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Bonnel  Patrick  Le Nir  Michel 《Transportation》1998,25(2):147-167
Those designing surveys and producing data have always been concerned about its quality. The increasing stringency of the financial constraints which affect public authorities and the increased scope of involvement in the regulation of urban travel has led us to pay even greater attention to the quality of data. This issue is frequently covered in the literature on survey methods. However, comparisons between different survey methods are more rarely conducted. The decision to conduct such an analysis is partly the result of the development of telephone use to the detriment of other survey modes in many countries and also the development of Computer-Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) which facilitates the running and monitoring of the survey.This paper examines several aspects of this question in order to compare the performance of telephone and face-to-face interviews. The first aspect is the representativeness of the sample, and therefore relates mainly to the issue of nonresponses and the choice of a sample base. The second concerns the accuracy of the information and involves the choice of a survey area and the recording of all trips, including short-distance travel. Finally, the quality of data is obviously determined by the quality of the responses given by those interviewed.The answers we give frequently depend on the objective of the surveys, which leads us to put forward a table which summarizes the performance of telephone and face-to-face interviews on the basis of the main objective of the survey. Broadly, the telephone seems to be the favoured tool for surveys in the area of transport planning and surveys which aim to provide data for forecasting models, mostly on the grounds of cost. However, face-to-face techniques are often preferred for surveys which aim to discover and analyze the factors which explain individual travel behaviour.  相似文献   
以旅客出行和换乘中转站的选择及优化作为实现目标,研究了针对旅客不同出行需求的查询算法,开发出基于WebGIS的铁路旅客出行辅助决策系统.系统为旅客出行决策提供综合查询信息,将最优线路以直观的方式显示出来,实现乘车线路的交互式查询和地理信息系统的实时衔接,后台决策软件综合考虑线路状况,实时更新铁路客运时刻表数据库,给出最优乘车路径选择.  相似文献   
传统的航线价值计算通常以统计客流量为主,忽略了旅客偏好对航线潜在价值的影响,因此,本文提出了一种基于旅客出行意图的航线潜在价值计算模型.该模型利用最大似然估计法对旅客舱位偏好进行量化,然后引入出行意图的概念将旅客出行行为进行细分,并利用Gibbs Sampling方法实现出行意图的求解,最终达到航线潜在价值计算的目的.在中国民航旅客订票数据集上的实验表明,本文方法获得的2010年航线价值序列与2011年航线价值序列的相似度要明显高于统计客流量的方法,且对排名前5的高价值航线的挖掘准确率可达100%.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the classical transit scheduling problem and investigates the relationship between stop spacing and headway, considering realistic wait time and operable transit capacity. Headway and stop spacing are important determinants for planning a transit system, which influence the service level as well as the cost of operation. A mathematical model is developed, and the objective function is user travel time which is minimized by the optimized stop spacing and headway, subject to the constraints of operable fleet size and route capacity. Optimal stop spacing and headway solutions are obtained in a numerical example. Sensitivity analysis is conducted, and the effect of model parameters on user travel time is explored.  相似文献   
通过对中美两国城市交通模型的现状和发展的比较.首先回顾了美国在交通规划模型实践中的经验和存在的问题,并分析了中国交通问题的特征,及其交通模型的选择和数据采集方面的优势,主张中国在模型的开发和应用上,不应该局限于西方国家的实践经验,而应当大胆创新.其次,认为交通规划模型的研发,应该从提高预测能力和增强分析能力两个层面入手.当前一项紧迫的任务是由国家交通运输部组织专家工作组,对不同的模型和方法做客观的评价,为交通规划建模提供规范化的技术指导.最后,讨论了交通规划和GIS软件在实际应用中常常被忽略的一些技术问题.  相似文献   
明确影响不同规模城市中居民出行方式选择的关键因素及其影响路径,有助于采取针对性策略调节城市居民出行结构,进而提高城市交通系统效率,缓解交通拥堵、空气污染等"城市病".现有研究较少关注中、小城市的居民出行方式选择,较缺少同省份居民出行方式选择的跨城市规模对比分析,不利于策略制定者运用出行方式关键影响因素调节居民出行行为....  相似文献   
为防止北京市旅游高峰期间景区周边交通混乱以及城市交通路网负荷增加,选取北京市三 处景点进行问卷调查,将游客的年龄、是否有车、月收入、同行人数及同伴类型等数据作为影响游客交通方式选择的因素。与此同时,对所需数据进行有效性检验,进而分析不同游客的出行方 式特性,利用非集计模型对游客的交通方式选择行为进行研究。结果显示:游客的年龄、是否有车、月收入、同行人数以及同伴类型这几类因素对游客的交通方式选择的影响均显著,并得到游 客对私家车、出租车、地铁及公交车这四类交通方式选择的比例,分别为17%, 7%, 54%, 22%。研究表明,北京市旅游交通方式的需求以公共交通为主,尤其是对轨道交通的需求,为此建议进 一步加大北京市旅游公共交通系统建设,提高旅游交通的服务质量。  相似文献   
为研究出行者出行行为,引入出行时间预算负效用的概念.分析通勤者出行机理为先确定出发时刻,在给定出发时刻下计算备选路径的出行时间预算负效用,选择效用最大的路径出行,利用此次出行信息来调整下次出行的出发时刻,经过多次出行达到稳定状态.建立了双层规划模型描述不确定环境下出发时刻和路径选择的出行行为.用改进的相继平均法(MSA)求解下层路径选择模型,用遗传算法来解整个双层规划.用一个实例对模型和算法进行了验证.  相似文献   
居民出行调查是城市交通规划、建设和管理的基本依据.本文根据宜兴市2002年居民出行调查的有关数据,对人均出行次数、平均出行时耗、出行方式构成、出行目的和出行时间分布等进行了分析,并在此基础上,结合宜兴市交通现状及城市总体规划,从优先发展公共交通、重视自行车交通、控制摩托丰发展、加强交通管制、强化市场机制、加强企业管理和政府扶持相结合以及颁布公交行业服务标准等方面,提出了宜兴市客运交通发展的几点对策.  相似文献   
定点检测器采集的路段行程时间样本中通常包含连续通行和非连续通行两部分,针对连续通行样本的识别,传统的固定阈值方法无法提供合理的结论.将行程时间样本时间序列化后,利用其差值的平稳随机性质,采用基于统计学的离群点检测的参数方法分离样本比传统方法更加科学有效.通过实证分析,非连续通行样本的占比是一种能够分离样本的指标.关联性分析的结论表明,该指标在4 分钟车程长度以内的路段中取值平稳,在4 分钟车程长度以上的路段中取值则受到道路等级、路段长度、交通运行状态、区位用地性质等多种因素的综合影响.  相似文献   
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