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The advent of the autonomous vehicle (AV) will affect not only the transportation system, but also future patterns of land development. Integrated land use and transportation models will be critical tools in assessing the path forward with this technology. Key questions with respect to land use impacts of AVs arise from potential changes in sensitivity to travel and reduced demand for parking. It is an open question whether AVs will induce urban sprawl, or whether spatial economies of agglomeration will mitigate any reductions in travel time sensitivity. The deployment of shared fleets of AVs would likely reduce parking demand, producing yet to be explored impacts on property development within existing urban footprints. We perform a critical assessment of currently operational models and their ability to represent the adoption of AVs. We identify the representation of time in such models as a vital component requiring additional development to model this new technology. Existing model applications have focused on the discrete addition of new infrastructure or policy at a fixed point in time, whereas AV adoption will occur incrementally through time. Stated adaptation surveys are recommended as tools to quantify preferences and develop relevant model inputs. It is argued that existing models that assume comparatively static equilibrium have been convenient in the past, but are insufficient to model technology adoption. In contrast, dynamic model frameworks lack sufficient structure to maintain reasonability under large perturbations from base conditions. The ongoing advancement of computing has allowed models to move away from being mechanistic aggregate tools, towards behaviourally rich depictions of individual persons and firms. However, much work remains to move from projections of existing conditions into the future, to the evolution of the spatial economy as it evolves through time in response to new technologies and exogenous stresses. Principles from complex and evolutionary systems theory will be important in the development of models with the capacity to consider such dynamics.  相似文献   
Doherty  Sean T.  Andrey  Jean C. 《Transportation》1997,24(3):227-251
Despite improvements in road safety over the past several decades, accident rates remain high for young drivers. One accident countermeasure that is expected to improve the safety record of this group is graduated licensing. The philosophy behind this licensing system is that novice drivers, of whom the majority are young, should be restricted to relatively safe driving environments during the initial learning period. Graduated licensing was implemented in the Province of Ontario, Canada in 1994. The objective of this study is to estimate the potential benefits and costs for young drivers associated with two components of the Ontario graduated licensing package: the late-night driving curfew and the high-speed roadway restrictions. Based on accident and travel data for the year 1988, accident-involvement rates per kilometre driven were calculated for different driver groups for various combinations of time of day and roadway speed limit. These rates were then applied to the expected mobility profiles of young drivers affected by graduated licensing. The results of the study support the late-night curfew and suggest that this component of the licensing package should reduce total accident involvements for the affected group by up to 10 percent and fatal accident involvements by up to 24 percent, while reducing their total driving by only four percent. By contrast, the empirical evidence suggest that the high-speed roadway restrictions are likely to increase accident involvements, and thus it is strongly recommended that this component of Ontario's graduated licensing package be changed.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, the escalating roadway congestion and environmental deterioration due to heavy use of private vehicles have provoked the Taiwan government to realize the importance of public transport systems. Under the “carrot-and-stick” rationales, the government has formulated public transport policies and exercised a series of related initiatives by providing sufficient and higher quality of public transport services so as to attract more private vehicle users. In this paper, the planning philosophy and policy formulation of Taiwan’s public transport development are highlighted. The most important initiatives, including the Five-year Enhancement of Mass Transportation Program and the upgrading public transport schemes in the National Development Plan are examined. Based on previous experience and lessons, we point out the most challenging issues that the government will encounter. Suggestions for the future of public transport planning are also addressed.  相似文献   
对中国未来10年道路交通安全状况分析与初步预测   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
笔者从中国现代道路交通系统的发展现状与道路交通安全状况出发,以过去10多年中国汽车、摩托车保有量的发展轨迹为基础,对中国未来一定时期(2004~2015年)机动车保有量的发展变化及政府采取不同管理对策条件下的道路交通安全状况的发展水平进行了预测。结果表明:政府管理对策对道路交通安全状况变化具有决定性影响。  相似文献   
系统有4种运行状态:正常、异常、隐患和故障,系统从正常依次经异常、隐患到达故障。正常状态、异常状态和隐患状态为系统的工作状态,系统处于哪种工作状态检测诊断后才能知道,系统故障时不需检测诊断就能知道。系统每次开始正常工作后,每隔一段随机时间对它检测诊断一次,直到系统故障或检测诊断出系统处于异常或隐患状态为止,并且诊断正常和异常时结果有可能出现错误,隐患诊断结果不会出错。在系统的寿命为连续型随机变量,检测间隔时间服从指数分布的假设下,利用向量Markov过程方法求出了系统的可靠性指标、系统的最优检测策略。  相似文献   
城市是人类政治、经济、社会、文化的聚焦点,也是人类频繁活动的集散中心。根据全球城市化进程的快速推进,城市公共交通已出现严重瓶颈,阻碍了城市文明发展。从工程演化论学术观分析,城市公共交通朝轨道交通发展已成历史的必然;而城市规模、特征、环境、发达程度所构成的不同形态又促使城轨交通工程演化朝向多样性发展;当前,在新时期下的社会和自然出现更高需求,城轨交通如何依靠技术进化来实现可持续发展是本文作者的思考命题,借此同学术界共勉。  相似文献   
城市交通系统是一个复杂的动态系统,由它产生的城市交通问题具有普遍性、紧迫性和长期性。因此,要解决城市交通问题既要参考国内外经验,又要立足实际。只有循序渐进地不断修正城市交通政策,才能切实提高政府的执政能力,建立一个适应城市经济发展和满足市民实际需求的城市交通系统。  相似文献   
为了研究动力湿化作用下渗流水在粗粒土高路堤内的迁移特性,自主研发设计制作一种室内喷洒降雨装置及车辆动力荷载模拟装置,开展动力湿化作用下粗粒土高路堤渗流场时空演化模型试验,从时间和空间2个角度描述渗流水在路堤内的迁移特性,然后根据模型试验结果,建立粗粒土渗流场时空演化机制,揭示动力湿化作用下的粗粒土高路堤边坡渐变失稳发育机理。研究结果表明:基于相似理论,开展粗粒土高路堤渗流场时空演化模型试验可以较为真实地反映粗粒土高路堤在动力湿化作用下渗流水的迁移特性;动力湿化作用下,湿润锋首先在路堤边坡表面形成,并逐渐从边坡表面向内部拓展,在坡顶处的拓展速率较小,坡脚处的拓展速率较大;受湿润锋演变规律的影响,路堤边坡监测点负孔隙水压力逐渐减小,体积含水率逐渐增大,坡前应力逐渐增加,位于坡脚浅层区域的应力增加速度较快;依据渗流水的迁移规律,将渗流影响范围内的土体自上而下分为浅层暂态饱和区、渗流水填充区及渗流水湿润区;在动力湿化作用下,粗粒土高路堤边坡将逐渐产生沿坡脚深层滑移的渐变趋势。  相似文献   
为描述非均衡网络交通流实际成本-流量状态,考虑置存成本和路段行程时间,建立行程时间动态函数,将其引入用户均衡模型,构建基于出行总成本动态、路径流量动态、路段行程时间动态的交通流演化模型。利用简单网络,采用四阶龙格库塔方法对建立的模型进行数值模拟。动态模型弹性需求下,出行成本调整范围由大到小,趋于平衡值;路径流量迅速增加后,以较小调整范围,趋于平衡值;路段行程时间迅速增加后,逐步趋向于平衡值。固定需求下的出行成本、路径流量、路段行程时间均是反复调整多次后趋近于平衡值,调整范围缩小,次数增加。算例模拟结果表明,模型能够描述网络交通流从一种非均衡状态到另一种非均衡状态的动态调整过程。  相似文献   
为了研究综合客运通道内多方式价格竞争对市场分担率与利润的影响, 基于非集计NL模型与博弈理论, 构建了各客运方式市场分担率与运输价格关系的双矩阵博弈模型。以成渝通道为基础, 研究了高速铁路和高速公路大巴2种典型运输方式不同情景下的市场竞争均衡价格与分担率的变化特征。分析结果表明: 在采用双矩阵博弈模型所计算的均衡价格条件下, 高速铁路和高速公路大巴平均市场分担率分别增加了56.15%和80.58%, 有利于发挥二者的规模效益; 当出行模式结构相同时, 时间价值的变化会影响运营利润和市场分担率, 随着时间价值系数的增大, 高速铁路的平均运营利润增加34.60%, 平均市场分担率增加9.98%, 同时高速公路大巴平均运营利润减少29.70%, 平均市场分担率减少3.49%;对于出行时间处于劣势的高速公路大巴, 适当降低票价有利于增加营运利润; 该博弈模型的计算结果符合区域综合运输通道客运市场实际变化规律, 高速铁路和高速公路大巴不可能通过无限制降价的方式来追求最大利润, 运营利润都呈现先增后减的趋势, 在某个价格下运营利润最大; 该博弈模型具有价格均衡解, 在外界情况变化时, 通过博弈高速铁路和高速公路大巴价格可以达到利润最优状态。  相似文献   
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