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This paper presents the influence of dynamic and geometrical soil parameters on the propagation of ground vibrations induced by external loads. The proposed approach is based on a three-dimensional model, focusing on realistic excitation sources like impulse loads and moving railway vehicles. For the latter, a complete vehicle/track model is developed. The simulation is performed in time domain, offering an interesting approach, compared with classic cyclic analyses. The ground is modelled initially as an elastic homogeneous half-space and additionally as a layered half-space. First, the effect of homogeneous soil properties on ground vibration is analysed. Soil stratification is then taken into account, using various configurations. Analysis reveals that as receiver distance increases ground wave reflection in a layered ground plays an important role in the reduction of ground surface motion. This effect is magnified when the phase velocity wavelength becomes large compared with the depth of the surface layer.  相似文献   
In this study, in order to examine the effects of a wheelset driving system suspension parameters on the re-adhesion performance of locomotives, the stick–slip vibration was analysed according to theoretical and simulation analysis. The decrease of the slip rate vibration amplitude improved the stability of the stick–slip vibration and the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. Increasing the longitudinal guide stiffness of the wheelset and the motor suspension stiffness were proposed as effective measures to improve the re-adhesion performance of locomotives. These results showed that the dynamic slip rate was inversely proportional to the series result of the square root of the longitudinal guide and motor suspension stiffness. The larger the motor suspension stiffness was, the smaller the required longitudinal guidance stiffness was at the same re-adhesion time once the wheel slip occurred, and vice versa. The simulation results proved that the re-adhesion time of the locomotive was approximately proportional to amplitude of the dynamic slip rate. When the stick–slip vibration occurred, the rotary and the longitudinal vibrations of the wheelset were coupled, which was confirmed by train's field tests.  相似文献   
Wheel set flange derailment criteria for railway vehicles are derived and the influence of wheel–rail contact parameters is studied. An indirect method for wheel–rail force measurement based on these derailment evaluation criteria is proposed. Laboratory tests for the calibration of strain–force devices on the bearing box are carried out to determine the relationship between the applied force and the measured strain. The simulation package, SIMPACK, is used to develop a passenger car model to generate wheel–rail forces and vibration signals. Different cases are considered in this model to provide an accurate validation of the identified wheel–rail forces. A feasibility test is conducted in the Beijing Loop test line using a passenger car equipped with a set of strain gauges on the wheel set. The comparison of the force time history applied to the instrumented wheel set and that obtained using the indirect method is presented.  相似文献   
大秦线开行2万t重载列车,采用4台机车分散联挂的形式。湖东编组站重、空车到发场到发线的布置形式应为:2条重车线或2条空车线夹1条机走线为1束,每束到发线和机走线之间沿列车到达方向设置3处9号道岔,咽喉区至腰岔、每处腰岔和相邻的腰岔之间的有效长度为700m。以C76,C80及性能更好的适型车辆检算湖东站到发线有效长度,应达到2800m及以上。现有技术设备的特征、相邻线路技检作业分工方式、2万t重载列车的机车连挂方式、机车运用和组织方式、列车到达均衡程度、列检能力等是影响湖东站到发线通过能力的主要因素。应进一步优化和合理安排相关线路的行车组织方案,并对现行的技检作业分工方式和机车运用方案进行重新调整。采用重车方向列车在湖东站不换挂机车,各装车点到达湖东站的2万t、1万t列车均在装车地或集结地进行全面的技术检查方案。在此条件下,湖东站重车场到发线数量设置为6条基本可以适应远期大秦线运量的需求。  相似文献   
基于模糊时间Petri网的列车运行时间不确定性问题的处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定义一种应用于铁路列车运行系统的模糊时间Petri网;针对列车运行时间存在的不确定性,该Petri网引入了4个模糊集理论函数:模糊时间片、模糊使能时间、模糊发生时间和模糊延迟,来处理时间的不确定性问题;能够对列车运行过程中的时间不确定性问题进行定量分析,可以有效应用于列车交会、列车终到时间、列车运行计划调整的分析等;其相对于已有的方法具有精确分析、计算简单、简化系统、便于系统集成的特点。  相似文献   
针对北京市中心城区重点功能区范围内轨道交通线网密度、站点覆盖率不足等问题,以北京CBD重点功能区为研究对象,应用空间句法理论及空间分割方法,建立CBD地区道路网空间句法模型,量化分析该区域内可达性与交通流量的关系,结合既有轨道交通网络,对CBD地区轨道交通线网规划设计、路由选择提出指导性建议.结果表明,将可达性评价指标与交通流量相结合,能够定量描述城市轨道交通网络可达性及结构绩效,并选择可达性较高轨道交通线路路由.该方法适用于城市轨道交通线网规划以及不同规划方案的比选和评价,可以作为方案评价方法之一,同时应该结合其他线网规划要素,在城市轨道交通线网规划中作为重要考虑因素综合研究.  相似文献   
速度目标值是城际铁路最主要技术标准,不同的速度目标值决定了基础设施、设备及各项配套设施的选择。从京唐城际铁路功能定位出发,通过对客流特点、功能定位、时间目标值需求、经济技术比选等多方面因素的分析,综合得出京唐城际铁路速度目标值推荐采用350 km/h的方案。  相似文献   
传统的LTE-R越区切换算法,采用固定切换迟滞门限和延迟触发时间的切换算法。但是当列车高速运行时,切换成功率明显下降,无法满足高速铁路无线通信系统对Qo S大于99.5%的要求。通过对切换流程、测量参数、控制参数的分析,提出一种基于速度动态函数的越区切换优化算法。该算法在低速、中速、高速3种列车运行状况下,更适宜高速铁路情景切换时机的选择。仿真结果表明:基于椭圆函数的LTE-R越区切换优化算法,既保证了列车在中高速运行时,越区切换成功率有着明显提升,又避免了列车在中低速运行时,乒乓切换事件频率过高。  相似文献   
无线通信TD-LTE(时分-长期演进)技术在移动通信公用网络系统采用了一些新的安全保密机制,但仍无法完全克服无线网络固有的信号开放、信道动态变化等缺点所带来的安全隐患。基于TD-LTE技术承载地铁CBTC(基于通信的列车控制)业务的实际需求,提出了适用于TD-LTE技术承载地铁CBTC业务的安全架构和密钥方案。该方案可以为提高地铁CBTC业务通信网络安全提供解决思路,在未来地铁TD-LTE技术承载CBTC业务网络安全架构规划和密钥方案设计中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通行车间隔时间优化模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运营组织是轨道交通运营企业工作的核心部分,直接影响到企业的服务质量和经济效益。行车间隔时间是运营组织的主要参数。提出了以乘客满意度和企业满意度加权平均值最大为总体目标的行车间隔时间优化模型,并在一条具体的实例线路上演示了计算和分析的过程。本研究思路借鉴了城市公共交通运营管理优化的研究方法和部分理论,对于城市轨道交通的运营组织优化研究进行了尝试。  相似文献   
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