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This paper examines the out-of-home, weekend, time-use patterns of children aged 5–17 years, with a specific emphasis on their physical activity participation. The impact of several types of factors, including individual and household demographics, neighborhood demographics, built environment characteristics, and activity day variables, on physical activity participation is analyzed using a joint nested multiple discrete–continuous extreme value-binary choice model. The sample for analysis is drawn from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey. The model developed in the paper can be used to assess the impacts of changing demographics and built environment characteristics on children’s physical activity levels.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the CO2 impact of current and future UK rail track and estimates the material, process and transport emissions associated with construction, maintenance and end-of-life activities for designs at high and low traffic loads. Analysis shows that for current track configurations, track with concrete sleepers has the lowest CO2 impact, followed by steel, hardwood and softwood. Several potential future rail track designs have been analysed including embedded rail and double and quadruple-headed rail. All future track designs have a lower impact than current designs, but this improvement is more marked at high traffic loads. Up to a 40% reduction in CO2 impact could be achieved if the UK rail network was to move from conventional track design to a double-headed embedded rail design. Key levers for reducing the CO2 impact of track are identified as service life extension, traffic load reduction and the selection of low impact track designs.  相似文献   
In 2003 and 2004 there were major changes to the legislative environment in New Zealand, with the enactment of the Land Transport Management Act, 2003 which formed the New Zealand Transport Agency. The Transport Agency has a statutory role of assisting and advising approved organisations (usually local government) and approving procurement procedures. Following the introduction of the Land Transport Management Act a review of existing public transport legislation took place leading to the introduction of the Public Transport Management Act early in 2009. This paper discusses the role of procurement strategies in obtaining value for money objectives for public transport services within the new legislative environment. A case study of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Procurement Strategy for bus and ferry services is presented to demonstrate the usefulness of strategic thinking.  相似文献   
伦敦设计周在肖迪奇的一座被重新利用的有轨电车站里举办,展馆空间被利用得满满的,而最抢眼的便是宝马公司的居住实验室。其实展品本身是基于一辆宝马5系轿车,但它的内部被展露在外面,就像动画片里的卡通人物的一对眼珠弹了出来。宝马公司的创意总监亚德里安·冯·霍伊敦克解释说,这件展品首先是为了展示汽车的内部结构,然后如果你  相似文献   
Climate change adaptation presents a difficult challenge for coastal towns around the world, forcing local governments to plan for sea level rise in a contentious decision-making space. The concept of “adaptation pathways,” a diagnostic and analytical tool to assist in adaptive planning and decision-making, is gaining traction as a way of framing and informing climate adaptation. It provides decisionmakers a way to acknowledge the inter-temporal complexities and uncertainties associated with the novel dynamics of climate change and a mechanism to manage these challenges in the local context. In 2012, the Australian Government funded an 18-month program to provide decisionmakers in the coastal zone an opportunity to test the utility of the adaptation pathways concept for coastal climate adaptation. Using a selection of completed projects as case studies, we performed a document analysis to better understand the learnings from the projects. The main themes surrounded: (1) the utility of the adaptation pathway framework in developing options, (2) decision-making rationale and criteria, and (3) stakeholder participation in pathway development. A project participant survey was developed to further understand these themes. Our analysis reveals that “adaptation pathways” was generally framed narrowly and conservatively to emphasize extant economic, administrative and legal considerations over community, participatory, or exploratory ones. Although some case study projects were able to reach a point in the pathway discussion to actively involve stakeholders in their decision-making process, many case studies continued to build technical data as a method for defending policies and actions. These results indicate that coastal adaptation can take-up adaptation pathways as a useful concept for decision-making and planning; however, many councils may still require assistance in stakeholder communication processes in order to develop sociallyacceptable plans that take into account the full range of values affecting local coastal environments.  相似文献   
起亚的POP概念车有着药丸形车窗,车内设计绚丽夺目,插电续航技术。设计简洁而不简陋,是一次真正的飞跃。此前这一韩国厂商出产的Soul车型已经传达出其品牌理念:生产你所真正需要的汽车,同时也是你真正想要的汽车。  相似文献   
In this paper, we represent a systematic review of stated preference studies examining the extent to which cycle infrastructure preferences vary by gender and by age. A search of online, English-language academic and policy literature was followed by a three-stage screening process to identify relevant studies. We found 54 studies that investigated whether preferences for cycle infrastructure varied by gender and/or by age. Forty-four of these studies considered the extent of separation from motor traffic. The remainder of the studies covered diverse topics, including preferred winter maintenance methods and attitudes to cycle track lighting. We found that women reported stronger preferences than men for greater separation from motor traffic. There was weaker evidence of stronger preferences among older people. Differences in preferences were quantitative rather than qualitative; that is, preferences for separated infrastructure were stronger in some groups than in others, but no group preferred integration with motor traffic. Thus, in low-cycling countries seeking to increase cycling, this evidence suggests focusing on the stronger preferences of under-represented groups as a necessary element of universal design for cycling.  相似文献   
Global Positioning System (GPS) data have become ubiquitous in many areas of transportation planning and research. The usefulness of GPS data often depends on the points being matched to the true sequence of edges on the underlying street network – a process known as ‘map matching.’ This paper presents a new map-matching algorithm that is designed for use with poor-quality GPS traces in urban environments, where drivers may circle for parking and GPS quality may be affected by underground parking and tall buildings. The paper is accompanied by open-source Python code that is designed to work with a PostGIS spatial database. In a test dataset that includes many poor-quality traces, our new algorithm accurately matches about one-third more traces than a widely available alternative. Our algorithm also provides a ‘match score’ that evaluates the likelihood that the match for an individual trace is correct, reducing the need for manual inspection.  相似文献   
This paper presents a detailed analysis of discretionary leisure activity engagement by children. Children’s leisure activity engagement is of much interest to transportation professionals from an activity-based travel demand modeling perspective, to child development professionals from a sociological perspective, and to health professionals from an active lifestyle perspective that can help prevent obesity and other medical ailments from an early age. Using data from the 2002 Child Development Supplement of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, this paper presents a detailed analysis of children’s discretionary activity engagement by day of week (weekend versus weekday), location (in-home versus out-of-home), type of activity (physically active versus passive), and nature of activity (structured versus unstructured). A mixed multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model formulation is adopted to account for the fact that children may participate in multiple activities and allocate positive time duration to each of the activities chosen. It is found that children participate at the highest rate and for the longest duration in passive unstructured leisure activities inside the home. Children in households with parents who are employed, higher income, or higher education were found to participate in structured outdoor activities at higher rates. The child activity modeling framework and methodology presented in this paper lends itself for incorporation into larger activity-based travel model systems where it is imperative that children’s activity-travel patterns be explicitly modeled—both from a child health and well-being policy perspective and from a travel forecasting perspective.
Chandra R. Bhat (Corresponding author)Email:

Ipek N. Sener   is currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. She received her M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and in Architecture, and her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Rachel B. Copperman   is currently a Ph.D. student at The University of Texas at Austin in transportation engineering. She received her M.S.E. from The University of Texas at Austin in Civil Engineering and her B.S. from the University of Virginia in Systems Engineering. Rachel grew up in Arlington, Virginia. Ram M. Pendyala   is a Professor in Transportation at Arizona State University in Tempe. He teaches and conducts research in activity-based travel behavior modeling, multimodal transportation planning, and travel demand forecasting. He is the chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values and vice chair of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.  相似文献   
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