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利用安装GPS设备的浮动车采集动态交通信息,具有数据精度高、覆盖范围广、实时性强等优点。阐述了基于浮动车的交通信息采集系统的原理和组成,针对目前浮动车采样周期主要凭主观经验确定的问题,提出了采样周期优化的理论方法:将浮动车瞬时速度当作随机信号,利用傅立叶变换对其进行频域分析,然后依据Shannon采样定理,确定浮动车的优化采样频率。结果表明:本文方法确定的采样周期可以获得较高的数据采集精度,满足实用要求。  相似文献   
太阳能电池技术发展与市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中胜  朱刚 《船电技术》2010,30(9):42-45
本文总结了国内外太阳能电池发展的重要性、市场投资情况,指出了未来太阳能电池可能的技术选择方向。  相似文献   
预应力混凝土桥梁受太阳辐射,结构表面至一定厚度范围内将产生温度差,与此同时,梁体自身对其内部纤维形成约束,从而出现温度应力。运用ANSYS软件建立了连续刚构桥主梁实体单元模型,重点考虑温度梯度影响,通过对比分析不同形状梁截面对温度应力的反应,得出腹板与顶板间加腋对腹板因温度梯度引起的拉应力影响甚微。提出腹板温度应力对预应力混凝土桥梁结构的设计过程影响甚重,须加以考虑,可供同型桥梁设计参考。  相似文献   
达克罗技术在汽车防腐中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
达克罗涂层具有诸多优点,已逐步替代多种传统防腐技术,在汽车工业领域获得了越来越广泛的应用。简述了达克罗涂层的防腐机理,重点介绍了达克罗技术在汽车行业的应用情况,分析了达克罗技术今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
为合理配置空车资源,研究了路局(公司)管内空车调配的动态优化问题。构建区分时段长度的时空网络,以准确描述车站作业能力的变化。借鉴运输问题(TP)的基本思想,通过引入空车供需约束,将动态空车调配问题转化为基于时空网络的多商品网络流问题。结合空车调配的特点,设置2组整数决策变量,将分界站排空与局(公司)管内配空分开考虑。设置0-1辅助变量构建车种代用约束。在此基础上,以总费用最小为目标,构建了空车调配动态优化的混合整数规划模型。以中国铁路昆明局集团有限公司管内空车调配为例,验证了模型的可行性与有效性。算例结果表明,与静态空车调配方法相比,构建的动态空车调配模型不仅降低了空车调配总成本,而且调配方案更加贴合实际。与现有动态空车调配方法相比,通过改变时空网络中时段的划分方式,降低了模型求解的复杂度,构建的模型在获取空车调配方案的同时能够更加直观的看出空车在不同时间的作业状态。  相似文献   
沥青路面太阳能集热技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球上化石能源的储量是有限的,而人类发展对能源的需求是无限的。探索可再生能源的利用方法和提高现有能源的利用效率,是解决人类发展过程中能源和环境两个根本问题的主要途径。由于黑色沥青路面具有很强的吸收太阳能的能力,利用沥青路面吸收太阳能成为了一项新型的能源利用技术。基于我国在能源需求和沥青路面的养护技术等方面的现状,归纳了沥青路面太阳能集热技术的研究和应用进展,从理论和试验两个方面总结了沥青路面太阳能集热规律。指出了今后的研究工作主要集中在数值及试验研究太阳能的转换、沥青路面集热器的优化和能量的跨季节存储等方面。  相似文献   
轨道车辆安全性的实施方法和具体操作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轨道车辆安全性是RAMS(可靠性、可用性、可维护性和安全性)的特性之一,在车辆的设计、制造中具有非常重要的作用。介绍了实施轨道车辆安全性的方法和具体操作步骤。在具体操作中引入了车辆的风险概念和可接受原则,说明了所要分析危险事件的范围。介绍了车辆功能分解的意义和作用,以及如何进行初步风险分析和确定安全性关键项目清单;同时介绍了如何利用故障树分析法得出车辆故障状态的发生频率。  相似文献   
We report here on how we adapted Interactive Stated Response Methods to use in a self-completion survey of 454 California households to measure the market for electric vehicles in California. Electric vehicles are a novel product and have many features unfamiliar to consumers, in particular their home recharging capability and limited range. Reflexive techniques were designed to draw households into a deeper exploration of the lifestyle implications of electric vehicles than can be done in more typical self-completion surveys, and to stimulate key decision processes previously observed in detailed gaming interviews with 51 households. Reflexive self-completion techniques provide a middle course between typical large sample quantitative surveys and small sample, detailed gaming interviews. One of the benefits of the more intensive techniques was that participants reported finding the surveys interesting and return rates were high for a self-completion approach – over sixty percent. We review previous transportation and sociological methods which inspired our design, describe the design goals and features of our research, and summarize research results pertinent to testing the validity of our approach.  相似文献   
俄罗斯正在研制新一代车辆并进行车辆检修制度的改革。本文提出标准化工作的前瞻性和综合性,要求车辆与其部件具有等寿命、装卸和调车机械应适应车辆的性能等,这样在铁路行业就会产生巨大的经济效益。  相似文献   
To predict the attitude of satellite during the whole deployment process and evaluate the lockingimpact, a numerical flexible model of a certain satellite associated with four flexible honeycomb solar panelswas established. The flexible solar panel was modeled by the finite element analysis (FEA), and the motionequations were derived by Lagrangian formulation. The locking process was based on the method of Hertziancontact, which enables one to predict the locking impact on the satellite and the subsequent oscillation of solarpanels. The results reveal that locking operation has great impact on the attitude of the satelhte, and theangular acceleration of satellite reaches 22.03 °/s2 at the locking moment; the flexible solar panels model isfeasible to predict the accurate response of the satelhte during deployment and the oscillation of solar panels;the instantly impulsive force occurred during locking process is about 1.5 kN and the changing time is nearly0.32 s. It provides an effective approach to present the flexible solar panels' deployment process and evaluatethe locking impact.  相似文献   
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