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为了提高郑州市的交通软环境能力,有效发挥现有道路设施的作用,在对郑州市金水区交通语言现状进行调查、分析的基础上,指出郑州市指路系统交通语言存在的问题,并结合规范对其现状进行分析,借鉴国内外先进经验,进而提出改善郑州市指路系统交通语言的措施。以期为郑州市交通软环境质量的提高及其交通状况的改善提供参考和建议,也为改进交通语言设计规范提供现实依据,同时对进一步完善指路标准和后续指路系统的建设提供参考。  相似文献   
The health cost of on-road air pollution exposure is a component of traffic marginal costs that has not previously been assessed. The main objective of this paper is to introduce on-road pollution exposure as an externality of traffic, particularly important during traffic congestion when on-road pollution exposure is highest. Marginal private and external cost equations are developed that include on-road pollution exposure in addition to time, fuel, and pollution emissions components. The marginal external cost of on-road exposure includes terms for the marginal vehicle’s emissions, the increased emissions from all vehicles caused by additional congestion from the marginal vehicle, and the additional exposure duration for all travelers caused by additional congestion from the marginal vehicle. A sensitivity analysis shows that on-road pollution exposure can be a large portion (18%) of marginal social costs of traffic flow near freeway capacity, ranging from 4% to 38% with different exposure parameters. In an optimal pricing scenario, excluding the on-road exposure externality can lead to 6% residual welfare loss because of sub-optimal tolls. While regional pollution generates greater costs in uncongested conditions, on-road exposure comes to dominate health costs on congested freeways because of increased duration and intensity of exposure. The estimated marginal cost and benefit curves indicate a theoretical preference for price controls to address the externality problem. The inclusion of on-road exposure costs reduces the magnitudes of projects required to cover implementation costs for intelligent transportation system (ITS) improvements; the net benefits of road-pricing ITS systems are increased more than the net benefits of ITS traffic flow improvements. When considering distinct vehicle classes, inclusion of on-road exposure costs greatly increases heavy-duty vehicle marginal costs because of their higher emissions rates and greater roadway capacity utilization. Lastly, there are large uncertainties associated with the parameters utilized in the estimation of health outcomes that are a function of travel pollution intensity and duration. More research is needed to develop on-road exposure modeling tools that link repeated short-duration exposure and health outcomes.  相似文献   
文章对南梧公路苍梧县林水段通行能力和服务水平进行了研究和比较,介绍了通行能力计算公式和参数选取过程,论证了该路段的通行能力可以满足2020年前的交通需求,并提出了提高现有公路通行能力的方法和建议。  相似文献   
边经卫 《城市交通》2009,7(5):40-44
从土地使用功能、开发强度、沿线土地价值、城市用地布局及地区经济活力5个方面阐述了轨道交通对土地利用的影响。分析了轨道交通对城市空间形态的影响,包括引导城市空间结构调整、促进城市发展轴形成、带动城市中心区和副中心区发展3个方面。探讨了基于轨道交通的城市空间形态发展模式,主要有轴向、组团式、主轴-网络状3种。最后,指出大城市空间形态模式的选择应充分考虑轨道交通的特征,借鉴主轴-网络状模式。  相似文献   
以CTCS在北京南站的实施工程为例,分析研究了CTCS-3级列控系统、CTCS-3D级列控系统在北京南高速场、城际场、普速场的应用,包括接发车方案、信号显示、临时限速、LEU报文等。  相似文献   
快速公交系统(BusRaPidTransit)是一种新型的城市公共交通模式。本文从快速公交系统的组成、特点及与其他交通方式相比的优越性出发,分析了BRT在大城市的基本应用模式及其特性,以正在运营中的杭州快速公交系统建设为例,重点结合快速公交B1线,分析其运营情况及存在的问题,提出相关解决方案;并在此基础上给出杭州未来快速公交网络规划建议,探索适合杭州经济发展的、因地制宜的快速公交发展模式,为杭州及其他城市下一阶段快速公交规划与建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   
Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not taken into account in cost-benefit analyses (CBA), or only in very rough ways. This paper aims at providing simple rules to predict variability, based on travel time data from Dutch highways. Two different concepts of travel time variability are used, which differ in their assumptions on information availability to drivers. The first measure is based on the assumption that, for a given road link and given time of day, the expected travel time is constant across all working days (rough information: RI). In the second case, expected travel times are assumed to reflect day-specific factors such as weather conditions or weekdays (fine information: FI). For both definitions of variability, we find that the mean travel time is a good predictor. On average, longer delays are associated with higher variability. However, the derivative of variability with respect to delays is decreasing in delays. It can be shown that this result relates to differences in the relative shares of observed traffic ‘regimes’ (free-flow, congested, hyper-congested) in the mean delay. For most CBAs, no information on the relative shares of the traffic regimes is available. A non-linear model based on mean travel times can then be used as an approximation.  相似文献   
从国际海运企业购并效益谈对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘鸿  张军 《中国航海》2006,(1):78-81
购并是企业实施外部发展战略的常规策略,在进入和退出壁垒均较高的国际海运业,购并成为形成国际性经营联合体及市场领导企业的重要途径。通过购并,国际海运市场的集中度越来越高,呈现出多寡头垄断的市场格局。购并带给海运企业的最大效益是实现了规模经济,同时还提高了购并企业的融资能力,为企业提供了获取先进技术和优秀人才的渠道,并使企业可以享受税收上的优惠。国际海运业的购并历程为正处于高速发展阶段的国内海运业提供了良好的经验借鉴。  相似文献   
分别概述了世界与中国的石油资源储量分布、可持续开采年数、不同地区的生产量与消耗量、以及产销平衡状况,由此派生的全球不同地区原油、成品油的进出口量、海运量与主要的海运航线,我国石油进口的主要来源和途径;分析了油轮的船型和船龄的分布,进而预测了世界上几种主要原油轮运力的供应、需求、船价与运价的发展趋势。这些分析和预测可以作为制定油轮发展的技术政策、战略、规划等宏观决策时的参考。  相似文献   
鲁光泉  李一兵  黄山 《汽车工程》2007,29(2):128-131
变形车辆测量是道路交通事故再现的重要基础性工作。建立基于普通数码相机的事故变形车辆自标定三维重建模型,可以避免在现场设置标定物,有利于提高变形车辆的勘测效率和三维重建设备的使用方便性。研究了基于基础矩阵估计的事故变形车辆摄影图像自标定三维模型,并分析了其实现过程。实验表明,自标定三维重建能为事故再现提供详细的车辆变形描述。  相似文献   
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