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高雄捷运橘线CO1区段标统包工程潜盾隧道分别穿越高雄港第三船渠及仁爱河,且本工程4座联络信道中有3座位于水际,开挖地层又属高地下水位之疏松粉土质砂层,施工风险较高.本工程原有2座联络信道已依设计分析结果采JSG高压喷射搅拌工法进行地质改良并采压气辅助施工顺利完成,后续2座原规划仅采用隧挖方式施工,惟在施工前恰巧邻标联络通道内集水井施工发生重大意外事故,且从该地区之地层特性等因素分析,为进一步降低施工风险,仍续采压气工法辅助施工.本文旨在说明本工程采压气工法辅助施工之设计与施工问题点与解决对策,以提供类似工程之参考.  相似文献   
We investigated the sensitivity of an observer based on a tire model using simulation in linear and nonlinear regions. In the linear region, we investigated the influence of vehicle speed by doing the same simulation at three speed levels. In the nonlinear region, the simulation condition was set such that the vehicle became unstable. In the linear region, steering input and cornering stiffness have a relatively large effect on the estimation error because these quantities determine tire side force. In the nonlinear region, the road surface's friction coefficient becomes a crucial factor. In both the regions, the observer is sensitive to yaw rate and longitudinal speed.  相似文献   
In this study, we explored the potential of using electronic toll collection (ETC)-derived data that are a part of intelligent transport systems (ITS). Dynamic origin–destination (OD) traffic volumes were estimated using ETC data on the Hanshin Expressway. A dynamic OD estimation model that was suggested in a previous study was used, and abundant ETC data were input to improve the estimation accuracy. The results of OD estimation were analyzed to understand traffic demand and its variation. External factors were clarified that have an influence on variances in the OD flows, and statistical analysis methods for the variations were proposed depending on the factors. Moreover, the improvements in traffic simulation accuracy and performance as a result of using ETC data as input variables in the simulation models were discussed. According to the results of this study, ETC data have potential to assist in understaningd traffic demand and its variation, and the results can be applied to network management.  相似文献   
滚动轴承不仅用作铁道车辆的车轴轴承,而且在电动车组的牵引电动机和驱动装置中也起着很重要的作用。近年来,对其高性能化和长寿命化以及可靠性等都提出了更高要求。本文介绍了电动车组驱动方式的历史,并就各种驱动方式所使用的牵引电动机和齿轮传动装置用轴承的最新技术进行了解说。  相似文献   
Anti-rolling is an important technique for safety and efficient ship operation. In the era of sailing ships, rolling motions were not so severe compared to those of modern ships running by prime mover without sails, because the sail itself had a damping effect on rolling motion. After propeller driven ships exceeded sailing ships in number and performance, namely, from the end of the nineteenth century, many types of anti-rolling–related techniques were invented and developed, of both passive and active types. Recently (2009, 2010), as sea trials, we carried out proto-type experiments on an anti-rolling system and confirmed its effectiveness. The new concept utilizes the so-called Corioli’s effect, which appears in the rotational coordinate system. Usually, this effect is considered as virtual, but the real effect appears when a mass moves in the radial direction in a rotating coordinate system. In the case of ship rolling, the vertical motion of a mass generates Corioli’s force to finally generate anti-rolling moment. This is the reason the system was named Vertical Weight Stabilizer (VWS). This new system was invented in 1998 by Hirayama, and confirmed by the model experiments in a towing tank. Numerical simulations were carried out by the Sea and Air Control System laboratory of Yokohama National University, but the actual system could not be realized, because we could not find an appropriate actuator. The key technology for the success of the current sea experiment is the powerful, high-speed, compact actuator for the vertical movement of the weight. In this paper, we introduce this new concept by adopting a simple experiment, the control system with new actuator used in an actual sea experiment, and report on the successful results.  相似文献   
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