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In recent years smartcards have been implemented in many transit systems around the world as a means by which passengers pay for travel. In addition to allowing speedier boardings there are many secondary benefits of smartcard systems including better understanding of travel patterns and behaviour of travellers. Such research is dependent on the smartcard correctly recording the boarding stop, and where available the alighting stop. It is also dependent on the smartcard system correctly aggregating individual rides into trips.This paper identifies causes for why smartcard systems may not correctly record such information. The first contribution of the paper is to propose a set of rules to aggregate individual rides into a single trip. This is critical in the research of activity based modelling as well as for correctly charging the passenger. The second contribution of the paper is to provide an approach to identify erroneous tap-out data, either caused by system problems or by the user. An approach to detecting this phenomenon is provided. The output from this analysis is then used to identify faulty vehicles or data supply using the “comparison against peers approach”. This third contribution of the paper identifies where transit agencies and operators should target resources to improve performance of their Automatic Vehicle Location systems. This method could also be used to identify users who appear to be tapping out too early.The approaches are tested using smartcard data from the Singapore public transport network from one week in April 2011. The results suggest that approximately 7.7% of all smartcard rides recorded the passenger as alighting one stop before the bus stop that they most probably alighted at. A further 0.7% of smartcard rides recorded the passenger as alighting more than one stop before the bus stop that they most probably alighted at. There was no evidence that smartcards overestimated the distance travelled by the passenger.  相似文献   
This research work studies the impact of single wheel hub motor failures on the dynamic behaviour of electric vehicles and the corresponding driver reactions. An experimental study in a moving-base driving simulator is conducted to analyse the influence of single wheel hub motor failures for motorway speeds. Driver reaction times are derived from the measured data and discussed in their experimental context. The failure is rated objectively on the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle and compared to the subjective evaluation. Findings indicate that critical traffic situations impairing traffic safety can occur for motorway speeds. Clear counteractions by the drivers had to be taken.  相似文献   
无人水面艇(USV)是当前无人系统研究的热点领域之一,由于USV收放技术涉及到回收引导、对接、挂脱钩等难点而成为目前的前沿研究课题。通过收集整理国内外现有及在研USV的收放技术要点,归纳出USV收放操作过程通常采用吊放式、艉滑道式、坞舱式3种收放装置。在此基础上,从设备配置、空间需求、波浪影响、母船航速、适应海况、操作情况和收放耗时等方面,分别对上述3种USV收放技术进行对比分析,得出艉滑道式收放技术更适合于USV收放需要的结论。同时,指出当前USV及其收放装置在实现自主收放时需要开展的实用化研究方向,期望能对USV及其收放技术的发展起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
以某A0级轿车助力转向系统为研究对象,阐述了排查汽车转向系统异响问题的一般方法,之后对转向系统内关键部件的结构进行了分析,最后对各关键部件异响的形成机理进行了研究,形成了分析排查电动转向系统异响的一般流程,具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
In this article, a logic for vehicle dynamics control during partial braking while turning a corner is presented, which only requires knowledge of the instantaneous speed of the four wheels. For this reason, the proposed control algorithm can be adopted on all ABS equipped cars. A scheme of the simulation program for logic validation is described, which is constituted by a loop of software models of the principal vehicle subsystems which are singly illustrated. The proposed logic has been tested both in closed and open-loop maneuvers. The results are provided in the form of time histories of the principal analyzed quantities. The analysis of the results confirms the goodness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   
芜湖长江大桥裕溪河桥车桥耦合振动分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用空间杆系有限元方法,建立芜湖长江大桥裕溪河2×80 m连续钢桁梁桥的动力分析模型。计算得到其横向基频为2.097 Hz,与实测值1.95 Hz吻合良好,且满足现行《铁路桥梁检定规范》相应限值1.125Hz的要求。运用车桥空间耦合振动理论对该桥在实际运营列车作用下的车桥动力响应进行计算与分析,结果表明,在空载及空重混编货物列车以速度50~80 km.h-1通过时,桥梁的横向振幅达到4.5~8.1 mm,与实测值4.6~8.4 mm吻合良好,但超出《铁路桥梁检定规范》的限值,而脱轨系数小于0.8,轮重减载率小于0.6;当通过速度在70 km.h-1以下时,机车车辆平稳性达到“良”或“合格”。因此,该桥能够满足空载及空重混编货物列车以70 km.h-1及以下速度通过。  相似文献   
This paper presents a continuous approximation model for the period vehicle routing problem with service choice (PVRP-SC). The PVRP-SC is a variant of the period vehicle routing problem in which the visit frequency to nodes is a decision of the model. This variation can result in more efficient vehicle tours and/or greater service benefit to customers. We present a continuous approximation model to facilitate strategic and tactical planning of periodic distribution systems and evaluate the value of service choice. Further, results from the continuous model can provide guidelines for constructing solutions to the discrete PVRP-SC.  相似文献   
A bond graph model of a mountain bike and rider is created to develop baseline predictions for the performance of mountain bikes during large excursion maneuvers such as drops, jumps, crashes and rough terrain riding. The model assumes planar dynamics, a hard-tail (front suspension only) bicycle and a rider fixed to the bicycle. An algorithm is developed to allow tracking of a virtual tire-ground contact point for events that separate the wheels from the ground. This model would be most applicable to novice mountain bikers who maintain a nearly rigid relationship between their body and the bicycle as opposed to experienced riders who are versed in controlling the bicycle independent of the body. Simulations of a steep drop are performed for various initial conditions to qualitatively validate the predictions of the model. Results from this model are to be compared to experimental data and more complex models in later research, particularly models including a separate rider. The overarching goals of the research are to examine and understand the dynamics and control of interactions between a cyclist and mountain bike. Specific goals are to understand the improvement in performance afforded by an experienced rider, to hypothesize human control algorithms that allow riders to perform manoeuvres well and safely, to predict structural bike and body forces from these maneuvers and to quantify performance differences between hard-tail and full suspension bicycles.  相似文献   
This article deals with the optimal design of ground vehicles and their subsystems, with particular reference to 'active' safety and comfort. A review of state-of-the-art optimization methods for solving vehicle system design problems, including the integration of electronic controls, is given, thus further encouraging the use of such methods as standard tools for automotive engineers. Particular attention is devoted to the class of methods pertaining to complex system design optimization, as well as approaches for the optimal design of complex systems under uncertainty. Some examples of design optimizations are given in the fields of vehicle system dynamics, powertrain/internal combustion engine design, active safety and ride comfort, vehicle system design and lightweight structures, advanced automotive electronics, and smart vehicles.  相似文献   
轻轨车的技术发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
主要从车体、转向架或走行装置、电力传动方面,介绍了国外轻轨车的技术发展情况,提出国内轻轨车的开发应以自力更生为主,分三步走的思路。  相似文献   
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