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徐芸 《时代汽车》2021,(7):55-56
贫困生的隐私保护是高校精准资助育人体系中不容忽视的部分,也是高校资助工作的难点之一。在实践过程中,由于各种原因,高校资助工作中出现了贫困生隐私保护不到位的问题,学生的个人权益受到侵害。为更好地保护学生隐私,提升精准资助育人成效,提出以下建议:规范高效资助制度,优化工作细节;重视隐私保护,营造情境友好的校园氛围;加强扶志教育,提升高校贫困生的法律素养。  相似文献   
针对轨道交通车辆牵引电流谐波对直流供电系统的影响,为增强列车直流供电系统的可靠性,提出了轨道交通车辆直流母线接地改进方案.该方案通过采用列车母线负线单点接地方式,有效地避免了牵引谐波对直流供电电源品质的影响,降低了设备供电保护断路器的误跳概率.通过增加接地故障保护断路器,增加了列车运营的可靠性和安全性.  相似文献   
铁路路基挡土墙病害防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合现场工程实例 ,简要分析了引起铁路路基挡土墙下沉、开裂、倾倒等病害的几种原因 ,提出了防治路基挡土墙病害对策 ,对路基挡土墙的勘察、设计、施工以及运营管理具有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   
谈日本汽车工业发展经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从四个方面对日本发展汽车工业的经验进行了总结,它们是保护与扶持政策,合理的产生组织结构,大力扶植汽车零部件工业,建立有自己特色的产品开发体制和生产体制。  相似文献   
电力半导体器件故障电流(特别是短路电流)的确认与及时有效保护,对电力机车交流装置的可靠工作 至关重要,介绍了为8K型电力机车车开发的IGBT逆变器的短路电流检测和保护方案,给出了试验结果,分析了试验波形的浪涌和振荡现象。  相似文献   
对交通事故数据的研究表明,两轮车骑行人也面临很高的受伤风险,各新车评价规程也开始对骑行人保护做出要求。根据中国保险汽车安全指数2023版规程的变化,通过选取符合要求的部分车型开展对比试验,分析在不同撞击角度下的头型伤害差异。试验结果表明,在撞击角度为45°时的伤害值大于撞击角度65°时的伤害值。  相似文献   
提出了一种相应的伤害优化方案,基于 C-NACP正面碰撞工况搭建碰撞分析模型,同时通过与正面 100% 重叠刚性壁障碰撞试验的 Hybrid Ⅱ 5th女性假人试验数据进行对比来验证模型的可靠性。基于对标结果进行优化设计,对比分析不同优化方案对乘员安全性的影响趋势。确定优化方案,即增加碰撞锁止锁舌、线性预紧器配置,增加座椅刚度,调整安全带限力值。与原始方案相比,在碰撞过程中后排女性假人总体得分提升84%。根据C-NCAP星级评定规程,此后排女性假人得分高于94%,成绩优秀,验证了方案的有效性,可为后排小体位假人伤害的优化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to improve traffic safety and protect pedestrians, an improved and efficient pedestrian detection method for auto driver assistance systems is proposed. Firstly, an improved Accumulate Binary Haar (ABH) feature extraction algorithm is proposed. In this novel feature, Haar features keep only the ordinal relationship named by binary Haar features. Then, the feature brings in the idea of a Local Binary Pattern (LBP), assembling several neighboring binary Haar features to improve discriminating power and reduce the effect of illumination. Next, a pedestrian classification method based on an improved deep belief network (DBN) classification algorithm is proposed. An improved method of input is constructed using a Restricted Bolzmann Machine (RBM) with T distribution function visible layer nodes, which can convert information on pedestrian features to a Bernoulli distribution, and the Bernoulli distribution can then be used for recognition. In addition, a middle layer of the RBM structure is created, which achieves data transfer between the hidden layer structure and keeps the key information. Finally, the cost-sensitive Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used for the output of the classifier, which could address the class-imbalance problem. Extensive experiments show that the improved DBN pedestrian detection method is better than other shallow classic algorithms, and the proposed method is effective and sufficiently feasible for pedestrian detection in complex urban environments.  相似文献   
It is essential that transport infrastructures are protected against events which cause their failure. At an optimal level of protection, the sum of protection costs and expected residual damages following from disruptions will be minimized. In most cases however, this optimal level is not achieved because infrastructure protection is susceptible to various market and government failures. This brings us to the question who (a private or public actor) should do how much (the level of protection and intervention). This question is addressed in the present paper.

The starting point of the paper is the Directive of the European Council on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures. We review the protection of critical waterborne transport infrastructures from an economic perspective. The review is based on a literature study and several interviews with Critical Infrastructure experts. For the studied infrastructures, we have identified causes and effects of their failure and examined the private–public roles in protecting them. Considering the market and government failures which occur in such configuration of roles, we propose several changes. We conclude that from a national policy perspective there are two important routes: (1) reinforcement of private sector roles among others by defining liabilities and providing information on risks and (2) strengthening of supra-national collaboration via improving and standardizing regulations, cost-sharing initiatives and penalty systems.  相似文献   
平潭海峡公铁两用大桥航道桥基础设计与施工创新技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
平潭海峡公铁两用大桥为国内第一座跨海峡公铁两用大桥,桥址海域风大、浪高、水深、流急、潮汐显著,且岩面倾斜起伏大、裸岩硬岩分布广,气象水文及地质条件均十分复杂,尤其是桥址海域波流力巨大,为桥梁下部结构设计和施工带来前所未有的困难。为解决风浪作用和通航船撞力作用,3座大跨度通航孔斜拉桥在基础设计和施工中采用多项创新技术,首次选用4.5 m的钻孔桩;为解决复杂海域大直径钻孔桩难题,研发了KTY5000型动力头钻机和相关配套的打桩设备;为克服波浪力作用,部分深水裸岩区域采用导管架辅助建立施工平台;为适应桥位独特的海洋环境,3座大跨度通航孔斜拉桥主塔墩承台均采用圆端哑铃形高桩承台,承台顶露出高潮位以上,承台施工采用集主体防撞结构与施工围堰一体的防撞箱围堰结构,永久结构与临时结构相结合,节约材料的同时降低了施工的安全风险性。其大型防撞箱围堰采用工厂整体制造、整体吊装、整体下放,实现模块化、标准化施工,哑铃形承台系梁范围采用无封底混凝土施工创新技术。  相似文献   
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