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为研究点汇聚系统的环境效益及减排机理,采用考虑气象条件修正后的航空器性能、燃油 流量及污染物计算模型,设计了理想条件下非高峰时刻与实际运行的高峰时刻两种场景,对比分 析了航空器在点汇聚系统与标准进场程序中污染物(即HC、CO、NOX、SOX和PM)的排放情况,并 从飞行时间、燃油消耗与排放指数3个方面分析了点汇聚系统的减排机理、识别了减排关键因素。 研究发现:在非高峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为5.79 kg与7.17 kg, 点汇聚系统较标准进场程序共减少约19.25%污染物排放,对NOX、SOX和PM减排效果显著;在高 峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为290.01 kg与406.69 kg,点汇聚系 统较标准进场程序共减少28.69%污染物排放,其中NOX减排比例最高可达48.32%。结果表明: 无论是非高峰时刻还是高峰时刻,点汇聚系统都具有良好的环境效益,可有效减少污染物的排放 总量,且对NOX减排效果最佳;较短的飞行时间、较低的燃油流量是点汇聚系统体现减排优势的 关键驱动因素。  相似文献   
Innovative traffic management measures are needed to reduce transportation-related emissions. While in Europe, road lane management has focused mainly on introduction of bus lanes, the conversion to High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) and eco-lanes (lanes dedicated to vehicles running on alternative fuels) has not been studied comprehensively. The objectives of this research are to: (1) Develop an integrated microscopic modeling platform calibrated with real world data to assess both traffic and emissions impacts of future Traffic Management Strategies (TMS) in an urban area; (2) Evaluate the introduction of HOV/eco-lanes in three different types of roads, freeway, arterial and urban routes, in an European medium-sized city and its effects in terms of emissions and traffic performance. The methodology consists of three distinct phases: (a) Traffic and road inventory data collection; (b) Traffic and emissions simulation using an integrated platform of microscopic simulation; and (c) Evaluation of scenarios. For the baseline scenario, the statistical analysis shows valid results. The results show that HOV and eco-lanes in a medium European city are feasible, and when the Average Occupancy of Vehicles (AOV) increases, on freeways, the majority of vehicles can reduce their travel time (2%) with a positive impact in terms of total emissions (−38% NOx, −39% HC, −43% CO and −37% CO2). On urban and arterial corridors, the reduction in emissions could be achieved only if the AOV increases from 1.50 to 1.70 passengers/vehicle. Total emissions of the corridor with an AOV of 1.70 passengers/vehicle can be reduced up to 35–36% for the urban route while the values can be reduced by 36–39% for the arterial road. With the introduction of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) and Electric Vehicles (EV) it is possible to reduce emissions, although the introduction of eco-lanes did not show significant reductions in emissions. When both policies are simulated together, an emissions improvement is observed for the arterial route and for two of the scenarios.  相似文献   
目前碳减排激励措施主要考虑碳定价、碳税、船舶航速降低激励等,尚未针对实施碳减排的船公司给予合理补贴激励。由于船公司运行模式、减排思路、资产组成等方面与普通企业的差异,传统委托-代理模型假设无法满足航运业背景下对政府激励效用的需求,需对现有委托-代理模型进行针对性改进。为实现政府以有限基金达到社会效用最大,同时满足船公司付出最优努力获得最大收益,考虑持风险规避态度的船公司碳减排效果外生不确定性,提出船舶碳减排政府激励效用模型,根据政府能否完全观察到船公司的减排努力程度,分别在信息完全与信息不完全条件下,以政府和船公司自身收益效用最大为优化目标,求解政府最优奖惩系数和船公司碳减排最优努力程度,分析政府对船公司进行规制的最优激励合约问题,以及决定船公司碳减排内外部因素的参数对政府给与船公司的最优激励及相关参数的影响。结果表明:最优激励系数伴随外生随机变量方差和绝对风险规避系数的增加而加速下降至缓慢降低,当外生随机变量方差为8和绝对风险规避系数为4时,下降速率趋至平稳,此时,船公司对选择碳减排的风险厌恶程度极高,对实施碳减排的抵制心理十分强烈;成本系数和减排努力水平影响系数同时影响船公司实施碳减排的力度,当减排努力水平较大时,政府的激励随船公司的成本增加呈现先迅速增长后平缓的变化趋势,意味着政府在有限基金内尽可能满足船公司碳减排需求以减少实施难度,但当激励达到一定程度,增加激励不会直接影响船公司碳减排积极性;由于成本系数和减排努力水平影响系数对政府激励效用的共同影响,不同航运市场条件下都将存在1个最优激励,结合长江航运发展背景,当成本系数为0.5且减排努力水平影响系数为3,使得政府激励效用最优。  相似文献   
舰船用非金属材料污染散发特性及检测评价研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


为降低干线道路系统的交通排放量,基于机动车比功率改进红绿灯期间排放因子的标定方法,进而以相位有效绿灯时间为决策变量,构建使机动车排放总量最小化的干线交叉口群时空资源优化模型.分析相邻交叉口间车队延误与相位差的关系,改进以车队延误最小为目标的相位差优化模型.为验证模型,设计一个案例,根据传统方法获得参考配时方案,借助Vissim软件标定红绿灯期间的排放因子,并使用所提方法获得优化配时方案.结果显示,每种污染物绿灯期间的排放因子均明显高于红灯期间;与参考配时方案相比,优化配时方案下各交叉口车辆延误和排放量均减少8~11%.所提模型能同时降低干线交叉口群的车辆延误和交通排放量,可用于优化干线协调信号控制方案,进而缓解交通拥堵.  相似文献   
从使用和环保的角度出发,对柴油发动机排出的三种颜色烟雾的原因及排除方法进行了论述。  相似文献   
基于1台高压共轨涡轮增压柴油机,采用不同的预喷正时、预喷油量与后喷正时等,研究了多次喷射对燃烧放热、排放生成与燃油经济性的影响,以实现均质压燃和低温燃烧过程。研究结果表明:随预喷正时提前,缸内峰值压力降低,主燃阶段的滞燃期缩短,NOx和炭烟排放均降低;随预喷油量增加,预喷阶段燃烧的放热率和最大压力升高率增大,NOx和HC排放增大,而PM和CO排放降低;随后喷始点推迟,缸内压力与主放热率峰值差异变小,NOx排放降低,但炭烟排放先增大后逐渐降低。  相似文献   
为了获得典型机动车PM2.5排放特性,文章利用符合PMP规程的MEXA一1000SPCS时不同技术类型的机动车进行了PM2.5数量排放研究,并对PM2.5排放较高的两类车型(GDI和国Ⅳ柴油车)进行了冷热试验对比。试验结果表明:不同技术类型机动车PM2.5排放量级差异明显,国V柴油车〈MPI汽油车〈GDI汽油车〈国Ⅳ柴油车;GDI汽油车PM2.5排放受温度影响要大于受负荷的影响;国Ⅳ柴油车型PM2.5排放受车辆负荷的影响要大于受温度的影响;DPF技术能够有效降低PM2.5排放;无论何种车型,瞬态加速工况都会造成PM2.5排放急剧增高。  相似文献   
Public transit systems with high occupancy can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to low-occupancy transportation modes, but current transit systems have not been designed to reduce environmental impacts. This motivates the study of the benefits of design and operational approaches for reducing the environmental impacts of transit systems. For example, transit agencies may replace level-of-service (LOS) by vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a criterion in evaluating design and operational changes. In previous work, we explored the unintended consequences of lowering transit LOS on emissions in a single-technology transit system. Herein, we extend the analysis to account for a more realistic case: a transit system with a hierarchical structure (trunk and feeder lines) providing service to a city where demand is elastic. By considering the interactions between the trunk and the feeder systems, we provide a quantitative basis for designing and operating integrated urban transit systems that can reduce GHG emissions and societal costs. We find that highly elastic transit demand may cancel emission reduction potentials resulting from lowering LOS, due to demand shifts to lower occupancy vehicles. However, for mass transit modes, these potentials are still significant. Transit networks with buses, bus rapid transit or light rail as trunk modes should be designed and operated near the cost-optimal point when the demand is highly elastic, while this is not required for metro. We find that the potential for unintended consequences increases with the size of the city. Our results are robust to uncertainties in the costs and emissions parameters.  相似文献   
阐述了混合动力牵引调车机车的概念和样车的结构性能,重点论述了样车主要研制内容及技术措施、节油减排效果、节油试验情况,从评估计算和试验验证两方面论证了混合动力技术能实现能量高效利用和循环利用的双重目标,总结了样车的研制成果。  相似文献   
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