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选取8条高速公路的8个沥青混合料类型及20多个热拌沥青混合料配合比设计中最佳沥青用量的选定进行跟踪与剖析,对热拌沥青混合料配合比设计中如何使用体积法预估沥青用量从理论上做了详细阐述,经过沥青混合料下面层目标配合比设计进行了工程实践检验,证明该方法是准确可行的。  相似文献   
充分考虑到分段施工PC梁桥施工阶段线形变化的非线形,复杂性和随机性,提出一种基于分形理论的节段线形预测方法。采用滚动选取预测样本降低原始误差累计的方法,建立了节段施工线形预测理论模型。将此模型应用于黄河大桥悬臂施工线形预测控制中,按节段施工周期依次预测下一节段的线形指标,结果证实了分段施工PC梁桥线形变化的分形特征,与实测和理论值相比,预测值具有较高的工程精度。  相似文献   
TSP作为目前最先进的隧道地质超前预报探测仪器,得到了广泛的应用。但是由于在现实中存在各种问题,从而导致该仪器的预测精度受到了极大限制,主要阐述如何提高其预测精度,更好地为隧道的建设服务。  相似文献   
A grey prediction fuzzy controller (GPFC) was proposed to control an active suspension system and evaluate its control performance. The GPFC employed the grey prediction algorithm to predict the position output error of the sprung mass and the error change as input variables of the traditional fuzzy controller (TFC) in controlling the suspension system to suppress the vibration and the acceleration amplitudes of the sprung mass for improving the ride comfort of the TFC used; however, the TFC or GPFC was employed to control the suspension system, resulting in a large tire deflection so that the road-holding ability in the vehicle becomes worse than with the original passive control strategy. To overcome the problem, this work developed an enhancing grey prediction fuzzy controller (EGPFC) that not only had the original GPFC property but also introduced the tire dynamic effect into the controller design, also using the grey prediction algorithm to predict the next tire deflection error and the error change as input variables of another TFC, to control the suspension system for enhancing the road-holding capability of the vehicle. The EGPFC has better control performances in suppressing the vibration and the acceleration amplitudes of the sprung mass to improve the ride quality and in reducing the tire deflection to enhance the road-holding ability of the vehicle, than both TFC and GPFC, as confirmed by experimental results.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical investigation on the derailment of a railway wheelset with solid axle. Tests were carried out under quasi-steady-state conditions, on a full-scale roller rig, and allowed to point out the effect of different parameters like the wheelset's angle of attack and the ratio between the vertical loads acting on the flanging and non-flanging wheels. On the basis of the test results, some existing derailment criteria are analysed in this paper and two new criteria are proposed. A model of wheel–rail contact is proposed for the mathematical modelling of the flange climb process, and numerical vs. experimental comparisons are used to obtain model validation.  相似文献   
本文利用现场实测资料,对大铲湾的动力特征及水下地形进行分析研究.弄清了港区附近海域泥沙来源及水沙运动规律.并就工程方案预报其淤积量,从而推荐其最佳方案.  相似文献   
在轨道交通初步设计阶段地下线轨道减振设计中,对距外轨中心线两侧10~60 m范围内的环境敏感点,往往采用踏勘、工程类比等经验方法进行设计,具有一定的误差。在采用《环境影响评价技术导则城市轨道交通》(HJ453—2008)振动预测模型的基础上,参考北京、上海等城市的经验,研究适用于宁波轨道交通地下线轨道振动预测模型,并采用计算机语言实现预测模型程序化以提高设计效率。在初步设计阶段,振动预测的标准化、自动化,对稳定区间轨道高度,细化概算投资,减少设计反复具有重要意义。  相似文献   
免维护电池不等于不需要维护。本文介绍了用内阻法测量蓄电池故障的原理及方法,并通过试验得出:根据免维护电池内阻值的变化可预测出机车蓄电池的故障。  相似文献   
通过对晋北地区大量的黄土室内湿陷性试验数据进行分析,研究黄土湿陷系数与天然孔隙比、天然密度、天然含水量、压缩模量、塑性指数和液性指数6种常规物性参数之间的相关性,结果显示:黄土湿陷系数与天然孔隙比之间呈正相关关系;与天然密度、天然含水量、压缩模量、塑性指数和液性指数呈负相关关系;探讨不同湿陷强度黄土的天然孔隙比、天然密度、天然含水量及液性指数的分布规律,结果显示:该地区湿陷性黄土的天然孔隙比大于0.6,天然密度小于1.9 g/cm~3,天然含水量小于22%,液性指数小于0.25。  相似文献   
车辆保有量的形成及其购置量的论证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了通过"车辆运营财务平衡表"的计算和预测方法确定车辆保有量的更新。  相似文献   
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