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基于国内外交通事故鉴别方法,结合山区高速公路特点及其事故特点,提出改进的鉴别指数与非定长分段法相结合的适合山区高速公路的混合鉴别方法,最后在包茂高速(西安—榆林)铜川段进行实例验证,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
山区高速公路单喇叭型互通立交设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据山区高速公路自身的特点,结合公路建设的新理念,山区单喇叭型互通立交的布设应在满足互通功能的情况下扩展思路,重视环境保护与自然相协调,尽量减少占地、减少工程量和降低造价。  相似文献   
针对山地城市的路网结构特殊性,根据山地城市路网模型,提出了山地城市道路的连通率的计算方法,然后基于蒙特卡罗的模拟算法对震后路网可靠指标进行评估,并对山城重庆某局域路网进行了震后路网可靠性评估,分析评估结果为应急救护中心的选址提供依据.  相似文献   
山洪灾害是在一定强度、持续的降雨或特殊地形地质条件下发生的。具有突发、易发、破坏性大、防御困难等特点,因而有别于城市一般地区的防洪,该文就无锡惠山地区石门下开发建设中涉及山丘防洪规划治理的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
文章以内河小型干货船为例,针对《钢质内河船舶入级与建造规范(2009)》中干货船的四种典型横剖面结构形式进行了有限元分析,所得到的船体结构有限元分析结果对同类型的内河小型干货船设计和强度分析有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
在山区国省道公路中,由于受地形限制,沿线场镇一般是依路而建,这些路段被称为‘‘场镇路段”.属于大修工程中的难点。对重庆市国省道近年来大修工程进行总结,对于场镇路段的路面大修方案进行比选,分析各维修方案的使用条件,以供同行参考。  相似文献   
袁涛峰 《水运工程》2020,(12):123-130
以澜沧江Ⅳ级航道建设工程溪口滩航道整治为依托,针对溪口滩整治过程中需要提升航道等级、维持航槽稳定的问题,从溪口滩水沙运动规律、历史整治情况、来水来石特征等方面分析不同溪口滩险形成原因,提出修建拦石坝、溪口导流坝以及常年维护疏浚等治理措施,以达到提升航道尺度并维持航道稳定的目的。结果表明,在山区河流溪口滩航道整治过程中采用拦、导、疏等工程措施,能够解决溪口滩险碍航成滩的难题,可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
通过近几年县际油路和路网改造,对黄土高原区国省道干线公路的勘察设计标准的应用总结了经验,并提出了今后注意的事项。  相似文献   
The deterministic Riverstrahler model of river functioning is applied for the first time to sub-arctic catchments. Seasonal nutrient (N, P, Si) deliveries to the coastal zone are simulated, and nutrient annual fluxes are established for the nearly pristine river Kalix (hereafter called Kalixälven) and the heavily dammed river Lule, (hereafter called Luleälven) both located in Northern Sweden and draining into the Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea.For Kalixälven simulations are performed with a runoff calculated from precipitation, evapo-transpiration and temperature data for the period 1990–1999, using a hydrological model calibrated on observed monthly discharges at the river outlet. The same hydrological parameters are used to calculate specific runoff for the Luleälven basin in absence of dam regulation. Reservoir filling and emptying are simulated using a simplified representation of their management rules. Diffuse sources of nutrient are evaluated according to land cover of the catchment. The simulated seasonal trends are within the range of the observed data, in particular for discharge, dissolved silica, total phosphorus, inorganic nitrogen and total organic carbon. Specific runoff is 50% higher in the Luleälven than in the Kalixälven watershed due to higher altitudes and precipitations. Average silica, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations are much lower in Luleälven than in Kalixälven. Comparison of model results for the Luleälven with and without dams shows a reduction of respectively 25% and 30% in silica and phosphorus fluxes delivered at the outlet, while nitrogen delivery is increased by 10% in the dammed vs. undammed river system. The model allows assessing the respective role of reservoir trapping of nutrient in the reservoir through algal uptake and sedimentation, and of changes in the vegetation induced by flooding the valley formerly covered by forests and wetlands.  相似文献   
桥墩紊流宽度的计算与水流雷诺数的范围关系较大,将影响到计算成果的合理性。结合山区河流超临界雷诺数条件,采用格子Boltzmann方法模拟桥墩三维紊流流场,并结合大涡模拟和运动边界处理方法,分析不同来流、河形等条件下的桥墩三维紊流宽度,由此建立了顺直河道和弯曲河道中圆型桥墩相对紊流宽度与弗劳德数之间的耦合关系。该研究成果通过四川邓家坝大桥航宽验算,与经验法及祖小勇算法比较,发现该方法得出的桥墩紊流宽度略小、其数值趋于合理。  相似文献   
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