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视距是评价汽车行驶安全性和舒适性的重要指标.从医学和工学相结合的角度,以行车实验为依据,对驾驶员心率和血压变动规律与山区公路平曲线通视距离相关性进行分析研究.基于人机工程学实验研究表明,山区公路平曲线通视距离,应比现行理论计算通视距离增加5-10 m的安全距离,同时提出了相应的山区交通安全改善措施.  相似文献   
通过阐述ARPA的功能及在海事调查中的作用,提出用ARPA进行海上交通模拟的方法,并在此基础上设计出一种事故分析系统,从而方便对海上交通事故进行统计分析。  相似文献   
In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to the development of various applications of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which are credited with the amelioration of traffic conditions in urban and regional environments. Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) constitute an important element of ITS by providing potential travelers with information on the network's current performance both en-route and pre-trip. In order to tackle the complexity of such systems, derived from the difficulty of providing real-time estimations of current as well as forecasts of future traffic conditions, a series of models and algorithms have been initiated. This paper proposes the development of an integrated framework for real-time ATIS and presents its application on a large-scale network, that of Thessaloniki, Greece, concluding with a discussion on development and implementation challenges as well as on the advantages and limitations of such an effort.  相似文献   
In India pedestrians usually cross the road at mid-block crosswalks due to ease of access to their destination or the development of adjacent land use types such as shopping, business areas, school and residential areas. The behaviour of pedestrian will change with respect to different land use type and this change in behaviour of pedestrian further reflects change in perceived level of service (LOS). So, it is important to evaluate the quality of service of such crossing facilities with respect to different land-use type under mixed traffic conditions. In this framework, pedestrian perceived LOS were collected with respect to different land-use type such as shopping, residential and business areas. The ordered probit (OP) model was developed by using NLOGIT software package, with number of vehicles encountered, road crossing difficulty as well as safety considered as primary factors along with pedestrian individual factors (gender and age), land-use type and roadway geometry. From the model results, it has been concluded that perceived safety, crossing difficulty, land-use condition, number of vehicles encountered, median width and number of lanes have significant effect on pedestrian perceived LOS at unprotected (un-signalized) mid-block crosswalks in mixed traffic scenario. The inferences of these results highlights the importance of land use planning in designing a new set of pedestrian access facilities for unprotected mid-block crosswalks under mixed traffic conditions. Also the study results would be useful for evaluating pedestrian accessibility taking into account different land-use type and planning required degree of segregation with vehicular movement at unprotected mid-block crosswalk locations.  相似文献   
为研究公路隧道巷道式运营通风横通道周围的流场特性,以贵州凉风坳隧道为研究背景,利用流体力学研究软件Fluent建立隧道三维模型并进行了数值仿真计算。通过在隧道两边等风速条件下,对隧道内人行横通道以及车行横通道附近的流场特点研究,分析了运营通风横通道周围流场分布的具体特点。模拟结果表明:车行横通道与人行横通道两边流场分布基本相同;横通道内风速相对较小,约为隧道内风速的10%;不同风速下,横通道附近的速度分布和总压分布整体走势一致;两边流场相对稳定,不会进行风流和污染物的串流。  相似文献   
通过对高速公路改扩建工程环境保护的研究,文章首先分析改扩建工程中环境保护的必要性,并对高速公路改扩建工程中环境保护的具体内容进行分析,重点探讨高速公路改扩建工程中环境保护的具体应用,对某高速公路改扩建案例的深入分析,提出四大环境保护措施。  相似文献   
为了提高滑行能量回收经济性和踏板制动安全性、舒适性,基于交通信息,提出了电动汽车(EV)制动协调策略。分析了滑行制动的经济性,由交通信息和汽车行驶状态确定滑行制动强度;由道路信息和前方车辆信息建立汽车安全距离模型和碰撞预警策略,利用预警信息对滑行制动和踏板制动强度进行协调。对本策略进行仿真验证。结果表明:利用交通信息的滑行策略,在通行良好工况下综合能耗减少1.1%,拥堵工况下减轻驾驶员的制动疲劳;预警和协调策略避免了频繁预警,减小了紧急避撞触发几率。因此,利用交通信息能够辅助驾驶员进行更加合理的制动。  相似文献   
为改善城市常规公交运营效率,提出基于模拟退火-自适应布谷鸟算法的公交调度优化模型.通过结合线路实际客流数据反映的客流特征,建立考虑公交公司和乘客双方利益的公交调度优化模型;改进布谷鸟算法固定步长并加入模拟退火算法退火操作,设计模拟退火-自适应布谷鸟算法,改善寻优过程中跳出局部最优解而全局寻优的能力;以福州125路公交线...  相似文献   
根据南昌市2000年至2003年的道路交通安全现状,利用统计分析方法,对道路交通事故的成因、时空分布、事故形态等进行了分析和研究,并针对南昌市的交通事故的特点与规律,提出了预防交通事故的若干措施.  相似文献   
涎流冰是高寒地区典型的地质灾害现象,青藏高原具备产生涎流冰的气象和水文地质条件,涎流冰对川西-藏东地区交通廊道的影响不可忽视.本文通过卫星地图识别和现场调查,对川西-藏东交通廊道涎流冰的发育特征进行了统计分析.川西-藏东交通廊道区涎流冰主要位于以阴坡为主的缓坡地带,以坡面溢流型为主,主要位于海拔3500~4500 m之...  相似文献   
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