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Growing numbers of users and many access control policies which involve many different resource attributes in service-oriented environments bring various problems in protecting resource.This paper analyzes the relationships of resource attributes to user attributes in all policies, and propose a general attribute and rule based role-based access control(GAR-RBAC) model to meet the security needs. The model can dynamically assign users to roles via rules to meet the need of growing numbers of users. These rules use different attribute expression and permission as a part of authorization constraints, and are defined by analyzing relations of resource attributes to user attributes in many access policies that are defined by the enterprise. The model is a general access control model, and can support many access control policies, and also can be used to wider application for service. The paper also describes how to use the GAR-RBAC model in Web service environments.  相似文献   
为有效分析区域级雷达组网的作战效能,给防空情报系统提供辅助决策,文章运用模糊综合评定的方法,提出了区域级雷达组网作战效能的评价指标体系,建立了三级模糊评判模型,并利用层次分析法确定了各因素的权重,给出了区域级雷达组网作战效能的量化评判方法。最后,就某一区域雷达组网的作战效能进行了评估,给出了参考值。  相似文献   
市域城市轨道交通及其主要技术特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了日本、德国、法国等国外典型市域快速线概况及我国市域线概况.分析了市域线的主要功能定位和起源.阐述了市域线对城市形态的影响,以及市域线与一般轨道交通主要技术特征的比较.结合上海市轨道交通线网规划和9号线等工程实际情况,对市域线的主要技术标准进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The role of the railways in the air transport industry is usually limited to provision of access to airports. However, the development of high-speed rail networks and the congestion and environmental problems faced by the air transport industry suggest the railways could have a greater role in working with the airlines to provide an integrated transport service for medium-distance journeys (up to 800 km). Many air journeys involve two flights and a transfer at a hub airport. The alternative being investigated here would replace air journeys by a rail journey and a flight, and a transfer between them at the hub airport. Such integration could offer a positive alternative to aircraft on some routes and lead to railway journeys to airports becoming part of air transport services, and not only to provide access to them. Integration could therefore provide a better use of available air capacity rather than duplicating some high-speed rail routes and services.  相似文献   
针对地铁CBTC系统中联锁和区域控制器的功能和关系进行分析和探讨.  相似文献   
Thedetectionrateofresectablesmallpancreaticcar cinomaisincreasingasaresultofrecentadvancesinvari ousdiagnosticimagingtechniques,however ,resectionatthetimeofdiagnosisispossibleinonly 5 %- 2 2 %ofthepatients[1] ,andmostofthepatientsbelongtoadvancedpancreaticcar…  相似文献   
为满足智能船舶自主航行的发展需求,解决基于强化学习的船舶避碰决策方法存在的学习效率低、泛化能力弱以及复杂会遇场景下鲁棒性差等问题,针对船舶避碰决策信息的高维性和动作的连续性等特点,考虑决策的合理性和实时性,研究了基于双延迟深度确定性策略梯度(TD3)的船舶自主避碰方法。根据船舶间相对运动信息与碰撞危险信息,从全局角度构建具有连续多时刻目标船信息的状态空间;依据船舶操纵性设计连续决策动作空间;综合考虑目标导向、航向保持、碰撞危险、《1972年国际海上避碰规则》(COLREGs)和良好船艺等因素,设计船舶运动的奖励函数;基于TD3算法,根据状态空间结构,结合长短期记忆(LSTM)网络和一维卷积网络,利用Actor-Critic结构设计船舶自主避碰网络模型,利用双价值网络学习、目标策略平滑以及策略网络延迟更新等方式稳定网络训练,利用跳帧以及批量大小和迭代更新次数动态增大等方式加速网络训练;为解决模型泛化能力弱的问题,提出基于TD3的船舶随机会遇场景训练流程,实现自主避碰模型应用的多场景迁移。运用训练得到的船舶自主避碰模型进行仿真验证,并与改进人工势场(APF)算法进行比较,结果表明:所提方法学习效率高,收敛快速平稳;训练得到的自主避碰模型在2船和多船会遇场景下均能使船舶在安全距离上驶过,并且在复杂会遇场景中比改进APF算法避碰成功率高,避让2~4艘目标船时成功率高达99.233%,5~7艘目标船时成功率97.600%,8~10艘目标船时成功率94.166%;所提方法能有效应对来船的不协调行动,避碰实时性高,决策安全合理,航向变化快速平稳、震荡少、避碰路径光滑,比改进APF方法性能更强。  相似文献   
以连锁企业城市配送中心辐射范围内的三级物流配送为研究问题,通过分析旅行商问题与哈密尔顿回路的对应性,在证明哈密尔顿回路存在性的基础上,应用图论优化方法获得满足最小费用流的哈密尔顿回路,从而求解城市配送系统范畴内的区域配送线路问题。通过实例分析,该方法在求解此类问题的可行性和优越性得到了验证。  相似文献   
This article provides a brief introduction to the theme issue on “The role of geography in contemporary coastal management policy and practice.” The theme is addressed through a suite of seven articles that collectively consider how geographical understandings and methods relate to contemporary coastal policy and practice. The key theme to emerge from the articles is that geography forms an underlying framework for considering integrated coastal management, largely due to the integrative nature of geography itself.  相似文献   

A territorial sea comprising 6.7 million acres of offshore lands extending three geographic miles into the Atlantic Ocean three marine leagues (nine geographic miles) into the Gulf of Mexico makes Florida the second largest “oceanowning”; state in the contiguous United States. Florida's history, climate, economic development, and worldwide reputation have evolved from the state's relationship with the sea. The state is now becoming aware that aggressive management of its ocean resources is necessary to preserve the future of that relationship. The purpose of this article is to present some of Florida's recent legal and policy initiatives that have been directed toward better understanding and management of ocean resources and uses.  相似文献   
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