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浅析许渊冲教授的诗歌翻译理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许渊冲教授是著名的诗歌翻译实践家和理论家,在诗歌翻译理论的继承和发展中发挥了重要的作用.然而,对于许教授的诗歌翻译理论应采取怎样的科学态度尚无明确定论.在借鉴众多学者对许教授诗歌翻译理论评述的基础上,文章从三个方面进行系统分析,指出应采取“扬弃”的态度,继承和发展许渊冲教授的诗歌翻译理论.  相似文献   
文章针对车辆工程专业核心课程—汽车理论,结合我校该专业的定位和社会对该专业人才的实际需求,根据地方院校应用型人才培养的目标和要求,在我校进行了汽车理论课程非标准答案教学改革的探索,提出了该课程采用非标准答案教学的改革思路,并从非标准答案教学的意义、非标准答案教学改革的内容与形式、具体实施步骤以及评分标准等方面进行了细致...  相似文献   
为准确模拟驾驶人跟车行为,提出基于隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)的驾驶人“感知-决策-操控”行为模型。建立描述驾驶意愿的HMM模型,模拟驾驶人感知过程,获得期望的车间距;预测模块模拟驾驶人根据交通环境和自身生理、心理状态预测车辆未来轨迹,即决策过程;优化模块描述驾驶人为使预测的车辆轨迹跟踪上期望的车辆间距而采取的操控汽车的执行动作,即操控过程。上述3个模块的滚动过程实现了对驾驶人跟车行为的模拟。利用自然驾驶数据进行算例分析,结果表明,本文模型预测车间距平均误差仅为1.47%,证明了所建模型的有效性及准确性。本文为驾驶行为建模方法的理论研究和应用拓宽了思路。  相似文献   
车辆跟驰模型是被交通科学与交通工程领域广泛认可的微观交通流模型,是交通流理论 的基础。近年来,信息感知与获取、大数据、人工智能等技术快速发展,推动了数据驱动跟驰模型 的快速发展。数据驱动跟驰模型,是以真实的车辆行驶数据为基础,利用数据科学与机器学习等 理论和方法,通过样本数据的训练、学习、迭代、进化,挖掘车辆跟驰行为的内在规律。本文系统 回顾了数据驱动跟驰模型在过去20余年的发展历程以及由神经网络和深度学习带动的两次研究 热潮,归纳了基于传统机器学习理论的跟驰模型、基于深度学习的跟驰模型、模型与数据混合驱 动的跟驰模型3类数据驱动跟驰模型,并分别介绍了其中的典型代表。分析数据源发现,尽管各 种高精度轨迹数据不断涌现,目前研究仍多使用美国于2006年发布的Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM)高精度车辆轨迹数据,模型的可移植性和泛化能力值得思考与研究。提出关于模型输 入、输出的3个问题:如何考虑更多驾驶行为变量,是否有必要考虑更多行为变量,现有输入、输出 是否可替换。在模型测试与验证方面,发现并讨论了目前测试不充分、对比不完整、缺少统一测 试集与测试标准等问题。最后,探讨了数据驱动跟驰模型原创性与成功的关键因素等问题。期 望通过本文的梳理,帮助研究者更好地了解数据驱动跟驰模型的过去与现状,促进相关研究的快 速发展。  相似文献   
This study proposes a framework for human-like autonomous car-following planning based on deep reinforcement learning (deep RL). Historical driving data are fed into a simulation environment where an RL agent learns from trial and error interactions based on a reward function that signals how much the agent deviates from the empirical data. Through these interactions, an optimal policy, or car-following model that maps in a human-like way from speed, relative speed between a lead and following vehicle, and inter-vehicle spacing to acceleration of a following vehicle is finally obtained. The model can be continuously updated when more data are fed in. Two thousand car-following periods extracted from the 2015 Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study were used to train the model and compare its performance with that of traditional and recent data-driven car-following models. As shown by this study’s results, a deep deterministic policy gradient car-following model that uses disparity between simulated and observed speed as the reward function and considers a reaction delay of 1 s, denoted as DDPGvRT, can reproduce human-like car-following behavior with higher accuracy than traditional and recent data-driven car-following models. Specifically, the DDPGvRT model has a spacing validation error of 18% and speed validation error of 5%, which are less than those of other models, including the intelligent driver model, models based on locally weighted regression, and conventional neural network-based models. Moreover, the DDPGvRT demonstrates good capability of generalization to various driving situations and can adapt to different drivers by continuously learning. This study demonstrates that reinforcement learning methodology can offer insight into driver behavior and can contribute to the development of human-like autonomous driving algorithms and traffic-flow models.  相似文献   
A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   
Railway transportation systems are important for society and have many challenging and important planning problems. Train services as well as maintenance of a railway network need to be scheduled efficiently, but have mostly been treated as two separate planning problems. Since these activities are mutually exclusive they must be coordinated and should ideally be planned together. In this paper we present a mixed integer programming model for solving an integrated railway traffic and network maintenance problem. The aim is to find a long term tactical plan that optimally schedules train free windows sufficient for a given volume of regular maintenance together with the wanted train traffic. A spatial and temporal aggregation is used for controlling the available network capacity. The properties of the proposed model are analyzed and computational experiments on various synthetic problem instances are reported. Model extensions and possible modifications are discussed as well as future research directions.  相似文献   
A novel multiclass macroscopic model is proposed in this article. In order to enhance first-in, first-out property (FIFO) and transmission function in the multiclass traffic modeling, a new multiclass cell transmission model with FIFO property (herein called FM-CTM) is extended from its prior multiclass cell transmission model (M-CTM). Also, to enhance its analytical compactness and resultant computational convenience, FM-CTM is formulated in this paper as a set of closed-form matrix equations. The objective is to improve the accuracy of traffic state estimation by enforcing FIFO property when a fast vehicle cannot overtake a slow vehicle due to a limitation of a single-lane road. Moreover, the proposed model takes into account a different priority for vehicles of each class to move forward through congested road conditions, and that makes the flow calculation independent from their free-flow speeds. Some hypothetical and real-world freeway networks with a constant or varying number of lanes are selected to verify FM-CTM by comparing with M-CTM and the conventional CTM. Observed densities of VISSIM and real-world dataset of I-80 are selected to compare with the simulated densities from the three CTMs. The numerical results show that FM-CTM outperforms the other two models by 15% of accuracy measures in most cases. Therefore, the proposed model is expected to be well applicable to the road network with a mixed traffic and varying number of lanes.  相似文献   
During the last years, many governments have set targets for increasing the share of biofuels in the transportation sector. Understanding consumer behavior is essential in designing policies that efficiently increase the uptake of cleaner technologies. In this paper we analyze adopters and non-adopters of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). We use diffusion of innovation theory and the established notion that the social system and interpersonal influence play important roles in adoption. Based on a nationwide database of car owners we analyze interpersonal influence on adoption from three social domains: neighbors, family and coworkers. The results point primarily at a neighbor effect in that AFV adoption is more likely if neighbors also have adopted. The results also point at significant effects of interpersonal influence from coworkers and family members but these effects weaken or disappear when income, education level, marriage, age, gender and green party votes are controlled for. The results extend the diffusion of innovation and AFV literature with empirical support for interpersonal influence based on objective data where response bias is not a factor. Implications for further research, environmental and transport policy, and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   
This study describes an adaptable planning tool that examines potential change in vehicle miles travelled (VMT) growth and corresponding traffic safety outcomes in two urbanized areas, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, based on built environment, economic and demographic variables. This model is employed to demonstrate one aspect of the potential benefits of growth management policy implementation aimed at curbing VMT growth, and to establish targets with which to measure the effectiveness of those policies through a forecasting approach. The primary objective of this research is to demonstrate the need to break with current trends in order to achieve future goals, and to identify specific policy targets for fuel prices, population density, and transit service within the two study regions. Models indicate based on medium growth scenarios, Baton Rouge will experience a 9 percent increase in VMTs and New Orleans will experience 10 percent growth. This translates to corresponding increases in crashes, injuries and fatalities. The paper provides forecasts for planners and engineers to consider an alternative future, based on desired goals to reduce VMTs and therefore improve safety outcomes. A constrained-forecast model shows a cap on VMTs and crash rates is achievable through policy that increases fuel prices, population density and annual transit passenger miles per capita at reasonable levels through a growth management approach.  相似文献   
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