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The term ‘scenario’ is used in the safety field to designate a prototype or a model of an accident process characterised by chains of facts, actions, causal relations and consequences in terms of damage to people and property. The prototypical scenarios, properly realized, provide a basis on which to consider the action to be taken, but also a concrete backup for accident information for use in information campaigns or training. The objective of this study is to define the prototypical accident scenarios for a particular configuration of road intersection: the skewed intersection. Limited sight distance at skewed intersections leads to safety issues. A non-skewed intersection provides the best operating conditions as drivers can easily sense the direction in which they are travelling, estimate the speeds of the opposing traffic and smoothly complete a maneuver in shorter time. In skewed intersections, instead, the ability of drivers to recognize any conflicting vehicles diminishes in comparison to right-angle intersections. The logical-deductive approach used in this paper for the determination of accident scenarios is based on an analysis of a large database of incidents, which occurred on several roads in eastern Sicily on 35 skewed intersections at three-legs. The skew angle of the minor leg of all the intersections studied is between 15° and 20°. This research allowed to develop accident scenarios related to particular configurations of intersections, compatible with the Italian rules. Prototypical scenarios are constructed using samples of accidents occurring on a particular type of study area, especially when they are based on files from in-depth investigations. The method used is an inductive approach, based on an examination of each case, grouping together similar cases and building a prototypical scenario using this case grouping. From the in-depth analysis of database accidents 9 prototypical accident scenarios have been identified for the skewed intersections. 相似文献
为解决散热器面罩开裂问题,提出了焊点优化方案和散热器面罩加强板外置/加强板内置方案,并进行了模块化设计,制定了2组改进措施。有限元分析结果表明:2种改进措施与原状态相比,均有良好应力改善效果,满足应力要求。 相似文献
《城市道路设计规范》(CJJ37—90)是目前我国城市道路设计的行业标准,其中的部分条文值得商榷.应予调整和补充。 相似文献
目前,桥梁桩基溶洞处理费用在我国还没有形成比较成熟和统一的计算方法,业主与施工单位双方关于发生费用的计算方式存在着较大的分歧。故在计算时,业主、监理及承包人等各方应进行友好协商,尤其是承包方更应积极与业主进行沟通.根据在溶洞处理期间发生的各种费用认真进行分析,使费用的计算更加正确与合理,使业主与施工单位达到双赢。 相似文献
该文对预应力筋张拉施工时伸长值的计算进行了分析。根据施工实践,对伸长值实测结果的取用进行了介绍,以及从理论上分析了造成预应力张拉伸长值偏大或偏小的原因,并结合工程论证了分析的合理性。 相似文献
在对连续长大下坡路段交通事故数据和道路设计参数调查的基础上, 分析了连续长大下坡路段的交通安全状况, 讨论了急弯陡坡、连续陡坡和连续缓坡3种线形组合形式路段的交通事故特征和事故原因。结合典型长大下坡路段的交通事故数据, 运用数理统计与回归分析方法, 研究了交通事故与道路纵断面参数之间的关系。分析结果表明: 在连续长大下坡路段地点坡度为3%~4%时, 事故率最高; 事故率与事故发生地点前2 km以上路段平均坡度呈显著的指数关系, 所建立回归模型的判定系数高于0.84。 相似文献
采用非线性时程分析法, 分析了减隔震桥梁和非减隔震桥梁的三维地震响应。通过对比减隔震桥梁在不同地震动激励下的动力响应, 研究了减隔震桥梁承受近断层地震动的响应特性。通过对比减隔震和非减隔震桥梁纵向地震位移, 研究了近断层地震动对铅销橡胶支座的减震性能的影响。研究结果表明: 与普通地震动激励相比, 在近断层长周期脉冲型地震动激励下, 减隔震桥梁减震率由54.4%降低为18.3%, 隔震支座的减震效果降低了; 在近断层脉冲地震动作用下, 减隔震桥梁梁体纵向位移为179.6mm, 非减隔震桥梁为151.6mm, 铅销橡胶支座增大了梁体的纵向位移, 易造成相邻梁体的碰撞或落梁, 因此, 近断层地区桥梁不宜采用铅销橡胶支座隔震。 相似文献
为减轻重载轨道车辆质量, 提高车辆的承载能力, 对于采用具有强化效应高强度低合金钢的车辆结构, 按材料非线性理论, 允许结构局部塑性变形, 进行结构轻量化设计, 采取弱化端墙、强化底架的结构优化措施, 并采用几何非线性理论对其进行非线性稳定性分析。按此非线性分析方法, 对新研发的轴载40 t、总载160 t的重载敞车进行了车体结构优化设计。在纵向压缩工况下, 优化后车体结构最大应力为336 MPa, 小于材料Q450NQR1屈服强度450 MPa, 发生局部屈曲的最小临界载荷Fcr为6 252 kN。在纵向冲击工况下, 车体的大应力点分布在上侧梁和上端梁区域, 应力值达到530 MPa左右, 仍低于材料的极限强度550 MPa, 且底架上的应力分布较优化前更均匀。车体结构的强度、刚度及稳定性符合AAR标准规范要求, 车辆自重系数仅为0.16。分析结果表明非线性分析方法是重载车辆结构轻量化设计的有效手段。 相似文献