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The implementation of transport infrastructure plans often has significant impacts on landscapes, especially where new roads and railroads are built. Key decisions regarding the building of new transport infrastructures are often made on a strategic level, where the long-term development of a region is determined, and before the infrastructure project actually begins. In this paper we build on previous advances in Strategic Environmental Assessment theory by linking the process-related issues of the integration of these assessments in general to landscape issues in particular; we use a multiple case study of Swedish transport planning.Results of this study indicate that the particular planning processes we looked at failed to carry out strategic landscape assessments and integrate landscape assessments in the planning process. We conclude that this can be explained by the flawed procedure of assessing landscape, the unhelpful structuring of SEA reports and by process-related issues. The idea of applying a holistic understanding of landscape, in line with the ELC, was notably absent from the studied cases. The lack of consideration of landscape as a whole can be attributed to poor use of dissipated and fragmented knowledge about landscapes as well as weaknesses in the assessment procedure. Our results indicate that the traditions of EIA are still prevalent in the practice of SEA, despite the fact that SEA theory has moved away from EIA-based methodology to become a tool for integrating environmental concerns into decision-making and for paying close attention to strategic decision processes.  相似文献   
针对既有客服体系中存在的乘客服务需求感知水平低,服务提供渠道单一以及运营服务管控成本高、效率低等问题,以新时代背景下高质高效出行需求为抓手,通过对不同乘客群体出行链需求分析,提出以服务及时性、便捷性、精准性、主动性为目标,充分应用大数据、人工智能等技术,构建以智慧客服平台为核心,中心与车站两级管控,线上与线下双线服务的多元需求驱动的城市轨道交通智慧客服新型架构体系,突破既有体系在数据融合、设备平台集成、服务质量、服务效率等方面的瓶颈,在满足乘客全时程服务的同时重点突破服务“最后一米”的高效执行问题,通过在北京地铁进行典型线路示范应用,为全面提升我国城市轨道交通系统智慧化服务与管理进程提供可复制、可移植的技术系统和应用范式。  相似文献   
Cycling and walking are being promoted in many urban areas as alternatives to motorised transport for health, environmental, and financial reasons. The reduced congestion and resulting decrease in the overall amount of pollution reduced can be expected to result in health benefits for the community. However, active commuters, due to their increased respiration rates and often increased travel times can expect to receive larger doses of air pollution compared with those using motorised forms of transport. However, given the large dropoff in concentrations away from a road, it can be expected that significant reductions can be achieved even with relatively small increases in separation between the path of cyclists/pedestrians and motor vehicles.This study presents a simple methodology for calculating the separation needed for cyclists and pedestrians to experience the same air pollution dose as car commuters. An example is given based on carbon monoxide (CO) data collected in a field campaign consisting of a car driver, a cyclist and a pedestrian travelling on a 2600 metre loop of road in Auckland. For this case study, the estimated distance from the centreline needed for cyclists and pedestrians to receive an equivalent dose of CO as motorists was found to range from 5.8 to 14.2 m depending on the commuting mode and the dispersion state of the atmosphere at the site. This was equal to a CO concentration reduction of 0.1–0.14 ppm per metre. Recommendations on facility modifications and route selections have been made to make active mode commuting safer.  相似文献   

This article considers the development of the international transport sector based on four globalization scenarios. These four images of the future transportation market are constructed at three different levels (global, European and Dutch). The possible consequences of these scenarios are mapped out not only by key aspects such as modal split and spatial organization but also by providing empirical insights into expected transport flows for both passenger and freight transport in 2020 based on data from 1995.  相似文献   
分析铁路保价运输的主要特点和现状,研究建立铁路保价运输客户服务体系的相关问题,阐述通过树立保价品牌,完善保价规章制度体系,提供优质服务,提高安全防范能力,加大保价营销宣传力度,以及建立快捷赔付机制、加强保价理赔服务质量监督、建立诚信货主评价机制等措施,以提高铁路保价运输服务水平。  相似文献   
Planning, construction and operation of transport infrastructure are associated with a multitude of adverse effects on the environment. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) are important legal instruments of the European Union's environmental policy that allows for identifying, predicting, preventing, and mitigating and or compensating for these adverse effects. As part of the environmental impact assessment, variants of planned activities and investment projects are considered in order to select the option, which is the most favourable from the environmental point of view. The primary goal of this work is to examine the possibility of using multi-criteria methods in order to select the route variant most favourable for the environment. In the first stage, a review of global literature from 2010 to 2019 was conducted on the subject of MCDM/MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Making/Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) methods used in transportation. Based on the review, it was proven that the most popular methods used to solve multi-criteria decision problems in the field of transport are respectively: AHP with modifications, TOPSIS, DEMATEL, as well as methods encompassed in the so-called European trend, i.e. PROMETHEE and ELECTRE. Four selected methods were used in the empirical part of this work. They were used to select the variant of the expressway section in north-eastern Poland and compare the result of the analysis with the choice made in the analyzed environmental impact report.  相似文献   
国外城市交通政策回顾与我国城市交通的阶段性特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国的国家层面与部分发展较快的城市较为重视交通政策的规划、设计与研究,而中国的城市交通发展也处于一个敏感而关键的历史时期。论文对二战以后英国、美国、日本(东京)的城市交通政策的背景、导向、具体措施以及相关评价进行了回顾,并将其50年左右的发展分解为自由增长期、矛盾显露期、协调渐进期与优化整合期4个阶段。最后分析了我国所处的发展阶段,并认为部分发展较快城市所面临的问题与交通政策的规划设计正呈现出"叠合"式的特征。  相似文献   
Populations of post-industrial nations are aging. With a growing number of people living well into their 80s and maintaining active lives, the transportation system will have to start focussing more closely on understanding their mobility and accessibility needs, so as to ensure that specific requirements of this large segment are not being ignored through the promotion of traditional ‘solutions’ and historical assumptions. This paper takes a close look at the evidence on the mobility needs and travel patterns of individuals over 64, distinguishing between the “young” elderly (aged 65–75 years) and the “old” elderly (over 75 years). This distinction is particularly useful in recognising the threshold of health change that impacts in a non-marginal way on mobility needs. This distinction also focuses transport planning and policy on a commitment to understanding the different needs of these sub-groups of the population, identifying services and facilities that better cater for these groups. We review the evidence, in particular, on the mobility characteristics of the over 75 years age group, including how they secure support through migration and settlement patterns. We use the empirical evidence from a number of western nations to identify the role of conventional and specialised public transport as an alternative to the automobile in meeting mobility and accessibility needs.  相似文献   
蒲仪 《铁道货运》2011,(8):1-4,54
分析铁路集装箱保价运输的现状,从激烈的市场竞争、货主参与积极性不高、保价费率机动灵活性不够、保价激励机制不完善、个别单位和职工的重视程度不够等方面,说明目前铁路集装箱保价运输所面临的困难。针对铁路集装箱保价运输面临的新机遇,提出加快铁路集装箱保价运输发展的对策:全方位、多角度地进行保价营销宣传;实施保价大客户战略;完善保价运输激励机制;坚持对职工进行责任教育;做好足额保价工作,重点抓高附加值货物保价;提高保价理赔服务质量;提高保价人员业务素质。  相似文献   
基于粗糙集交通信息提取计算的城市道路行程时间预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市道路的行程时间预测问题进行研究。由于城市道路交通问题具有不确定性和不精确性,故采用基于粗糙集的交通信息提取计算理论建立城市道路行程时间预测模型。模型建立后,利用在荷兰代尔夫特市采集到的实际数据,对该预测模型进行检验。检验结果表明:如果不进行原始数据的前期处理,那么得到的预测误差在35%左右;而在剔除了质量较差的数据后,预测精度明显提高;同时,条件属性和决策属性的分类,显著影响到预测的精度。通过计算得到分类范围值,该模型能够较好的对交通状态进行物理解释同时预测精度能够达到可以接受的范围。  相似文献   
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