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The aim of traffic management is to ensure a high quality of service for a maximum number of users by decreasing congestion and increasing safety. Uncertainty of travel times decreases the quality of service and leads end users to modify their plans regardless of the average travel time. Indicators describing travel time reliability are being developed and should be used in the future both for the optimization and for the assessment of active traffic management operations. This article discusses the efficiency of certain reliability indicators in an ex-post assessment of a traffic management strategy. Ex-post assessment is based on an observational before–after study. As some factors other than the studied management strategy may intervene between the two periods, and as most reliability indicators require knowledge of the full travel time distribution and not only its average, a methodology is developed for the identification of the impact of these exogenous factors on the whole distribution. Many reliability indicators are split into different parts allowing the identification of the part due to the management strategy impact. The methodology is tested numerically on a managed lane operation consisting of Hard Shoulder Running (HSR) at rush hour on a section of a French motorway. The variation of some reliability indicators appears misleading, whereas the splitting of the indicators increases our understanding of the strategy and highlights its impact. The paper gives the reliability assessment of the HSR field test and discusses different reliability indicators to identify their potential performances and shortcomings.  相似文献   

The deterministic traffic assignment problem based on Wardrop's first criterion of traffic network utilization has been widely studied in the literature. However, the assumption of deterministic travel times in these models is restrictive, given the large degree of uncertainty prevalent in urban transportation networks. In this context, this paper proposes a robust traffic assignment model that generalizes Wardrop's principle of traffic network equilibrium to networks with stochastic and correlated link travel times and incorporates the aversion of commuters to unreliable routes.

The user response to travel time uncertainty is modeled using the robust cost (RC) measure (defined as a weighted combination of the mean and standard deviation of path travel time) and the corresponding robust user equilibrium (UE) conditions are defined. The robust traffic assignment problem (RTAP) is subsequently formulated as a Variational Inequality problem. To solve the RTAP, a Gradient Projection algorithm is proposed, which involves solving a series of minimum RC path sub-problems that are theoretically and practically harder than deterministic shortest path problems. In addition, an origin-based heuristic is proposed to enhance computational performance on large networks. Numerical experiments examine the computational performance and convergence characteristics of the exact algorithm and establish the accuracy and efficiency of the origin-based heuristic on various real-world networks. Finally, the proposed RTA model is applied to the Chennai road network using empirical data, and its benefits as a normative benchmark are quantified through comparisons against the standard UE and System Optimum (SO) models.  相似文献   
居民出行调查是城市交通规划、建设和管理的基本依据.本文根据宜兴市2002年居民出行调查的有关数据,对人均出行次数、平均出行时耗、出行方式构成、出行目的和出行时间分布等进行了分析,并在此基础上,结合宜兴市交通现状及城市总体规划,从优先发展公共交通、重视自行车交通、控制摩托丰发展、加强交通管制、强化市场机制、加强企业管理和政府扶持相结合以及颁布公交行业服务标准等方面,提出了宜兴市客运交通发展的几点对策.  相似文献   
以湖北城际铁路为例,通过比照区间运行速度、参考我国高级动车的技术配置合理选择车型,并优化原交路,最终对原、现两种方案的成本效益对比分析,实证表明,该方案有助于减少动车购置成本,降低亏损,并简化原有运输组织工作.  相似文献   
深圳市交通需求管理政策的法治思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳市制定和实施了若干小汽车交通需求管理政策,完善相关政策的法制保障成为政策实施的关键问题。首先结合深圳市交通需求管理实践经验,梳理小汽车增量调控、停车收费政策的制定与实施情况。指出交通需求管理政策的制定与实施面临经济杠杆存在法理争议、行政手段法律依据不足和程序合法性存疑等法治障碍。进而提出在国家层面构建交通管理法治体系、在地方层面完善法律法规以及规范交通需求管理政策出台程序等完善路径。  相似文献   
将时间维引入既定舰船通道网络,把考虑多人相互影响的动态最优路径规划问题转化为时间依赖网络中的最优路径搜索问题。首先,论文的算法为所有人员随机生成走行路径,为了预测网络中的弧(路段)的走行时间,按人员速度从慢到快的顺序依次计算并记录人员到达路径中的各路段首节点的时刻,先记录到的人员将成为后记录到的人员的动态障碍。然后,将遗传算法与网络中弧的走行时间预测方法相结合,借助遗传算法的个体多样性天然地解决了人员走行任意性问题,因而获得了全局动态最优路径算法,并仿真计算了两人以及三人的最短时间路径;经与不考虑人员间相互影响时获得的最优路径相比较,论文的算法获得了人员遇到障碍时(或跟行或绕行)的最优走行路径。最后,借助时间依赖网络中的最优路径充要条件定理,说明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
为量化换乘对乘客出行路径选择的影响程度,在单层网络中添加虚拟换乘站,构建无隐性连接的三层多制式轨道交通拓扑网络模型.基于时间、换乘节点衔接性,计算线网间衔接性系数;利用Dijkstra法搜索模型各起讫点间的K短路径,以乘客感受到的线网复杂度及乘客出行计划确定时间,建立乘客对线网的熟悉度函数;根据乘客路径选择影响因素构建...  相似文献   
为深入落实"交通强国"战略和实现"全域旅游"目标,推动旅游与交通深度融合发展,需做好旅游交通体系发展的顶层设计。通过分析旅游交通面临的问题,提出了旅游交通融合发展的理念。将福建省作为案例,针对福建旅游交通网络面临的问题,提出了"快旅慢游"旅游交通体系的建设目标、实施方案及保障措施。依托高铁、民航、邮轮和公路等综合立体交通网络,提出了"一带三环多放射"旅游交通"快旅"通道的发展思路;通过特色旅游产品开发、旅游服务质量提升等方面,规划了"慢游"微循环旅游交通的发展方案,构建了福建省多层次、综合立体的旅游交通体系发展新格局。以期通过福建省旅游交通融合发展案例研究,为其他省市旅游交通融合发展借鉴参考。  相似文献   
为解决信号交叉口运行效率评价方法偏理论化、实用性不强等问题,以出租车、公交车、驾图(车联网)多源GPS轨迹数据为基础,充分利用车辆减速、停车、加速等连续速度变化特征及位置信息,提出交叉口个体车辆排队长度、通行时间、停车次数等交通参数提取技术.基于此,构建以信号交叉口运行指数为一级指标,车辆平均通行时间,第95%分位排队...  相似文献   
随着城镇化建设进程的快速推进,城市空间不断拓展,大型都市圈迅速崛起,居民出行距离不断增长,机动车进出交通与长距离快速通行交通之间的矛盾日益凸显,同步制约了都市圈之间经济、人口、交通之间日益密切的互联互通。加之土地资源和空间限制,新的快速通廊无法实现而既有的主干路因红绿灯较多、耗时较长等无法满足都市圈之间快速一体化发展的进程。为此,很多城市开启了新一轮的城市主干路升级改造工程。但受工程投资、周边环境、征地拆迁等因素制约而又难以实施标准化的城市快速路,很多城市提出了城市快捷路的概念。从城市快捷路的提出和功能定位入手,依托长沙市腾飞路工程实例,探讨城市快捷路设立的意义、适用的范围、工程技术标准、横断面布置形式等技术要点,为其他城市主干路升级改造设计提供部分参考。  相似文献   
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