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Surrogate indicators are meant to be alternatives or complements of safety analyses based on accident records. These indicators are used to study critical traffic events that occur more frequently, making such incidents easier to analyse. This article provides an overview of existing surrogate indicators and specifically focuses on their merit for the analyses of vulnerable road users and the extent to which they have been validated by previous research. Each indicator is evaluated based on its ability to consider the collision risk, which can be further divided into the initial conditions of an event, the magnitude of any evasive action and the injury risk in any traffic event. The results show that various indicators and their combinations can reflect different aspects of any traffic event. However, no existing indicator seems to capture all aspects. Various studies have also focused on the validity of different indicators. However, due to the use of diverse approaches to validation, the large difference in how many locations were investigated and variations in the duration of observation at each location, it is difficult to compare and discuss the validity of the different surrogate safety indicators. Since no current indicator can properly reflect all the important aspects underlined in this article, the authors suggest that the choice of a suitable indicator in future surrogate safety studies should be made with considerations of the context-dependent suitability of the respective indicator. 相似文献
This paper extends the work on Pareto-improving hybrid rationing and pricing policy for general road networks by considering heterogeneous users with different values of time. Mathematical programming models are proposed to find a multiclass Pareto-improving pure road space rationing scheme (MPI-PR) and multiclass hybrid rationing and pricing schemes (MHPI and MHPI-S). A numerical example with a multimodal network is provided for comparing both the efficiency and equity of the three proposed policies. We discover that MHPI-S can achieve the largest reduction in total system delay, MHPI can induce the least spatial inequity and MHPI-S is a progressive policy which is appealing to policy makers. Furthermore, numerical results reveal that different classes of users react differently to the same hybrid policies and multiclass Pareto-improving hybrid schemes yield less delay reduction when compared to their single-class counterparts. 相似文献
研究发现:在非高峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为5.79 kg与7.17 kg,
峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为290.01 kg与406.69 kg,点汇聚系
关键驱动因素。 相似文献
物流业作为第三利润已经成为新兴重要产业,加快发展的同时必须注意经济效益和环境效益的统一,把发展绿色物流作为推进可持续发展的一个方面加以落实。因此,有必要对现代物流在可持续发展背景下做系统深入地研究。 相似文献
当前国内城际轨道交通的发展对以轨道交通为导向的城市综合开发提出更高的要求,针对性剖析香港铁路发展历程和成功经验,结合相关数据分析,研究城铁一体化综合开发模式对城际轨道交通可持续发展的作用和意义,对该模式下的财务、政策和技术层面的问题进行探讨,提出城铁一体化开发须在政策层面制定相应的权益流程,实施开发建设的集约化;在运营层面体现共赢原则,构建轨道交通运营+效益返还机制;针对城市各区域发展不同步的特点,在一体化建设中采用灵活的预留机制满足分期建设的需求,最终实现轨道交通的可持续发展。 相似文献
杨帆 《铁路工程造价管理》2012,27(1):32-34
落实科学发展观,采用科学发展模式,关键在于结合实际、统筹兼顾、协调发展,将信心和动力通过实际工作转化为经济效益。此文以施工管理和节约能耗为例,阐述大型工程建设应优化资源配置,按施工组织设计配备各类人员,各类材料要按规领取,节约使用和有序囤放。工程管理中应根据建设规模合理选定现场检测点,以节约路途时间和能耗,增加经济效益。 相似文献
道路拥挤收费问题涉及交通工程、运输经济、决策博弈等多个研究领域,是广受关注的综合性课题。在弹性需求的多类型用户双层规划次优收费模型的基础上,通过研究不同OD下社会净效益的变化情况,提出了确定拥挤收费实施的OD区间范围和最优点的方法,为找到拥挤收费的合理实施时机提供了理论分析手段。结合上海市中心区道路状况数据,进行了实例分析,验证了方法的有效性。 相似文献