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走向深水是世界石油工业发展的必然趋势,一种新型深水立柱式Spar钻井生产储卸油平台概念SDPSO应运而生。油水置换储油技术是新型SDPSO平台能否成功应用于深水油田开发的关键核心技术。论文针对我国南海深水边际油气田开发的实际需要,设计和开展了SDPSO水下油水置换中试试验研究,详细分析静态、动态、极端海况等情况下SDPSO油水置换过程中水中含油量的变化。试验结果表明SDPSO平台储油系统的生产水含油浓度远远低于国家相关的排放标准,且极端海浪环境引起的平台大幅度6自由度运动对置换水中含有的浓度无明显影响。此外,水缓冲舱在一定程度上可起到分离油水的作用。这些成果初步验证了SDPSO油水置换储油工艺的安全性和可行性,为SDPSO平台的设计和建造提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
发展具有钻、采、储、运综合能力的深水平台是海洋工程领域的热点之一,一种新型深水立柱式Spar钻井生产储卸油平台(SDPSO)概念应运而生。该平台采用油水置换工艺进行储卸油操作。当储油舱内某处的温度过低时,将发生凝油与析蜡现象,且较低的温度会使油相的黏度大幅提高,这降低了油水两相的流动,阻碍了油水置换工艺的顺利进行。因此有必要对SDPSO储油系统油水置换传热特性进行研究。论文通过SDPSO油水置换的中型试验,详细分析了常规海况及一年一遇海况下储油过程中储油系统油水置换传热特性。试验结果表明,储油舱内高温热油的热量主要是通过舱壁向外传输热量,而通过油水界面传输的热量很少。对于密度易受温度影响的原油,在置换过程中沿径向存在自然对流。储油舱内原油温降可用类似于苏霍夫公式的简易方式表达。经计算,在不设置加热设备的情况下,实尺度下保温层的2小时温降系数需低于1%。  相似文献   
IntroductionCryptographic protocols are the protocols usedto establish secure communication over insecureopen networks by exploiting cryptography,andthey are thought to be simple because just severalmessages are included. However,it is a subtleproblem to guarantee the correctness of a crypto-graphic protocol[1] .In order to solve this problem,many researchers have worked on applying formalmethods to analyze cryptographic protocols,andthey are notperformed on the executable code,butrather on Do…  相似文献   
This paper proposed two modifications on IKE protocol with pre-shared key authentication. The first modification can improve its immunity against DDoS attack by authenticating the initiator before the responder generates the computation-intensive Diffie-Hellman public value. The second modification can improve its efficiency when the attack on messages occurs because it can detect the attack quickly by replacing the centralized authentication in origical IKE protocol with immediate authentication. In addition, the two modifications can be integrated into one protocol compactly.  相似文献   
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