和城市空间结构均衡的影响。结果表明,轨道交通的投资引入能够增加城市人口规模和社会福利,使城市结构更加紧凑。但是,随着集聚经济水平的提高,城市规划者应逐步完善公交配套设施,以降低公交拥挤成本,提高公交出行分担率;还应制定相应的福利政策,避免由于个体效用下降而导致人口流出。  相似文献   
文章针对交通状态具有模糊性和主观性的特点,建立能够真实反映人对交通拥塞程度感觉的自适应-神经模糊推理系统,使具有变化连续的交通流参数模糊化处理,实现了道路交通状态的准确、快速辨别。  相似文献   
Estimation/updating of Origin–Destination (OD) flows and other traffic state parameters is a classical, widely adopted procedure in transport engineering, both in off-line and in on-line contexts. Notwithstanding numerous approaches proposed in the literature, there is still room for considerable improvements, also leveraging the unprecedented opportunity offered by information and communication technologies and big data. A key issue relates to the unobservability of OD flows in real networks – except from closed highway systems – thus leading to inherent difficulties in measuring performance of OD flows estimation/updating methods and algorithms. Starting from these premises, the paper proposes a common evaluation and benchmarking framework, providing a synthetic test bed, which enables implementation and comparison of OD estimation/updating algorithms and methodologies under “standardized” conditions. The framework, implemented in a platform available to interested parties upon request, has been flexibly designed and allows comparing a variety of approaches under various settings and conditions. Specifically, the structure and the key features of the framework are presented, along with a detailed experimental design for the application of different dynamic OD flow estimation algorithms. By way of example, applications to both off-line/planning and on-line algorithms are presented, together with a demonstration of the extensibility of the presented framework to accommodate additional data sources.  相似文献   
This paper proposes and analyzes a distance-constrained traffic assignment problem with trip chains embedded in equilibrium network flows. The purpose of studying this problem is to develop an appropriate modeling tool for characterizing traffic flow patterns in emerging transportation networks that serve a massive adoption of plug-in electric vehicles. This need arises from the facts that electric vehicles suffer from the “range anxiety” issue caused by the unavailability or insufficiency of public electricity-charging infrastructures and the far-below-expectation battery capacity. It is suggested that if range anxiety makes any impact on travel behaviors, it more likely occurs on the trip chain level rather than the trip level, where a trip chain here is defined as a series of trips between two possible charging opportunities (Tamor et al., 2013). The focus of this paper is thus given to the development of the modeling and solution methods for the proposed traffic assignment problem. In this modeling paradigm, given that trip chains are the basic modeling unit for individual decision making, any traveler’s combined travel route and activity location choices under the distance limit results in a distance-constrained, node-sequenced shortest path problem. A cascading labeling algorithm is developed for this shortest path problem and embedded into a linear approximation framework for equilibrium network solutions. The numerical result derived from an illustrative example clearly shows the mechanism and magnitude of the distance limit and trip chain settings in reshaping network flows from the simple case characterized merely by user equilibrium.  相似文献   
文章针对西部多条山区高速公路隧道运营安全情况,分析山区高速公路隧道的典型安全事故及原因,提出了基于车速限制、车道限制、照明控制与交通安全设施的安全对策,为山区高速公路隧道的安全运营提供参考。  相似文献   
We study how to estimate real time queue lengths at signalized intersections using intersection travel times collected from mobile traffic sensors. The estimation is based on the observation that critical pattern changes of intersection travel times or delays, such as the discontinuities (i.e., sudden and dramatic increases in travel times) and non-smoothness (i.e., changes of slopes of travel times), indicate signal timing or queue length changes. By detecting these critical points in intersection travel times or delays, the real time queue length can be re-constructed. We first introduce the concept of Queue Rear No-delay Arrival Time which is related to the non-smoothness of queuing delay patterns and queue length changes. We then show how measured intersection travel times from mobile sensors can be processed to generate sample vehicle queuing delays. Under the uniform arrival assumption, the queuing delays reduce linearly within a cycle. The delay pattern can be estimated by a linear fitting method using sample queuing delays. Queue Rear No-delay Arrival Time can then be obtained from the delay pattern, and be used to estimate the maximum and minimum queue lengths of a cycle, based on which the real-time queue length curve can also be constructed. The model and algorithm are tested in a field experiment and in simulation.  相似文献   
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