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高速公路收费经营企业的发展战略是基于高速公路的基本特征及其未来发展趋势的前提下制定的,因此,理解高速公路的产业特征是制定高速经营发展战略的前提,同时企业战略思想的把握决定着高速公路企业经营发展战略的制定方向。  相似文献   
The number of variables involved in the monitoring of an ecosystem can be high and often one of the first stages in the analysis is to reduce the number of variables. We describe a method developed for geological purposes, using the information theory, that enables selection of the most relevant variables. This technique also allows the examination of the asymmetrical relationships between variables. Applied to a set of physical and biological variables (plankton assemblages in four areas of the North Sea), the method shows that biological variables are more informative than physical variables although the controlling factors are mainly physical (sea surface temperature in winter and spring). Among biological variables, diversity measures and warm-water species assemblages are informative for the state of the North Sea pelagic ecosystems while among physical variables sea surface temperature in late winter and early spring are highly informative. Although often used in bioclimatology, the utilisation of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index does not seem to provide a lot of information. The method reveals that only the extreme states of this index has an influence on North Sea pelagic ecosystems. The substantial and persistent changes that were detected in the dynamic regime of the North Sea ecosystems and called regime shift are detected by the method and corresponds to the timing of other shifts described in the literature for some European Systems such as the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea when both physical and biological variables are considered.  相似文献   
为了弥补交叉口空间布局中对借道右转车道研究的不足,分析了借道右转车辆在两相邻交叉口间的运行过程,将两交叉口间距分为四部分。采用波动理论、考虑驾驶员的操作顺适性以及采用概率论方法,建立了借道右转的右转车道适宜开口位置模型、借道右转的绿化带开口长度模型和路段右转车辆的合流段长度模型,在此基础上得到了实施借道右转的两交叉口最小间距模型。实例分析表明,所得模型符合两相邻交叉口间的交通流运行实际,对于判断两相邻交叉口是否适合于设置借道右转,以及设置借道右转时如何对各构成部分进行分析具有指导意义。  相似文献   
通过分析温度对混凝土的损伤机理,尤其是混凝土冻害机理,发展了抗冻临界强度理论和早期结构形成学说,从微观角度定性地描述了负温混凝土防止早期冻害所要形成的结构为抗冻临界界面结构。  相似文献   
探讨了一种图论与故障树结合的方法,可用于复杂控制系统的故障诊断,主要采用故障树图论模型的算法实现系统的故障诊断。图论(有向图)可直观反映故障传播关系,把故障节点分层,用矩阵表示节点与顶事件的关系,通过矩阵运算出各层节点到顶事件的通路长度,通过底事件的失效率算出各节点关键重要度,确定每条通路的权值,进而确定每一层故障节点的排查次序。矩阵表示便于计算机处理,避开了寻找故障树割集或路集的困难,提高了诊断效率。  相似文献   
This work considers the second-order sum-frequency diffraction problem for a stationary truncated surface-piercing circular cylinder in bichromatic waves. The solution method was based on a semianalytical formulation of the second-order sum-frequency diffraction potential. The boundary conditions were properly satisfied by introducing the “locked” and the “free” wave components of the nonlinear velocity potential. The method was validated by comparing the calculated results with numerical data previously reported by other authors. Particular attention was paid to the second-order sum-frequency heave forces and the change in the wave run-up configuration due to the existence of the lower fluid domain underneath the truncated cylinder.  相似文献   
地质灾害危险性评价指标规范化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了评价指标规范化处理在地质灾害危险性评价中的重要作用;针对传统线性规范化处理方法在实际应用中存在的不足,对评价指标危险等级的取值论域进行处理;基于模糊数学理论,提出直线型和曲线型2种规范化处理方法,使地质灾害危险性评价指标规范化处理更合理、更符合实际情况。实例应用结果表明,该规范化处理方法能较真实地反映地质灾害危险性等级。  相似文献   
基于灰色预测模型的某型导弹费用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着导弹武器装备技术含量提高、组成变复杂,各种费用也随之增加,对其费用的分析具有涉及范围广、时间跨度大、变量多及数据离散等特点。分析此类系统的特点,利用灰色理论的对其费用进行研究,并从某型导弹有限的寿命周期费用数据出发,建立GM(1,1)模型进行预测,结果较好。  相似文献   
为研究简化的能力谱方法的计算精度,通过一座连续桥梁的实际算例,给出简化能力谱方法的具体应用过程。建立简化横向单墩计算模型,用SAP2000有限元程序对模型进行推导分析,得到能力谱曲线;将三条不同地震记录对应的反应谱曲线转化为ADRS格式的需求谱曲线,并与得到的能力谱曲线绘于同一坐标系下,两种曲线的交点即为结构在相应地震动下的弹性响应,继而求得结构相应的非弹性响应。用非线性时程分析方法对同一计算模型及三条地震动加速度纪录进行分析,与采用简化的能力谱方法下得到的计算结果进行比较,从中看出:简化的能力谱方法可以用较少的计算工作量得到比较精确的结构非线性响应;在该方法中采用 μ T关系式,会得到不同精度的计算结果。不同的Rμ  相似文献   
根据船舶电力推进变频驱动的特点,提出了一种新型变频器输出混合有源正弦波滤波器,在变频器的输出侧接上一个LC基波串联谐振电路,使变频器的输出电压对基波呈现低电抗、对谐波呈现高阻抗;同时实时检测负载端电压,根据瞬时无功功率理论可直接检测出谐波电压波形,并通过变流器和串联变压器反馈一个与谐波电压幅值相等、相位相反的电压去抵消系统中剩余的谐波电压。阐述了新型变频器输出混合有源正弦波滤波器的结构和工作原理,分析了滤波器的谐波抑制原理,给出了滤波器的仿真结果及分析。仿真结果表明:此滤波器设计新颖、结构简单、可靠性高,在各种工况条件下都能得到优化的滤波效果,很好地改善变频器的输出电压波形。  相似文献   
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