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DN4300有个显著的变化就是“SIEMENS”(西门子)的LOGO被拿掉了,只剩下VDO的独家招牌。是的,就在2007年VDO汽车电子集团被西门子以114亿欧元的高价卖给了德国大陆集团,而大陆集团对我们来说,最熟悉的就是旗下有个赫赫有名的马牌轮胎。  相似文献   
Macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD) of traffic for some networks have been shown to have similar shape to those for single links. They have erroneously been used to help estimate the level of travel in congested networks. We argue that supply curves, which track vehicles in their passage through congested networks, are needed for this purpose, and that they differ from the performance curves generated from MFD. We use a microsimulation model, DRACULA and two networks, one synthesizing the network for Cambridge, England, and one of the city of York, England, to explore the nature of performance curves and supply curves under differing patterns of demand.We show that supply curves differ from performance curves once the onset of congestion is reached, and that the incorrect use of performance curves to estimate demand can thus seriously underestimate traffic levels, the costs of congestion, and the value of congestion relief measures. We also show that network aggregated supply curves are sensitive to the temporal distribution of demand and, potentially, to the spatial distribution of demand. The shape of the supply curve also differs between origin–destination movements within a given network.We argue that supply curves for higher levels of demand cannot be observed in normal traffic conditions, and specify ways in which they can be determined from microsimulation and, potentially, by extrapolating observed data. We discuss the implications of these findings for conventional modelling of network management policies, and for these policies themselves.  相似文献   
GARMIN在中国市场推出的机型并不多,而且价格又屹立在不胜寒的高处。不过,因其硬件品质的优越,加上菜单操作的简洁,我对GARMIN的产品有种偏爱。尤其是经典机型310让人赞不绝口,拿到加宽屏幕的760当然要狠狠地把玩一番!  相似文献   
相对于目前便携式导航仪多功能化的趋势,加泊车系统、电子书、MP4等等眼花缭乱功能,GARMIN却只专注于“导航功能”的本身,它“不变应万变”的固执让人觉得值得尊敬。  相似文献   
A. D. May 《Transportation》1992,19(4):313-333
This paper reviews experience with road pricing in Europe and Asia. It considers the objectives of road pricing, and demonstrates that differences in objectives lead to differences in scheme design and performance. It reviews the criteria for design of road pricing systems, and the development of charging structures and technologies to meet those criteria. In particular it discusses the relative merits of pre-determined and congestion-dependent charging structures, and of off-vehicle and on-vehicle charging systems. It assesses the performance of road pricing systems to date, discusses objections to road pricing and demonstrates that the role of road pricing within a wider transport strategy and the use made of the revenue generated, will be important determinants of public acceptability. Finally it assesses the relative merits of alternative approaches to implementation and argues that these will need to pay as much regard to public acceptability as to technical performance.  相似文献   
当价格战就要进入鱼死网破的“血拼”阶段时,总有理智商家另辟蹊径找到更好的竞争办法。正如PND导航仪市场,在众多商家拿起“降价”这把双刃剑时,深圳同洲电子却在精心打造与众不同的“导航仪”,以挖掘产品附加价值,这就是为什么要向大家介绍向导神4302S数字电视导航仪的原因了。  相似文献   
4年前,即2004年,当第一家澳德巴克斯上海店在中国亮相时,业内对这个日本第一汽车百货品牌响起了“狼来了”的惊呼声,但事实上泼冷水的更多。毕竟在汽车服务领域,人们更愿意相信本土品牌更有优势,而外资品牌一定会面临“水土不服”的问题。澳德巴克斯便在一片质疑声中,将其在大陆的店铺扩张到12家,相对于它在全球640家规模来说,中国市场仍是“小儿科”。这些都只是开始而已,雄心更在后面。现在就让我们一起来了解谷昭光心中的“中国版”澳德巴克斯吧。  相似文献   
米其林在近两三年里,针对中国的经济型车领域,相继推出Energy XM1、Energy XM1+轮胎,由于该系列轮胎具有耐磨、省油等特点赢得了很好的市场回报。不甘让对手独美的固特异,自然也在酝酿机会重磅出击!  相似文献   
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