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In the framework of the Italian Research Programme in Antarctica (PNRA) an oceanographic cruise was carried out between December 2000 and February 2001 in the Western Ross Sea. n-Alkanes and PAHs concentrations were analysed in sea-water samples collected at different depths at four sites (D, B, CA2, and CA). Vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, salinity and fluorescence were also performed in order to distinguish the water masses present in the sampling areas. n-Alkanes concentrations were consistent with those found in the same area during previous expeditions and showed higher values in the particulate due to the low temperatures. n-Alkanes profiles exhibited different features in the dissolved and particulate phases. The dissolved phase was characterised by a bimodal distribution with two maxima at C16 and C24 and prevalent compounds in the range C15–C32 whereas particulate was strongly dominated by long chain n-alkanes C23–C34 with C24 (Site B, CA and CA2) or C32 (Site B) as Cmax. CPI values and Pr/Ph ratios suggested a prevalent biogenic origin for aliphatic hydrocarbons. n-Alkanes vertical distributions were affected by the dynamic of the pack-ice melting and phytoplankton activity as well by the chemical–physical properties of water masses. Higher n-alkanes values were found in the High Salinity Shelf Waters (HSSW), lower n-alkanes values were found in the Antarctic Surface Waters (AASW) and Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW).The low PAHs concentration levels confirmed the still pristine character of the Antarctic environment. Neither particular trend in total PAHs concentrations along the water column and nor correlations with the most characteristic water masses of the investigated area of the Ross Sea were observed, except that total PAH higher concentrations were generally observed in correspondence of HSSW.  相似文献   
The red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is one of the target species of the bottom trawl fishery of the Balearic Islands. The objective of the present paper is to study the short spatial and temporal differences of this important economic resource between two different locations off Mallorca (Cabrera: CA; Sóller: SO), where a fleet mobility pattern has been detected, and to study the influence of environmental conditions on this species. Six simultaneous bottom-trawl and oceanographic surveys were carried out at these two locations in order to collect data from the demersal species, hydrography (temperature and salinity), trophic resources and sediment characteristics. The commercial fleet from both locations was monitored by monthly on-board sampling, log-books and daily landings obtained from sales slips. Additional data was obtained from other fishing surveys. Short spatial and temporal differences have been detected between both locations. The population at CA was more demographically homogeneous, while that at SO showed important variations, like high abundance of juveniles recruiting to fishing grounds in autumn–winter and high abundance of large females during summer. Several differences have also been found in the biology of the species between locations, such as males were more abundant in SO than in CA. Also, the reproductive period started sooner in SO than in CA, and the condition of pre-spawning females was better in SO. The percentage of total lipids in the hepatopancreas was minimal during the spawning period, showing their importance as a reserve of energy for the ovary ripening. Water masses could play an important role in these differences, the characteristics of water masses being more stable in CA than in SO. Red shrimp adult females seemed to be more correlated with the warmer and more saline Levantine Intermediate Waters, while juveniles (males and females) and adult males were more correlated with the colder Western Mediterranean Deep Waters, detected only in SO during autumn–winter. Two different hypothesis of mobility patterns for the species are discussed in relation to these observed differences.  相似文献   
在描述辽宁省东部山区公路水毁现状、分析水毁成因的基础上,结合山区公路设计、建设、养护实际,提出东部山区公路水毁防治措施建议。  相似文献   
考虑水荷载作用的铁路隧道衬砌结构设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用室内模型试验方法,通过改变围岩注浆圈模拟介质的渗透系数,进行10组铁路隧道衬砌结构的水荷载折减系数测试试验,研究水荷载折减系数与注浆圈综合渗透系数的关系。试验结果表明,当围岩注浆圈渗透系数小于10-5cm.s-1时,水荷载折减系数取0~0.3为宜;反之,取值为0.3~1。按考虑水荷载和不考虑水荷载两种受力模式对隧道衬砌结构进行计算分析结果表明,存在较大水荷载作用的隧道衬砌结构设计不宜套用标准图,建议采用钢筋混凝土圆形衬砌结构。  相似文献   
介绍了钢质机动管线穿越水域铺设的几种形式和所用器材,分析了不同穿越形式的优缺点、水面穿越设备穿越河流时所呈现的“水平悬管”的受力状况,提出了不同穿越形式具体的铺设及适用条件,可供钢质机动管线水域穿越施工时参考。  相似文献   
膨胀土的强烈亲水性使得其用于路堤填料时要兼顾强度与水稳性的要求,在根据现行规范《公路路基设计规范》(JTJ013-95)用一个压实度指标的基础上,同时考虑饱和度作为压实时的另一控制指标,用这两项指标共同实现路堤压实稳定。这种压实控制方法用于成都市三环路工程中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
明月山特长隧道涌水突泥综合处理措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明月山隧道为具有多种不良地质的特长公路隧道,施工中发生了特大涌水、突泥灾害,造成严重坍塌事故。通过对隧道涌、突水灾害产生的原因及坍塌形态进行详细的分析研究,采取了一系列行之有效的处理措施,并对地表、洞身及坍塌体进行了固结和加固,快速而有效地完成了突泥及坍方段施工。文章介绍了隧道涌水、突泥灾害的概况和采取的综合处理措施。  相似文献   
在拖曳水澉中对全垫升式气垫船的水压场进行了系统测量,得到不同水深、不同航速和不同横向位置水底振动压力系统的纵向通过特性曲线,分析总结了气垫船水压场规律。  相似文献   
SMS水动力学软件   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了水动力学软件SMS的基本功能,并用简单实例对其前后处理功能做了展示。  相似文献   
水泥稳定碎石材料的合理应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
半刚性基层沥青路面是我国目前的主要路面结构形式,但近年来不同地区的应用经验表明,半刚性基层沥青路面早期水损坏比较严重,由于半刚性材料开裂引起的水损坏是其中的一种,本文根据水泥稳定基层材料反射裂缝引起的沥青路面早期水损坏现象,并借鉴国外关于水泥稳定碎石材料设计和施工控制经验,分析了水泥稳定基层沥青路面结构组合设计的重要性,提出了控制水泥稳定基层材料强度限值的建议。  相似文献   
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