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对连续刚构桥底板开裂问题的探讨   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
对连续刚构桥中跨底板混凝土在竖向预应力筋作用下可能崩裂的现象进行了分析 ,推导了产生这种现象的力学机理 ,提出了避免这种崩裂的建议。对已经出现的这种问题给出了几点处治措施。其分析方法也适用于其他预应力混凝土桥梁  相似文献   
经过对普通钢筋混凝土与预应力混凝土的比较分析,总结预应力混凝土在施工应用上的优缺点及后张法施工的控制重点,对预应力研究及施工有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
IntroductionMany researchers[1-6]investigated the product dif-ferentiation from the premise that consumer prefer-ences comply with uniform distribution. But thispremise is not completely correct; it obviously neg-lects such a fact that considering consume…  相似文献   
随着我国铁路的全面提速,对铁路施工质量的要求也越来越高,而铁路桥梁施工是难点。原有铁路T型梁横向钢筋采用焊接法联结,刚度和稳定性较差,为满足铁路干线提速的需要,铁路桥梁施工工艺、施工技术也在不断发展和更新。此文结合胶新铁路的施工实践,简要介绍铁路T型桥梁横向预应力联结采用轨道平车组配套梁下吊篮的施工工艺原理、流程及施工注意事项,为同类工程施工积累经验。  相似文献   
某T形刚构桥在顶板预应力张拉过程中出现了箱内顶板混凝土崩裂病害,病害原因为混凝土强度不足和预应力定位偏差。针对该病害,提出顶板局部凿除方案(凿除崩裂区顶板,顺直管道后恢复)和顶板局部补强方案(新增横隔板),采用MIDAS建立该桥有限元模型,从施工难度和结构应力两方面进行比较分析,最后确定采用施工难度小、顶板压应力均匀且极值较小的局部补强方案作为推荐方案。采用减少预应力和增加铺装层厚度对推荐方案进行结构应力和主梁线形的优化,并对优化后维修方案进行施工阶段和成桥状态的结构验算。结果表明:结构各项验算指标均能满足规范要求,证明维修方案是合理的,通过维修可以保证桥梁的施工过程安全及使用要求。  相似文献   
李洪坤  姚亚东 《公路工程》2020,(1):135-139,145
基于呼和浩特市三环路特大桥,对其预应力连续梁桥悬臂施工控制进行了研究。结果表明,该桥挂篮最大剪力为268.82 kN、最大轴力为625.32 kN、最大弯矩为132.85 kN。在工作状态下,挂篮各杆件变形及受力能满足规范、设计要求。通过分析仿真模型的建立及控制参数具体取值,各标高测点理论值和实测值并不完全一致,变化幅度亦不十分显著,没有显著的规律性。理论值和实测值之间保持-4~2 mm范围内的差值变化。5.54 MPa是主要测点在中跨1/4截面和主梁悬臂根部受压应力的最大值,0.43 MPa是其最大拉应力值。现场实际监测的连续梁值和理论值具有较小偏差、变化规律比较类似,在施工控制中,所建模型能客观、准确地对实际施工进行反映,监测控制点切实可靠。  相似文献   
针对砂卵石地层新建隧道穿越既有线面临的异型深基坑工程,对基坑侧壁与既有地铁车站风亭间的夹土体进行受力分析,明确在平均土体宽度b=3.5 m条件下,对于竖直段,当开挖深度大于6.5 m时,就必须考虑有限土体土压力的影响,提出相应的计算模型与简化公式,发现有限土体土压力与开挖深度近似成线性关系;对于扩挖段,基于有限土体受力特性,提出扩挖段有限土体土压力计算模型与简化公式,由于扩挖边承受一定的土体自重,因此扩挖点处基坑侧壁土压力有所增加,扩挖段有限土体土压力与开挖深度近似成指数关系,但随着扩挖深度的增加,有限土压力明显小于常规土压力,同时随着扩挖段有限土体宽度的减小,有限土压力与常规土压力差值趋于稳定;最后通过数值分析,发现有限土体土压力作用下,异型基坑自身的变形相对较小,其水平变形主要集中在左侧隧道侧与基坑扩挖段,同时基坑的变形与裂缝均能满足规范要求。有限土体土压力能有效减少基坑围护结构内力与配筋,精细化设计有利于确保工程安全并控制工程造价。  相似文献   
为研究120 km/h速度下地铁扣件节点垂向位移的影响因素,通过对广东某城市地铁现场测试结果与多刚体动力学仿真分析结果的对比分析,探讨行车速度及轨道不平顺对地铁扣件节点垂向位移的影响。最后对该地铁在最不利行车情况下扣件处钢轨垂向位移做出预测。研究结论:实测120 km/h速度下地铁扣件节点处钢轨垂向位移值仅比84 km/h速度下的值小5.89%,表明列车速度并非地铁扣件节点垂向位移的主要影响因素;仿真分析表明:轨道不平顺是影响钢轨垂向位移的主要因素之一,定期养护对控制钢轨垂向位移至关重要;最不利行车情况下DZ-Ⅲ型地铁扣件节点垂向位移约为2.051 mm,比试运营实测位移增长约86.27%。  相似文献   
Physical disturbance by disposal of dredged materials in estuarine and coastal waters may result in burial of benthic fauna. Survival rates depend on a variety of factors including the type and amount of disposed materials and the lifestyle of the organisms. Laboratory burial experiments using six common macrobenthic invertebrates from a brackish habitat of the western Baltic Sea were performed to test the organisms' escape reaction to dredged material disposal. Experimental lab-results were then extrapolated to a field situation with corresponding bottom topography and covering layer thicknesses at experimental field disposal study sites. Resulted survival rates were then verified by comparison with results of an earlier field study at the same disposal sites.Our experimental design in the lab included the disposal of two types of dredged material (i.e. ‘till’ and ‘sand/till mixture’) and two covering layer depths (i.e. 10–20 cm and 14–40 cm). All three bivalves Arctica islandica (Linnaeus), Macoma balthica (Linnaeus), Mya arenaria (Linnaeus) and the polychaete Nephtys hombergii (Savigny) successfully burrowed to the surface of a 32–41 cm deposited sediment layer of till or sand/till mixture and restored contact with the overlying water. These high escape potentials could partly be explained by the heterogeneous texture of the till and sand/till mixture with ‘voids’. The polychaete Bylgides (Harmothoe) sarsi (Malmgren) successfully burrowed through a 16 cm covering layer whereas the polychaete Lagis koreni (Malmgren) showed almost no escaping reaction. No general differences in escape behaviour after burial were detected between our test species from the brackish habitat and those reported in the literature for the same species in marine environments. However, a size-dependence in mobility of motile polychaetes and M. arenaria was apparent within our study. In comparison to a thick coverage, thin covering layers (i.e. 15–16 cm and 20 cm) increased the chance of the organisms (N. hombergii and M. arenaria) to reach the sediment surface after burial. This was not observed for the other test species. While crawling upward to the new sediment surfaces burrowing velocities of up to 8 cm d− 1 were observed for the bivalves and up to 20 cm d− 1 for N. hombergii. Between 17 and 79% of the test organisms showed burrowing activity after experimental burial. The survival rate (defined as the ability to regained contact with the sediment surface) ranged from 0 to 33%, depending on species and on burial depth. The organisms reached the sediment surface by burrowing (polychaetes and bivalves) and/or by extending their siphons to the new sediment surface (bivalves). The extrapolation of laboratory survival rates to the two disposal sites was obtained based on the in situ thicknesses of the dredged spoil layers measured by multi-beam echo sounder. This resulted in total average survival rate estimates for the test species of 45 and 43% for the two disposal sites. The results obtained during the laboratory tests and the following extrapolation to the field were verified by the range of results from a previous field study, using grab sampling shortly before and after a disposal event in June 2001. The effect of dredged material disposal on the tested Baltic Sea benthic macrofauna was assessed by extrapolating the verified laboratory results to the field.  相似文献   
王小明 《港工技术》2010,47(3):35-37
一般预应力损失是计算预应力构件在使用前损失的那部分预应力,对于构件使用时载荷对预应力损失的影响则没有考虑。有研究表明,构件使用过程中的载荷也可能会导致预应力损失或导致残余预应力减小。通过3根预应力混凝土梁的加载试验表明,加载在24 h以内并不导致构件产生钢筋松弛预应力损失,而且还会因为混凝土的徐变使残余预应力微量增加。同时,试验还显示重复加载、卸载对残余预应力几乎没有影响。  相似文献   
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