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针对存在阵元位置误差的水下多元线阵,提出一种基于粒子群优化算法的远场有源阵形校正方法.该方法选用2个辅助源分时工作方式,利用无条件最大似然方位估计算法构建目标函数,并通过粒子群算法对阵元位置进行寻优.利用该方法对均匀线阵进行性能仿真实验.结果表明:该方法稳健性好、校正精度高,具有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   
为了分析敞水螺旋桨噪声性能,以某一螺旋桨为研究对象,采用大涡模拟方法对其敞水水动力性能进行计算,所得结果与试验值误差较小;然后运用基于无限元方法的声学软件Actran对螺旋桨的无空泡噪声进行数值模拟,并对特征点频谱曲线、螺旋桨声压云图、声指向性与衰减特性进行分析,得到单极子噪声特性-径向声压级高于轴向声压级,并且随着距桨中心距离的增大,声压级衰减速度减小,径向与轴向声压级差距缩小;验证数值预报方法的有效性,为船桨一体噪声数值模拟提供参考.  相似文献   
从螺旋桨空化噪声谱统计模型出发,分析研究螺旋桨空化噪声非均匀调制特性的机理和规律,并利用大量海上实录船舶噪声进行验证.从形成机理看,认为非均匀调制特性主要由船尾形状、螺旋桨结构以及船舶航行工况共同决定的尾流分布所导致,不同型号船舶的非均匀调制特性具有个体性;从舰船噪声信号能量谱看,调制的非均匀特性,主要受能量谱峰值频率的影响.最后基于船舶噪声的非均匀调制特性,提出一种基于多子带自适应加权的DEMON增强算法,并利用实际数据进行验证.  相似文献   
授时设备是现代舰船噪声综合测试系统的重要组成部分.本文提出一种LabVIEW平台下的授时设备IRIG-B码采集解析方法.首先利用授时设备产生的秒脉冲作为触发信号控制采集设备采集IRIG-B码,然后对IRIG-B码进行门限判别预处理,再与位置识别标志比对提取信号端点,最后将IRIG-B码与移位寄存器进行移位比对,识别码字以及解析时间信息.试验结果表明,该方法能够有效解决IRIG-B码实时采集解析问题,具有定时精度高、软件开销小、抗电磁干扰能力强等优点,可应用于授时设备的开发设计、工作状态监测、信号质量评估等.  相似文献   
文章在已有单航次的舰船噪声空间特性建模分析方法等研究成果的基础上,进一步研究了若干航次条件下的统计建模及分析方法。该研究主要以单一部位垂向剖面的噪声指向性为例,建立了基于最优回归理论的舰船目标辐射噪声特性的统计模型及分析方法,并开展了海上实测研究,验证了该模型及分析方法的正确性和可行性。该项成果为深入分析不同航行工况下各类舰船目标的噪声空间特性及其统计规律等创造了条件。  相似文献   
本文以抛物方程模型为基础,结合声场的互易性,提出一种深海低频航船噪声建模方法,该方法将声源与接收点位置互换,大大降低了声场计算的运行次数和运行时间,基于该方法对深海海山周围的航船噪声进行计算和分析.研究结果表明:海山对声传播损失的影响取决于接收阵元与海山的位置关系以及海山的几何参数.由于海山的遮挡作用,海山附近航船噪声的水平指向性具有不均匀性,在有海山遮挡的方向噪声级明显低于无海山遮挡的方向,海山附近航船噪声的垂直指向性会出现多个峰值.此外,单个尖峰海山的遮挡对接收阵元处的航船噪声总级影响较小.  相似文献   
Historic vehicles (HVs) are the heritage of road transport that have surprisingly received little attention in the academic literature. This study presents an overview of the literature on HVs, focusing on the three topics that dominate the policy debate on transport: environmental, safety and congestion impacts. We observed that polluting emissions of HVs are per kilometre much higher (often a factor 5 or more) than those of moderns vehicles. The annual average mileage per vehicle per year of HVs is much lower than other vehicles. The lower active and passive safety levels of HVs are compensated by the way these vehicles are driven, resulting in the risk factors per kilometre being roughly equal or lower than other vehicles. The contribution of HVs to congestion is negligible. However, the transport policy discourse is divided on the topic of HVs. More comprehensive and effective laws and regulation are needed to protect this aspect of the heritage of road transport whilst concurrently avoiding or limiting the problems caused by them.  相似文献   
The analysis, assessment and estimation of noise levels in the vicinity of intersections is a more complex problem than a similar analysis for roads and streets. This is due to the varied geometry of the intersections, differences in the loads of individual movements, participation of heavy vehicles and mass transport vehicles, as well as the various types of traffic management and traffic control. This article analyses the influence of intersection type and traffic characteristics on the noise levels in the vicinity of classic channelized intersections with signalization, roundabouts and signalized roundabouts. Based on the conducted measurements, it has been established that, with comparable traffic parameters and the same distance from the geometric centre of the intersection, the LAeq value for signalized roundabouts is 2.5–10.8 dB higher in comparison to classic channelized intersections with signalization and 3.3–6.7 dB higher in relations to the analysed roundabout. Additionally the differences between LAeq levels at individual entries at the same signalized roundabouts may reach the value of approximately 4.5 dB. Such situation is influenced by differences in the intersection geometry, diameter of the intersection’s central island, traffic flow type, traffic management at the entries and traffic volume, especially the amount and traffic movements of multiple axle heavy vehicles. These factors have been analysed in detail in relation to signalized roundabouts in this paper.  相似文献   
陈图  乔江  毛丹  吕伟领 《机电设备》2009,26(1):9-13
结合液压泵降噪实践对液压泵噪声的统计分析和试验研究作简要述评。指出“液压泵噪声的统计分析及频谱测试”为估算同类液压泵噪声总级并估计其频率分布提供了简便有效方法,为正确设计液压系统使其工作在低噪声工况提供了依据;对“低噪声液压泵”的选型和液压泵降噪措施的发展有益。  相似文献   
针对某型飞机任务系统模拟器的研制需要,结合具体的应用环境,对雷达侦察仿真系统框架进行设计并从工程应用的角度出发建立了信号生成模型、接收机噪声仿真模型和截获能力模型,利用侦察系统截获能力模型和信号生成模型之间的数据关系对信号生成模型进行优化以提高仿真的实时性,进而开发雷达侦察仿真系统。该系统目前已成功应用于基于HLA组网的某型飞机训练模拟器中,满足了系统的功能性和实时性的需求,可为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   
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