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为解决传统智能算法网络结构参数复杂、运算速度慢等问题,基于遗传算法和极限学习机构建基坑变形的新型优化智能预测模型。先利用皮尔逊相关系数评价不同影响因素与基坑沉降变形之间的相关性,以确定极限学习机的输入层; 再采用试算法确定最优激励函数和隐层节点数,并将遗传算法和极限学习机耦合,利用遗传算法优化极限学习机的初始权值和阈值,以提高预测精度。经实例检验表明: 1)开挖时间、开挖深度、土体抗剪参数及重度均与基坑沉降变形显著相关,为构建极限学习机输入层提供了依据; 2)在预测过程中,激励函数和隐层节点数对极限学习机的预测效果具有一定的影响,以Sigmiod型激励函数和13个隐层节点数的预测效果为最优; 3)通过遗传算法的优化,能进一步提高预测精度,验证了遗传算法的优化能力和有效性。预测模型在不同工况下的预测结果均较优,说明该模型具有较高的稳定性和可靠性。 相似文献
贾豁然 《辽宁省交通高等专科学校学报》2015,(2)
翻转课堂自实施以来,在教育领域引发大讨论,给教学带来了前所未有的变化,取得了良好的效果。本文对翻转课堂的由来及其对教学的改变进行分析,并探讨了翻转课堂实施对师生的要求,最后对我国大面积普及翻转课堂的制约因素进行了分析。 相似文献
为研究智慧环境下课程资源建设,文章以《汽车空调原理与检修》课程建设应用为例,通过建设该教学平台,实现线上线下教学的有机结合,可以有效提升教师的教学质量及教学效率,还可以为那些渴望更深层次知识的学生提供一个良好的学习平台.在"智慧校园"的建设和发展过程中,需要不断更新与教学相关的信息,因此建设《汽车空调原理与检修》课程教... 相似文献
Reliable travel behavior data is a prerequisite for transportation planning process. In large tourism dependent cities, tourists are the most dynamic population group whose size and travel choices remain unknown to planners. Traditional travel surveys generally observe resident travel behavior and rarely target tourists. Ubiquitous uses of social media platforms in smartphones have created a tremendous opportunity to gather digital traces of tourists at a large scale. In this paper, we present a framework on how to use location-based data from social media to gather and analyze travel behavior of tourists. We have collected data of about 67,000 users from Twitter using its search interface for Florida. We first propose several filtering steps to create a reliable sample from the collected Twitter data. An ensemble classification technique is proposed to classify tourists and residents from user coordinates. The accuracy of the proposed classifier has been compared against the state-of-the-art classification methods. Finally, different clustering methods have been used to find the spatial patterns of destination choices of tourists. Promising results have been found from the output clusters as they reveal most popular tourist spots as well as some of the emerging tourist attractions in Florida. Performance of the proposed clustering techniques has been assessed using internal clustering validation indices. We have analyzed temporal patterns of tourist and resident activities to validate the classification of the users in two separate groups of tourists and residents. Proposed filtering, identification, and clustering techniques will be significantly useful for building individual-level tourist travel demand models from social media data. 相似文献
The Air Traffic Management system is under a paradigm shift led by NextGen and SESAR. The new trajectory-based Concept of Operations is supported by performance-based trajectory predictors as major enablers. Currently, the performance of ground-based trajectory predictors is affected by diverse factors such as weather, lack of integration of operational information or aircraft performance uncertainty.Trajectory predictors could be enhanced by learning from historical data. Nowadays, data from the Air Traffic Management system may be exploited to understand to what extent Air Traffic Control actions impact on the vertical profile of flight trajectories.This paper analyses the impact of diverse operational factors on the vertical profile of flight trajectories. Firstly, Multilevel Linear Models are adopted to conduct a prior identification of these factors. Then, the information is exploited by trajectory predictors, where two types are used: point-mass trajectory predictors enhanced by learning the thrust law depending on those factors; and trajectory predictors based on Artificial Neural Networks.Air Traffic Control vertical operational procedures do not constitute a main factor impacting on the vertical profile of flight trajectories, once the top of descent is established. Additionally, airspace flows and the flight level at the trajectory top of descent are relevant features to be considered when learning from historical data, enhancing the overall performance of the trajectory predictors for the descent phase. 相似文献
Car following models have been studied with many diverse approaches for decades. Nowadays, technological advances have significantly improved our traffic data collection capabilities. Conventional car following models rely on mathematical formulas and are derived from traffic flow theory; a property that often makes them more restrictive. On the other hand, data-driven approaches are more flexible and allow the incorporation of additional information to the model; however, they may not provide as much insight into traffic flow theory as the traditional models. In this research, an innovative methodological framework based on a data-driven approach is proposed for the estimation of car-following models, suitable for incorporation into microscopic traffic simulation models. An existing technique, i.e. locally weighted regression (loess), is defined through an optimization problem and is employed in a novel way. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using data collected from a sequence of instrumented vehicles in Naples, Italy. Gipps’ model, one of the most extensively used car-following models, is calibrated against the same data and used as a reference benchmark. Optimization issues are raised in both cases. The obtained results suggest that data-driven car-following models could be a promising research direction. 相似文献
This study proposes Reinforcement Learning (RL) based algorithm for finding optimum signal timings in Coordinated Signalized Networks (CSN) for fixed set of link flows. For this purpose, MOdified REinforcement Learning algorithm with TRANSYT-7F (MORELTRANS) model is proposed by way of combining RL algorithm and TRANSYT-7F. The modified RL differs from other RL algorithms since it takes advantage of the best solution obtained from the previous learning episode by generating a sub-environment at each learning episode as the same size of original environment. On the other hand, TRANSYT-7F traffic model is used in order to determine network performance index, namely disutility index. Numerical application is conducted on medium sized coordinated signalized road network. Results indicated that the MORELTRANS produced slightly better results than the GA in signal timing optimization in terms of objective function value while it outperformed than the HC. In order to show the capability of the proposed model for heavy demand condition, two cases in which link flows are increased by 20% and 50% with respect to the base case are considered. It is found that the MORELTRANS is able to reach good solutions for signal timing optimization even if demand became increased. 相似文献
A promising alternative transportation mode to address growing transportation and environmental issues is bicycle transportation, which is human-powered and emission-free. To increase the use of bicycles, it is fundamental to provide bicycle-friendly environments. The scientific assessment of a bicyclist’s perception of roadway environment, safety and comfort is of great interest. This study developed a methodology for categorizing bicycling environments defined by the bicyclist’s perceived level of safety and comfort. Second-by-second bicycle speed data were collected using global positioning systems (GPS) on public bicycles. A set of features representing the level of bicycling environments was extracted from the GPS-based bicycle speed and acceleration data. These data were used as inputs for the proposed categorization algorithm. A support vector machine (SVM), which is a well-known heuristic classifier, was adopted in this study. A promising rate of 81.6% for correct classification demonstrated the technical feasibility of the proposed algorithm. In addition, a framework for bicycle traffic monitoring based on data and outcomes derived from this study was discussed, which is a novel feature for traffic surveillance and monitoring. 相似文献
In this research, a Bayesian network (BN) approach is proposed to model the car use behavior of drivers by time of day and to analyze its relationship with driver and car characteristics. The proposed BN model can be categorized as a tree-augmented naive (TAN) Bayesian network. A latent class variable is included in this model to describe the unobserved heterogeneity of drivers. Both the structure and the parameters are learned from the dataset, which is extracted from GPS data collected in Toyota City, Japan. Based on inferences and evidence sensitivity analysis using the estimated TAN model, the effects of each single observed characteristic on car use measures are tested and found to be significant. The features of each category of the latent class are also analyzed. By testing the effect of each car use measure on every other measure, it is found that the correlations between car use measures are significant and should be considered in modeling car use behavior. 相似文献
The goal of a network design problem (NDP) is to make optimal decisions to achieve a certain objective such as minimizing total travel time or maximizing tolls collected in the network. A critical component to NDP is how travelers make their route choices. Researchers in transportation have adopted human decision theories to describe more accurate route choice behaviors. In this paper, we review the NDP with various route choice models: the random utility model (RUM), random regret-minimization (RRM) model, bounded rationality (BR), cumulative prospect theory (CPT), the fuzzy logic model (FLM) and dynamic learning models. Moreover, we identify challenges in applying behavioral route choice models to NDP and opportunities for future research. 相似文献