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<正>全新LaFerrari是否为驾驶者带来了法拉利终极旗舰的体验?抑或是这一荣誉依旧属于它传奇的前辈Enzo所有?在这期evo的独家报道中,我们让这两辆价值百万英镑的豪车同场竞技,看看谁更胜一筹一直被模仿,从未被超越,法拉利依旧在超跑世界中笑傲江湖。法拉利的地位如同地球吸引力一般重要,凭借着无人比肩的精致公路跑车和独领风骚的赛车DNA傲视群雄。所以,尽管这匹奔腾的骏马也崴过几次脚,令斯库德里亚公司不得不找点儿理由来忘记那些失败,然而当法拉利要全力以赴打造招牌旗舰型超跑时,他们从来不会失败。在21世纪中,他们推出的是Enzo和LeFerrari。它们显然是一对兄弟,但我们的测评并不会因此而缺少看点。再说了  相似文献   
Railway vehicles with steered axles possess some unique dynamic characteristics. This paper reviews the reasons for the differences between these and more conventional vehicles and examines the results of analysis demonstrating the sensitivity of the phenomena to various mass, stiffness and geometric parameters. The implications which these results carry are discussed in terms of their design importance and their effect upon the performance boundaries of steel-wheeled rail vehicles. This review shows that a profound understanding of steered axle railway vehicles is developing and that this leads to the conclusion that a wide range of applications can benefit from their use.  相似文献   
Concepts to improve turbine generator (TG) set power density (PD) are identified, developed, and evaluated. The evaluation focuses on the TG set as a part of overall system optimization, with weight and volume penalties for special auxiliaries. PD is given priority, while other attributes such as efficiency, acoustics, and total system cost are also assessed. The strengths and weaknesses of each concept are assessed based on technical viability, potential for PD improvement, and risk. Sixty-one generator concepts over four generator types—air-cooled wound field, water-cooled wound field, permanent magnet (PM), and high-temperature superconducting (HTS)—are evaluated with three ship-level electrical distribution architectures—high-frequency AC and active- and passive-rectified DC. A prime mover of 14 MW at 7,000 r.p.m. is assumed. The study assesses generator size enabled by directly coupling the generator to the prime mover, eliminating the typical gear required in TG sets with engine speeds greater than 3,600 r.p.m. Technology approaches are described and trends in the design data are identified. Advanced PM and superconducting rotor technologies are evaluated. For the power, speed, and system requirements studied, these technologies do not differ significantly from water-cooled designs in size and weight. A water-cooled generator would be compatible with a range of future power distribution systems such as high-frequency AC, rectified DC, or 60 Hz AC (using a rectifier and an inverter).  相似文献   
P1 GTR     
正此前我们在Anglesey赛道测试过的最快的车是Radical RXC Turbo 500,圈速1分10秒5。P1 GTR还能再快些吗?但是要想表现英雄气概不是件容易的事不过不是因为这辆车令人恐惧,而是它的能力实在高强速度快到不合常理,技术极其先进,定位上超出了一般的超级跑车——还有什么事能比接到这样一款车的试驾邀请更令人激动的吗?毕竟这样的经历能让你一窥比天价的单座赛车略"低"的顶级跑车这种神一般的存在。但是往往令人扫兴的是,邀请方只允许你在赛道上开三圈,而这条赛道你可能从来没跑过。他们让你能尝到那款车的味道,但你要想大快朵颐是绝无可能的。但今天的情况不同了。其实不单单是今天。我们有两整天的时间驾驶一辆P1  相似文献   
675LT v P1     
正几乎相同的性能,价格却差了十万八千里——675LT是否真的特别到足以让P1这样一款令人神经错乱的顶级跑车感到焦虑呢?那还是我们的"2015年度车型"评选的时候,已经是最后一天了,我们到了苏格兰,因为是英国的最北端,让人感觉是个无法的地方,再往北恐怕就要无天了。幸好老天还存在,在它的眷顾之下过去的三天一直是阳光明媚,但今天上午浓雾遮挡了周围的景物,拍摄的计划是告吹了。好在贴近地面的高度上能见度还不错,也就是说在路上驾车还是没问题的。  相似文献   
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