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The considerable cost of maintaining large fleets has generated interest in cost minimization strategies. With many related decisions, numerous constraints, and significant sources of uncertainty (e.g. vehicle breakdowns), fleet managers face complex dynamic optimization problems. Existing methodologies frequently make simplifying assumptions or fail to converge quickly for large problems. This paper presents an approximate dynamic programming approach for making vehicle purchase, resale, and retrofit decisions in a fleet setting with stochastic vehicle breakdowns. Value iteration is informed by dual variables from linear programs, as well as other bounds on vehicle shadow prices. Sample problems are based on a government fleet seeking to comply with emissions regulation. The model predicts the expected cost of compliance, the rules the fleet manager will use in deciding how to comply, and the regulation’s impact on the value of vehicles in the fleet. Stricter regulation lowers the value of some vehicle categories while raising the value of others. Such insights can help guide regulators, as well as the fleet managers they oversee. The methodologies developed could be applied more broadly to general multi-asset replacement problems, many of which have similar structures.  相似文献   
目前,已经有8家葡萄牙的运输公司开始了为期1年的三菱扶桑纯电动轻卡Canter E-Cell的实际路测试运行.这款纯电动轻卡的性能将会在这次试运行经历的各种工况过程中得以验证.其中里斯本市使用的Canter E-Cell将用于园艺工程和垃圾收集工作,波尔图市使用的车辆主要用于各种市政部门之间的运输工作,阿布朗德市的车辆也是用于园艺工程,Transporta运输公司则使用Canter E-Cell作为市内短途挨家挨户的送货服务工作,REN能源公司将这款车用于里斯本市南部Sines镇港口区域内的运输工作.此外,葡萄牙国家邮政服务公司CTT公司使用这款Canter E-Cell电动货车作为里斯本市区内的配送工作车.  相似文献   
Bus transit is often promoted as a green form of transportation, but surprisingly little research has been done on how to run transit systems in a green manner. Both vehicle task assignment and purchase models are generally constructed to minimize financial costs. Integrating vehicle task assignment with purchase decisions is made challenging by the different time scales involved. An integer programming approach is used to combine vehicle purchase, retrofit and aggregated task assignment decisions. The formulation is designed to operate in sequence with traditional vehicle task assignment models, to add emissions and long term financial cost elements to the objective, while maintaining computational tractability and feasible input data requirements. In a case study, a transit agency saves money in the long term by using stimulus money to buy CNG infrastructure instead of purchasing only new buses. Carbon prices up to $400/(ton CO2 equivalent) do not change vehicle purchase decisions, but higher carbon prices can cause more diesel hybrid purchases, at a high marginal cost. Although the motivation and numerical case study are from the US transit industry, the model is formulated to be widely applicable to green fleet management in multiple contexts.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the link between the recruitment process of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) of the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) and the environmental and physiological conditions. Spatio-temporal variation of abundance and condition of fish were evaluated at two locations each with different oceanographic conditions, one in the north (Sóller, SO) and another in the south (Cabrera, CA) of Mallorca Island. Environmental variables explored were hydrography, sediment characteristics, phytoplankton pigment concentration (ppc) and the trophic resources of hake. Individuals were divided in three life stages: recruits, post-recruits and young adults. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), relative condition index (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI) and fullness index (FI) were analysed for the three life stages. Recruitment starts in February with the incorporation of smaller hakes, and it can be followed through spring and early summer with a peak in April. However, some spatial heterogeneity in the recruitment process has been found between north and south of the Island. The main pulse of recruitment occurred at a different time in the two areas. Spatial heterogeneity was also consistent with the condition of hake recruits, with higher values of Kn and HSI at SO than at CA. Maximum values of Kn were found in February at SO and in April at CA, coinciding with the start of the different recruitment pulses to the fishing grounds. Post-recruits and young adults also showed higher condition at SO than at CA. The arrival in spring of the Western Winter Intermediate Waters (WIW) drives the spatial-temporal variation in abundance and condition of hake. Ppc was highly correlated with recruit abundance with a time lag of two months, while for post-recruits the time lag was three months. The observed differences in the condition of hake between areas could be a consequence of the fact that the waters to the north of Mallorca are comparatively more under the seasonal influence of WIW which is formed in more productive areas. Thus, this study characterises the short temporal and spatial variability in the hake recruitment process off the Balearic Islands, both in terms of abundance and fish condition. This pattern is explained on the basis of the mesoscale environmental variability observed between north and south of Mallorca and the ecological adaptive strategy of recruiting in the optimal environmental season.  相似文献   
<正>这2款FH测试车型都是受到用户欢迎的长途运输车型,实践出真知,只有通过实际的道路测试才能验证这些高科技装备对于这种40 t级别重卡的价值和意义。作为拥有"年度卡车"头衔的沃尔沃豪华旗舰重卡,新一代FH系列已经确立了其在欧洲豪华长途运输重卡领域的领先地位。如今沃尔沃又在这一旗舰车型上引入了很多新的高科技,例如独立悬架系统、双离合自动变速器以及电动液压式助力转向系统等。在其首次媒体道路测试中,  相似文献   
To better assess health impacts from diesel transportation sources, particle number emissions can be modeled on a road network using traffic operating parameters. In this work, real-time particle number emissions rates from two diesel transit buses were aggregated to the roadway link-level and modeled using engine parameters and then vehicle parameters. Modern statistical methods were used to identify appropriate predictor variables in the presence of multicollinearity, and controlled for correlated emission measurements made on the same day and testing route. Factor analysis helped to reduce the number of potential engine parameters to engine load, engine speed, and exhaust temperature. These parameters were incorporated in a linear mixed model that was shown to explain the variation attributable to link-characteristics. Vehicle specific power and speed were identified as two surrogate vehicle travel variables that can be used in the absence of engine parameters, although with a loss in predictive power compared to the engine parameter model. If vehicle speed is the only operating input available, including road grades in the model can significantly improve particle number emission estimates even for links with mild grade. Although the data used are specific to the buses tested, the approach can be applied to modeling emissions from other vehicle models with different engine types, exhaust systems, and engine retrofit technologies.  相似文献   
正为了迎接欧Ⅵ排放法规的实施,将产品转换到采用更加环保的欧Ⅵ发动机平台上,制造商纷纷在2013年对旗下车型进行升级换代或者大改款。对于欧洲商用车制造商来说,过去的2013年是忙于驱动方案升级的转折年。为了迎接欧Ⅵ排放法规的实施,将产品转换到采用更加环保的欧Ⅵ发动机平台上,制造商纷纷对旗下车型进行升级换代或者大改款。本文对欧洲的几大商用车厂家在  相似文献   
长期以来,汽车行业一直在找寻可替代燃料的解决方案,天然气就是其中一种。在商用车领域实施欧Ⅵ排放标准中,欧洲开始加快推动这种清洁能源的实际应用。使用天然气作为燃料的车型大多应用在城市内短途交通及公共交通领域,低噪声和低燃料使用成本是其主要优势,然而相对较短的续驶里程以及加气网点分布较少是限制天然气车辆进入长途运输领域的主要原因。  相似文献   
台湾因人口集中都会区且道路年增率远不及车辆年增率,形成都会区内及城际道路交通日益频繁与拥塞,台湾目前陆运交通主流与世界趋势相同,主要以轨道运输系统为陆运交通主要解决方案,同时近年来在降低环境污染及增加能源使用效能之呼声下,更使得铁路运输亦再度成为最佳解决方案.近年来台北捷运系统中和线古亭站穿越民房下方潜盾隧道段、维修线中华路区段及板桥线西门站至龙山寺站地下隧道,沿线接获越来越多居住其上的居民对振动噪音污染生活质量之抱怨与不满,同时因民众环保意识的日渐抬头,民众对捷运行驶的噪音愈来愈不能忍受,噪音陈情的地点也愈来愈多,目前虽采取许多改善措施,但似乎不能满足沿线居民的需求.此篇论文即针对轨道运输系统中台北捷运地下隧道分轨道噪音之成因进行分析,并经分析评估,拟定出各轨道噪音案在地下隧道的防治对策,并对部分防治对策做-长期监测,并对部分监测数据进行初步分析比对,厘清对策与成因在理论上及实务上之成效比对,从而进行设计上之回馈,以提供轨道运输在环境噪音防治之最佳方案.  相似文献   
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