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混凝土色差是混凝土结构外观质量检测与评定时的重要参数之一。目前,混凝土色差的评定主要依据检测人员的经验对混凝土表面颜色的均一性进行直观定性判断,其结果难以客观评定混凝土的外观质量。基于图像分析技术的应用,提出采用数码相机现场采集混凝土结构表面图像,对图像进行灰度转换,计算灰度图像的标准差,考虑人类视觉识别特征和拍摄环境的影响,建立混凝土表面色差的定量评价体系和方法。基于所提方法,对一混凝土结构的表面进行了对比试验,结果表明:该方法能有效检测与评定混凝土表面色差缺陷。  相似文献   
城市排水管道系统通常占有工程较大的投资比,结合某市政给排水工程管道开槽埋管施工的实际情况,对开槽埋管施工技术进行探讨分析,目的在于为今后类似工程提供参考资料。  相似文献   
The railway industry in the UK is currently expanding the use of condition monitoring of railway vehicles. These systems can be used to improve maintenance procedures or could potentially be used to monitor current vehicle running conditions without the use of cost prohibitive sensors. This paper looks at a novel method for the online detection of areas of low adhesion in the wheel/rail contact that cause significant disruption to the running of a network, particularly in the autumn season. The proposed method uses a Kalman–Bucy filter to estimate the creep forces in the wheel–rail contact area; post-processing is then applied to provide information indicative of the actual adhesion level. The algorithm uses data that, in practice, would be available from a set of modest cost inertial sensors mounted on the vehicle bogie and wheel-sets. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated using simulation data from a nonlinear dynamic model of the vehicle and its track interface.  相似文献   
A vertical vehicle–track coupled dynamic model, consisting of a high-speed train on a continuously supported rail, is established in the frequency-domain. The solution is obtained efficiently by use of the Green's function method, which can determine the vibration response over a wide range of frequency without any limitations due to modal truncation. Moreover, real track irregularity spectra can be used conveniently as input. The effect of the flexibility of both track and car body on the entire vehicle–track coupled dynamic response is investigated. A multi-body model of a vehicle with either rigid or flexible car body is defined running on three kinds of track: a rigid rail, a track stiffness model and a Timoshenko beam model. The results show that neglecting the track flexibility leads to an overestimation of both the contact force and the whole vehicle vibration response. The car body flexibility affects the ride quality of the vehicle and the coupling through the track and can be significant in certain frequency ranges. Finally, the effect of railpad and ballast stiffness on the vehicle–track coupled vibration is analysed, indicating that the stiffness of the railpad has an influence on the system in a higher frequency range than the ballast.  相似文献   
随着交通事业的发展,公路路面的病害也逐渐暴露出来。主要针对混凝土路面下出现的板底脱空,提出了采用车载弯沉仪与探地雷达相结合的方法,探测板底脱空部位及板底路基病害,并对混凝土路面板底脱空灌浆处理后的效果进行评价。  相似文献   
为实现桥梁从施工期到运营期信息化、数字化和智慧化管理,通过桥梁信息管理与健康监测系统的设计与开发,即按照全面的桥梁基础资料管理、长期运营监测数据与定期检测成果相结合、定期检测成果与加固维修措施相结合的原则,实现了桥梁全寿命期的一体化信息管理系统的融合及应用。系统提供了监测管理模块的多源数据采集、测点管理、图形绘制、监测预警,检测管理模块的移动端病害录入、技术状况评估、历年病害统计对比,加固维修管理模块的对策措施和费用匡算等功能。依据桥梁长期监测数据、检测病害,可综合评判桥梁健康状况,为今后开展桥梁养护管理及加固维修提供依据,有效提升桥梁运维管理水平。  相似文献   
随着时代的进步,工程施工技术取得了快速的发展,施工技术的合理性对于施工进度如期完成,方案的经济合理性有着十分重要的影响.运河是现代社会中交通运输网络不可或缺的要素,与公路建设相比,运河工程必须使每个单位更加重视水上作业安全要求.以外环运河综合整治工程为例,通过对该项目从最开始的工况介绍,再到项目的施工方案设计,施工资源量的计算,施工进度的安排,以及施工的保障进行一整套研究,对于该项目的顺利施工能够起到指导作用.其成果可给同类型的运河治理施工提供可行性的参考依据.  相似文献   
为解决杭州市香积寺路西延工程盾构段下穿220 kV半霞线线、半霞线电力管沟横穿东侧明挖段隧道基坑(4#工作井)及燃霞、燃湾线电力管沟与中间明挖隧道基坑呈“L”形交叉等施工难题,首先,通过对盾构施工的影响范围、地表隆陷变化规律以及电力管沟对地表变形适应能力评估的研究,采取优化掘进参数、控制泥水压力、掘进速度、出渣量、盾构...  相似文献   
现代土木工程时常涉及大体积混凝土,其施工及养护过程极易出现质量问题,因此项目实施过程中检测工作始终贯穿于各个环节.常规混凝土无损检测方法一般无法对混凝土内部大截面进行直观评判,而弹性波CT则一次性重构截面波速分布,经反演后直接推定剖面内缺陷存在与否以及缺陷的位置及规模.通过弹性波CT在大体积混凝土检测中的应用,并结合超...  相似文献   
已完成施打的PHC管桩,由于疏于保护等因素,使桩承受了非能预见的水平荷载,桩身通常会出现一定程度的倾斜,它会使PHC管桩桩身产生裂缝、断裂、弯曲或倾斜,使PHC管桩承载力降低或者失效,对工程质量及安全产生重大的影响.通过某工程的PHC管桩受基坑滑坡影响造成倾斜处理实例,从现有理论分析成果出发,结合工程实际处理的对策,得...  相似文献   
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