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针对不成对列车运行图编制,在考虑最优性的要求条件下,本文提出适用于多端点不成对机车周转图的实用三步算法,即,首先确定机车交路成对时部分初始解,再分别确定每一个尚未匹配到达车次初始附挂方案,最后进行结果优化.文末提供一个算例,算例证明算法有效。  相似文献   
A new approach for improving the performance of freight train timetabling for single-track railways is proposed. Using the idea of a fixed-block signaling system, we develop a matrix representation to express the occupation of inter- and intra-station tracks by trains illustrating the train blocking time diagram in its entirety. Train departure times, dwell times, and unnecessary stopping are adjusted to reduce average train travel time and single train travel time. Conflicts between successive stations and within stations are identified and solved. A fuzzy logic system is further used to adjust the range of train departure times and checks are made to determine whether dwell times and time intervals can be adjusted for passenger and freight trains at congested stations to minimize train waiting times. By combining manual scheduling expertise with the fuzzy inference method, timetable efficiency is significantly improved and becomes more flexible.  相似文献   
为合理分配动力电池生产线容量确定单元中移动机器人的任务,优化机器人调度路径,提高调度效率,在考虑设备加工工时、物理位置等约束下,以最小化调度任务时间为目标,建立多工序加工单元单轨约束下多移动机器人调度模型,设计遗传算法并采用MATLAB进行求解,给出不同机器人分配方案下的目标函数值和收敛情况。结果表明,采用所提出的调度方法对单轨多机器人服务范围进行规划能够减少调度时间、提高调度效率。  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加速,城市排水系统的运行面临着越来越大的挑战。传统的排水系统管理模式存在调度决策支撑不足、效率较低等问题,无法满足现代排水系统精细化管理的需求。探索排水系统厂站网一体化调度模式,对于提高排水系统实际运行效率和管理水平具有重要意义。对上海市某片区市政排水系统厂站网一体化调度应用进行研究,搭建厂站网一体化调度平台,集成排水设施基础数据、物联感知监测数据以及水雨情气象数据数据库,以污水管网干线模型为计算引擎,实现排水运行日常监管、一体化调度支持实际应用等功能,为排水系统高效平稳运行提供支撑。  相似文献   
列车自动监控系统(ATS)是车载信号系统中的重要组成部分.本文提出一种ATS系统的非侵入式自动化测试工具,模拟测试人员真实测试的整个流程,可配置的测试脚本更具有灵活性,可以实现不同的测试需求;采用基于计算机视觉与光学字符识别的信息提取方式,使测试流程可以完全模拟真人测试;通过验证状态机的结果,简化了测试验证流程.该工具...  相似文献   
针对新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度不尽合理、集配中心中转效率不够高等问题,重新设计了重大突发公共卫生事件下城市应急医疗物资调度与配送体系,并给出了应急医疗物资的分类方法。从医疗物资使用需求和库存估计可使用时间2个维度构建需求点紧急度指标,考虑突发公共卫生事件特征,以加权的需求满足率最大化为主要目标、车辆行驶距离最小化为次要目标,构建应急医疗物资动态分配模型,并通过算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性。结果表明:所构建的模型能够兼顾医疗物资分配的公平和效率,符合突发公共卫生事件中应急医疗物资供给和需求的动态变化特性,确保在物资短时间供给不足的情况下各需求点也能公平获取一定比例的物资;且模型仅要求各需求点上报各种品类医疗物资的使用人数和库存量,同时模型还给出数据缺失时的自动计算办法,可操作性更强;运用紧急度指标对需求满足率最大化目标进行校正,解决了各需求点因需求量差异对公平分配造成的影响,使得应急医疗物资分配更加合理。研究成果结合了新冠肺炎疫情防控中应急医疗物资调度的具体过程,使得分配模型更符合实际需要,可为城市应急医疗物资优化调度提供决策依据。  相似文献   
基于多旅行商问题,增设集散中心需求及应急服务设施资源容量约束条件,以最小化遍历区域内全部集散中心的综合旅行时间成本为优化目标,构建一种应急设施服务区划分模型,确定各应急设施的服务区范围.设计一种复合算法求解模型,首先基于P-中值选址模型的优化理念,形成初始方案;继而加入禁忌搜索算法,结合LKH求解器对模型进行迭代优化求得最优解.基于宁波市北仑区实际拓扑网络进行案例分析,验证了模型和求解方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The logistics environment between China and Korea has been changing rapidly in line with the ‘Go West’ policy of international trade and logistics area. The policy includes the BRI, Western Development Strategy, and Korea–China FTA. Against this background, the Korea–China train ferry (KCTF) is being newly illuminated as an alternative mode to cope with the logistics environment between Korea and China. One of the key success factors of the KCTF depends on, among others, shippers’ perception, which will affect the choice and the successful operation of the KCTF. From this perspective, this paper develops seven hypotheses based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We test these hypotheses using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the structural relationship between shippers’ behavioral beliefs influencing the perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and intention to choose the KCTF. The test results confirm that among the behavioral beliefs, transport accessibility in association with an efficient network of inland roads and railway networks is an important prerequisite. In addition, we verified a high statistical significance in the structural relationships among perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and the intention to choose the KCTF.  相似文献   
The performance of container terminals needs to be improved to handle the growth of transported containers and maintain port sustainability. This paper provides a methodology for improving the handling capacity of an automated container terminal in an energy-efficient way. The behavior of a container terminal is considered as consisting of a higher level and a lower level represented by discrete-event dynamics and continuous-time dynamics, respectively. These dynamics represent the behavior of a large number of terminal equipment. The dynamics need to be controlled. For controlling the higher level dynamics, a minimal makespan problem is solved. For this, the minimal time required by equipment for performing an operation at the lower level is needed. The minimal time for performing an operation at the lower level is obtained using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. The actual operation time allowed by the higher level for processing an operation at the lower level is subsequently determined by a scheduling algorithm at the higher level. Given an actual operation time, the lower level dynamics are controlled using optimal control to achieve minimal energy consumption while respecting the time constraint. Simulation studies illustrate how energy-efficient management of equipment for the minimal makespan could be obtained using the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
This article considers the optimisation of the sequence for clearing snow from stretches of the manoeuvring area of an airport. This issue involves the optimisation of limited resources to remove snow from taxiways and runways thereby leaving them in an acceptable condition for operating aircraft. The airfield is divided into subsets of significant stretches for the purpose of operations and target times are established during which these are open to aircraft traffic. The document contains several mathematical models each with different functions, such as the end time of the process, the sum of the end times of each stretch and gap between the estimated and the real end times. During this process, we introduce different operating restrictions on partial fulfilment of the operational targets as applied to zones of special interest, or relating to the operation of the snow‐clearing machines. The problem is solved by optimisation based on linear programming. The article gives the results of the computational tests carried out on five distinct models of the manoeuvring area, which cover increasingly complex situations and larger areas. The mathematical model is particularised for the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suarez Madrid—Barajas Airport. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Optimal sequence for clearing snow from the manoeuvring area of an airport.
  • Contains optimising algorithms solved using CPLEX LP‐based tree search.
  • Restrictions on partial fulfilment of operational targets applied to subsets of significant stretches, used for planning the operation of snow‐clearing machines.
  • Model applied to the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport.
  • Conclusions are given on the results of the computational tests carried out. There are five models of the manoeuvring area which cover increasingly complex situations and larger areas.
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