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从路段实际功能出发,提出基于路段与路径行程时间序列的相关性识别关键路段的方法.借鉴蒙特卡洛思想,以真实数据构造10万条随机路径验证该方法的可行性,并识别出对上海市路网行程时间有关键影响的路段集合.以上述集合为参照,利用模糊聚类及迭代累计平方和算法提取路段行程时间序列特征并构造两个新变量,结合基础属性建立二项Logit模型,从而主动查找关键路段.比较该模型与基础模型、随机分类器查找效果表明:基于最大归一化行程时间曲线聚类,其结果对关键路段识别模型的性能有提升效用;行程时间对数差分序列的结构性变点在路网和路段级别均有明显时间聚集特性,虽然其个数与路段关键性无明显关系,但其与常见波动程度指标相关性小,可保留用于描述行程时间波动常发性和聚集性.  相似文献   
应用一种新的分析方法———符号时间序列方法对汽油机燃烧循环变动进行了研究。测量得到了某汽油机16种不同工况下的示功图,从提高精度与有利于数据的符号化观点出发,确定以缸内峰值压力作为汽油机燃烧循环变动的表征参数,把符号时间序列分析的具体技术和实施途径应用于试验数据,获得了汽油机燃烧循环变动随转速与负荷的变化规律,提出了利用改进的SHAN NON熵作为汽油机燃烧循环变动的评价指标的新观点。研究结果表明:该方法能较好地应用于汽油机燃烧循环变动特征分析。  相似文献   
在理解域名解析系统(DNS)的基础上,阐明了在当前网络应用中DNS系统所存在的一些缺陷,如不支持数据的移动和复制,负载不均衡等.本文设计了全新的名字解析映射系统来克服这些缺陷,并把它应用在一体化网络中.该名字解析映射系统采用三层重叠网络结构:中继层、实现层和维护层,中继层控制用户接入,实现层和维护层协同工作,实现名字的解析映射.理论分析和试验结果表明,该设计克服了域名解析系统存在的缺陷,将在一体化网络的设计中起到重要作用.  相似文献   
在列车运行图中加入合适的缓冲时间对减少列车晚点和晚点传播而言很重要。为寻找缓冲时间的合理取值,以某一列车的源发晚点造成其后续列车继发晚点的总时间为评价指标,将列车源发晚点分为进站晚点和出站晚点两个部分来进行讨论。作者分别描绘了在这两种情况下评价指标随缓冲时间的变化趋势,通过寻找曲线变缓的临界区段来确定缓冲时间的合理取值情况。假设进出站时发生源晚点的第一列车的晚点概率服从负指数分布,研究表明在进站情况下,缓冲时间的合理取值只与具体的车站晚点参数有关,并随其增大而减小;在出站情况下,缓冲时间的合理取值与车站晚点参数的关系不大,而与最小列车间隔时间的大小有关,并随其增大而增大。综合进出站情况,取列车在一个车站出发情况与在下一个车站到达情况的两个缓冲时间合理取值的较大者为最终缓冲时间的合理取值。  相似文献   
堤防水泥固化培土强度的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水泥固化土是近年来用于堤防防渗、提高边坡稳定性及提高抗冲刷能力的一种新技术,为了提高水泥土的应用水平,通过室内试验研究了水泥土的无侧限强度与水泥掺人比、水灰比、龄期的关系,认为满足工程应用的最佳水泥掺量比大于8%。  相似文献   
This paper derives the mathematical expressions for the transit time of cargo through a liner shipping network. Main efforts are devoted to deriving the calculation expressions of the connection time of cargo during trans-shipment. For the forward and many-to-one trans-shipment policies, we conduct a minor correction towards the expressions in existing studies to improve the completeness. Meanwhile, we propose an alternative but more straightforward calculation method for connection time which bypasses the complicated inductive argument in existing studies. Then we introduce two new trans-shipment policies: backward trans-shipment and one-to-many trans-shipment, and mathematically calculate the corresponding connection times. Numerical experiments also deliver some managerial insights into the effectiveness of backward trans-shipment in transit time control.  相似文献   
Vehicle time headway is an important traffic parameter. It affects roadway safety, capacity, and level of service. Single inductive loop detectors are widely deployed in road networks, supplying a wealth of information on the current status of traffic flow. In this paper, we perform Bayesian analysis to online estimate average vehicle time headway using the data collected from a single inductive loop detector. We consider three different scenarios, i.e. light, congested, and disturbed traffic conditions, and have developed a set of unified recursive estimation equations that can be applied to all three scenarios. The computational overhead of updating the estimate is kept to a minimum. The developed recursive method provides an efficient way for the online monitoring of roadway safety and level of service. The method is illustrated using a simulation study and real traffic data.  相似文献   
Unreliable travel times cause substantial costs to travelers. Nevertheless, they are often not taken into account in cost-benefit analyses (CBA), or only in very rough ways. This paper aims at providing simple rules to predict variability, based on travel time data from Dutch highways. Two different concepts of travel time variability are used, which differ in their assumptions on information availability to drivers. The first measure is based on the assumption that, for a given road link and given time of day, the expected travel time is constant across all working days (rough information: RI). In the second case, expected travel times are assumed to reflect day-specific factors such as weather conditions or weekdays (fine information: FI). For both definitions of variability, we find that the mean travel time is a good predictor. On average, longer delays are associated with higher variability. However, the derivative of variability with respect to delays is decreasing in delays. It can be shown that this result relates to differences in the relative shares of observed traffic ‘regimes’ (free-flow, congested, hyper-congested) in the mean delay. For most CBAs, no information on the relative shares of the traffic regimes is available. A non-linear model based on mean travel times can then be used as an approximation.  相似文献   
公共交通系统营运可靠性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
赵航  宋瑞 《公路交通科技》2005,22(10):132-135
优先发展公共交通是大城市解决交通拥堵,实现城市交通可持续发展的一项重要措施,然而,公交营运水平的低下制约着公交的发展。本文借鉴可靠性理论对公共交通营运可靠性进行定义,并对公交营运时间和乘客服务可靠性分别进行了描述,据此建立起公交系统营运可靠性模型,然后采用随机模拟技术(即Monte Carlo模拟)进行求解,通过算例说明模型的可行性,最后通过分析可靠性模型得出大型活动期间改善公交营运的途径。  相似文献   
研究了诱发电位的主要检测参数潜伏期变化的估计测定方法:广义相关时间延迟方法、处适应时间延迟估计方法和自适应相位谱时间延迟估计方法,并分析了动态跟踪潜伏期时变规律的有效性。  相似文献   
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