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利用某新型3 499.5 kW齿轮箱试验台搭建了用于齿轮箱地面试车磨损状态监控的滑油静电监测系统, 完成了齿轮箱滑油系统全流量磨粒静电监测试验, 通过连续加载试验和加速寿命试验采集了原始静电信号, 提取时域信号的均方根值作为特征参数, 表征滑油中颗粒荷电情况, 在2个试验阶段分别分析了静电信号的变化趋势, 并与MetalSCAN在线监测数据和油样光谱离线分析结果进行对比验证。分析结果表明: 在连续加载试验阶段, 滑油静电信号随着转速变化细微波动; 加速寿命试验阶段, 齿轮箱单个循环试验的静电信号均与扭矩同步变化; 在加速寿命试验第8次循环的极限载荷试验阶段监测到2号齿轮箱异常磨损, 而1号齿轮箱正常运行, 与MetalSCAN和光谱分析结果相符; 齿轮箱拆机故障检测发现了2号齿轮箱联轴器膜片疲劳裂纹和高速输出轴齿轮齿根点蚀现象。这证明了静电监测方法用于齿轮箱磨损状态监测的可行性和有效性, 为进一步实现齿轮箱寿命预测和实际风场装机在线监测奠定了基础。 相似文献
在对连续长大下坡路段交通事故数据和道路设计参数调查的基础上, 分析了连续长大下坡路段的交通安全状况, 讨论了急弯陡坡、连续陡坡和连续缓坡3种线形组合形式路段的交通事故特征和事故原因。结合典型长大下坡路段的交通事故数据, 运用数理统计与回归分析方法, 研究了交通事故与道路纵断面参数之间的关系。分析结果表明: 在连续长大下坡路段地点坡度为3%~4%时, 事故率最高; 事故率与事故发生地点前2 km以上路段平均坡度呈显著的指数关系, 所建立回归模型的判定系数高于0.84。 相似文献
Although several cities in India are developing the metro system, there are lacunas associated with transfer facilities in and around metro stations. The present work aims to investigate the perception of commuters of Kolkata city, India in terms of their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for improvement of transfer facilities. A stated preference survey instrument was designed to collect choice responses from metro commuters and the database was analysed by developing random parameter logit (RPL) models. The decomposition effects of various socioeconomic and trip characteristics on mean estimates were also investigated in random parameter logit models with heterogeneity. The work indicates significantly high WTP of metro commuters as compared to the average metro fare for improvement of various qualitative attributes of transfer facility such as ‘facility for level change’, ‘visual communication’, ‘pedestrian crossing’, and ‘pedestrian environment’. The WTP values are also found to vary across different groups of commuter formed on the basis of ‘trip purpose’, ‘monthly household income’, ‘station type’ and ‘metro fare’. ‘Work trip’ commuters are found to have higher WTP for improvement of access time, pedestrian environment and use of an escalator over the elevator. On the other hand, ‘high-income group’ commuters have shown higher WTP for improvement of access time, pedestrian crossing, and pedestrian environment. While ‘high fare group’ commuters have higher WTP for access time and pedestrian environment, heterogeneity is also observed in WTP for facility for level change, pedestrian crossing, and pedestrian environment across commuters using different ‘station type’ (underground, at-grade, and elevated). The findings from the study provide a basis for formulating policies for the improvement of transfer facilities in and around metro stations giving due attention to the preference of commuters having different socioeconomic and trip characteristics. 相似文献
边坡稳定性模糊随机可靠度分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
考虑可靠性分析中结构极限状态变量在零值附近的模糊区间, 建立边坡稳定性模糊随机可靠度分析模型。研究了在土性参数变异性、模糊失效概率隶属度函数梯形与岭形分布类型情况下, 模糊区间宽率与偏度对模糊可靠指标的影响。分析结果显示: 偏度与可靠性指标曲线的斜率随宽率的减小而减小, 且其趋势与参数变异性与模糊失效概率隶属度函数类型无关; 对于宽率的某一确定值而言, 偏度的增大会导致模糊可靠指标的降低; 土性参数变异性的增加会导致模糊可靠指标的降低。 相似文献
The classical theory of transport equilibrium is based on the Wardrop’s first principle that describes a Nash User Equilibrium (UE), where in no driver can unilaterally change routes to improve his/her travel times. A growing number of economic laboratory experiments aiming at testing Nash-Wardrop equilibrium have shown that the Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium (PSNE) is not able to explain the observed strategic choices well. In addition even though Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium (MSNE) has been found to fit better the observed aggregate choices, it does not explain the variance in choices well. This study analyses choices made by users in three different experiments involving strategic interactions in endogenous congestion to evaluate equilibrium prediction. We compare the predictions of the PSNE, MSNE and Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE). In SUE, the observed variations in choices are assumed to be due to perception errors. The study proposes a method to iteratively estimate SUE models on choice data with strategic interactions. Among the three sets of experimental data the SUE approach was found to accurately predict the average choices, as well as the variances in choices. The fact that the SUE model was found to accurately predict variances in choices, suggests its applicability for transport equilibrium models that attempt to evaluate reliability in transportation systems. This finding is fundamental in the effort to determining a behaviourally consistent paradigm to model equilibrium in transport networks. The study also finds that Fechner error which is the inverse of the scale parameter in the SUE model is affected by the group sizes and the complexity of the cost function. In fact, the larger group sizes and complexity of cost functions increased the variability in choices. Finally, from an experimental design standpoint we show that it is not possible to estimate a noise parameter associate to Fechner error in the case when the choices are equally probable. 相似文献
普通桥梁减隔震支座可能发生翻滚失稳,并且存在肥大等弊端.针对这些问题,提出一种新型减隔震支座,它是由聚四氟乙烯滑板、肘块、支柱和高弹性阻尼橡胶体通过连杆连接而成.通过理论推导和分析,得出了新型减隔震支座的等价刚度和等价阻尼比的计算式和系统周期图示.应用大型专业分析软件ANSYS,对实际桥梁进行建模分析,结果表明,新型减震支座的应用,可以使桥梁的减隔震效果达到50%以上. 相似文献
三轴应力下黏性土的微结构及其演化规律 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
利用河海大学自行研制的岩土材料微细结构光学测试系统,进行三轴应力下黏性土微结构特征参数的定量分析,研究三轴应力作用下黏性土微结构的演化规律及其力学特性。研究结果表明:重塑黏性土样在围压较低时,以均匀性破坏为主,局部化变形破坏为辅;荷载作用下,颗粒或孔隙的聚合和崩解同时发生,没有那种过程占据明显的优势;压缩过程中,颗粒所占面积增加,孔隙所占面积减小;颗粒的初始扁圆度越高,压缩过程中颗粒圆度值降低幅度越大,颗粒形状变化也越明显;随着制样含水量的提高,颗粒圆度不断增大,其空间排列变得紧密;随着具有微膨胀特性的黏性土含水量的增加,土体的强度显著下降,加载后的应变率增大。 相似文献
常用的可靠性分析有故障模式、影响及危害性分析(FMEA)和故障树分析(FTA)两种.用FTA来解决设计开发时重要部品的重要性能问题和生产过程中重要工艺参数的质量控制,对提高我国摩托车重要部品和整车的可靠性能具有重要的指导和现实意义. 相似文献