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我国水运工程科学研究的现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
经过近年来的快速发展,我国的水运工程科学研究已经达到了较高的水平,但距离工程实际的需求还有很大差距,与国外同行业相比有很多不足。文章总结了淤泥质海岸泥沙运动规律,粉沙质海岸泥沙运动规律,海岸动力及沙质海岸泥沙运动规律,山区河流航道整治技术,平原河流航道整治技术,通航枢纽建设关键技术,水工构造物检测、评估与加固技术,环境保护技术,淤泥质海岸港口适航水深应用技术和水动力数值模拟软件包TK-2D等10个方面的研究现状。总结了现场调查和有关资料分析,理论分析研究,物理模型试验研究和数值模拟研究等4种研究手段的发展现状。目的是促进核心技术的形成,提高为重大工程服务的能力和水平,增强国际竞争力。  相似文献   
各种运输方式协调发展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于江苏省交通运输现状,通过计算各种运输方式的外部广义费用,结合江苏省交通运输的实际情况,提出优先发展公路运输、铁路运输和公路、铁路运输兼顾发展的3种运输模式。根据外部广义费用计算结果,分析比较3种运输模式优劣势,最后基于公路运输为主,适度提高铁路运输的公、铁、水3种交通运输方式协调发展的综合运输模式的建议。  相似文献   
规范公路运输货运代理企业经营行为的策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据公路集装箱运输业务流程, 分析了中国公路运输货运代理企业在经营中的不良行为, 认为存在操纵运输市场运价、拖欠运费以及虚报货物重量等问题, 政府、交通主管部门和行业协会应共同采取措施, 规范货运代理企业的经营行为。  相似文献   
道路三维场景的实时动态显示技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
实时动态显示技术是实现道路三维可视化设计的关键, 应用Delaunay三角化算法构建数字地面模型, 基于分割-归并思想完成道路三维实体造型, 在此基础上, 提出并实现了有效的道路三维模型的视相关简化算法, 并结合真实感图形绘制技术开发了道路三维场景的实时动态浏览平台, 将该平台与路线CAD系统集成, 实现了道路设计过程和设计成果的可视化  相似文献   
集装箱在海铁联运过程中容易受到各种不确定因素的影响, 导致运输时间波动, 进而影响货物的送达准点率。为有效降低不确定运输时间的影响, 兼顾运输过程的经济性和绿色可持续性优化集装箱海铁联运箱流径路。采用随机机会约束规划构建运输总费用最少和碳排放量最低的多目标模型。在约束条件中引入铁路和海洋期望运到时间, 并对超过期望运到时间的径路进行惩罚处理, 保证运输径路的优越性。考虑一站直达和中转换装这2种运输组织模式, 克服现有研究未考虑货源是否充足的缺陷。运用不确定及概率论相关理论知识将不确定约束转化为线性约束。以西安至洛杉矶的集装箱货物出口径路优化为案例背景, 采用NSGA-Ⅱ算法求解, 并通过贪心算法改进初始化种群以及基于logistics分布的概率选择算子改进精英选择算子。通过对比分析得到以下结果: ①算法优化后运输总费用减少23.15万美元, 碳排放减少6.69 t, 同时算法求解速度提高了75.36%;②将本文模型选用的随机规划和模糊规划进行对比, 发现随机规划解集数量多于模糊规划, 且二者在相同输送径路中的运输总费用和碳排放量均优化了10.65%。因此本文模型和算法具有良好的优化效果。进行灵敏度分析, 观察置信水平以及时间影响系数对目标函数和货物送达准点率的影响。结果表明: ①较高的铁路和海洋运输置信水平会提高货物的运输总费用。②时间影响系数和货物送达准点率呈负相关, 影响系数越大货物送达准点率越低。  相似文献   
In the past few decades much research has been conducted on the increasing numbers of commuters taking up cycling to work. This modal shift has been encouraged by pro-cycling policies to increase the attractiveness of cycling and the construction of new cycling infrastructure. In Dublin, several policies have been applied such as a bike rental scheme, bicycle-purchasing schemes, reducing speed limits and the construction of segregated cycle lanes to promote cycling. This paper seeks to examine what, if any, impact these policies have had on cycling rates in Dublin. This paper compares census data from 2006 and 2011 to determine how cycling rates have changed and if the demographics of cyclists have changed in the city. The results presented in the paper show that cycling rates have increased in Dublin and that a greater percentage of females, those in higher age and socio-economic groups are cycling to work on a regular basis. The analysis presented in this paper identifies groups of individuals that have recently shifted to cycling to work, by identifying who these people are, policymakers can tailor strategies to target these groups to encourage others in these groups to take up cycling.  相似文献   
Use of the private car is often viewed as highly problematic. It is regularly associated with global physical, social and ecological harms such as climate change and the high incidence of lifestyle diseases, including heart disease. Attempts to address these problems generally include provision for day-to-day physical mobility based on alternatives to the private car. Labelled alternative transport, these modes include public transport, walking and cycling. Yet the private car continues as the preferred way to travel in many cities. A deeper understanding of this preference can reveal under explored sites of resistance to alternative transport modes.This paper contributes to these understandings by examining the role the car as a time saving device plays in sustaining automobility. Its central proposition is that individual decisions to drive are not necessarily motivated by the desire to save time. The paper draws on empirical evidence on the journey to work in Australia’s largest city, Sydney. Using a systematic process of trip substitution analysis, a group of people were identified who could use alternative transport to get to work in the same amount of time it currently takes them to drive. These people then participated in a series of in-depth interviews where deeper attachments and motivations for private car use were explored.This approach has enabled development of the multi-layered understanding that informs the central proposition that individual decisions to drive are not necessarily motivated by the desire to save time. Instead, automobility is sustained by appeals to flexibility and autonomy, as well as the interminable pull of the sensory experience provided by the cocoon of the car. This way of thinking about resistance to alternative transport exposes a series of inconsistencies between the expectations of those planning for, and those anticipated to one day use, alternative transport.  相似文献   
Motor vehicles are one of the major sources of air pollution in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The government took various policies to convert the petroleum vehicles on road to run on compressed natural gas (CNG), which allows both air quality improvements and energy security benefits. One of the market friendly policies to encourage the fuel switch was to increase the price differential between CNG and petrol and diesel. This has allowed a wide-scale adoption of CNG as the fuel of choice. However, several years into the policy, there is now a widespread belief among the policymakers that the CNG conversion may have increased car ownership and car travel due to their lower running costs, resulting in more congestion and a reversal of the strategy is on the cards. It is therefore important to test the hypothesis whether CNG conversion had genuinely increased car ownership and car travel in Dhaka city. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey and an econometric intervention analysis to understand the impact of CNG conversion on car ownership and car travel in Dhaka. Attention is also given to disentangle the self-selection and price-induced travel effects of CNG conversion. Results show that ownership did not increase, but travel of on-road vehicles increased due to the CNG policy. However, additional congestion costs are still around one half of the health benefits brought about by the policy.  相似文献   
IntroductionA promising way to stimulate physical activity is to promote the choice for active modes of transport (walking and cycling). Over the past years, several interventions and policies have been implemented to stimulate this mode shift. However, information concerning the effectiveness of these interventions and policies is still limited. The aim of the present study was to systematically review the effectiveness of interventions designed to stimulate a shift from car use to cycling or walking and to obtain insight into the intervention tools that have been used to promote and/or implement these interventions.MethodsFive databases were searched and articles published in English, Dutch, German, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish were included. Only studies that focussed on a mode shift from car use towards active transport in a general adult population, which were published in peer reviewed journals and which investigated effectiveness were included. Intervention tools used were categorized by using the model of Hoogerwerf & Herweijer, as either legal, economic (subsidy, reward system, penalty), communicative (written materials, behavioural tools) and physical tools (providing bicycles, providing better bicycle facilities at work, adjustment of the environment).ResultsNineteen studies met our inclusion criteria. Studies included described work-place-based interventions, architectural and urbanistic adjustments, population-wide interventions, and bicycle-renting systems. Nearly all studies (except three) showed positive effects concerning a mode shift. Most of the included studies used more than one intervention tool and the tools used differed between types of interventions. However, information about the statistical significance of these results was often lacking and the study methodologies used were not of high quality.ConclusionNearly all studies showed results in a positive direction. However, the quality of the included studies was mostly low and intervention characteristics were poorly described.  相似文献   
The concept of rescheduling is essential to activity-based modeling in order to calculate effects of both unexpected incidents and adaptation of individuals to traffic demand management measures. When collaboration between individuals is involved or timetable based public transportation modes are chosen, rescheduling becomes complex. This paper describes a new framework to investigate algorithms for rescheduling at a large scale. The framework allows to explicitly model the information flow between traffic information services and travelers. It combines macroscopic traffic assignment with microscopic simulation of agents adapting their schedules. Perception filtering is introduced to allow for traveler specific interpretation of perceived macroscopic data and for information going unnoticed; perception filters feed person specific short term predictions about the environment required for schedule adaptation. Individuals are assumed to maximize schedule utility. Initial agendas are created by the FEATHERS activity-based schedule generator for mutually independent individuals using an undisturbed loaded transportation network. The new framework allows both actor behavior and external phenomena to influence the transportation network state; individuals interpret the state changes via perception filtering and start adapting their schedules, again affecting the network via updated traffic demand. The first rescheduling mechanism that has been investigated uses marginal utility that monotonically decreases with activity duration and a monotonically converging relaxation algorithm to efficiently determine the new activity timing. The current framework implementation is aimed to support re-timing, re-location and activity re-sequencing; re-routing at the level of the individual however, requires microscopic travel simulation.  相似文献   
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