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IntroductionMambo, et al.[1]first introduced the conceptof proxy signature. In their scheme, an originalsigner delegates his signing right to a proxy signerin such a way that the proxy signer can sign anymessage on behalf of the original signer and theverifier can verify and distinguish proxy signaturefrom original signature. Proxy signature is of greatuse in such a case that a manager needs to autho-rize his secretary to sign documents on behalf ofhimself before his leaving for a vacation. Du…  相似文献   
AbstractCopy deterrence is a digital watermarking application which enables a seller to identify the buyers who obtain digital content legally but illegally redistribute it. However, in many buyer-seller watermarking protocols proposed for copy deterrence, the seller has to embed two watermarks into each copy of the digital content before it is sold. In this paper, we propose a new buyer-seller watermarking protocol in which the seller can reduce the number of the embedded watermarks from two to one. The proposed protocol also provides a more efficient solution to the unbinding problem than that of Lei et al’s scheme.  相似文献   
Remote user authentication is essential in distributed network environment to protect unauthorized access of a networked system. However, most of those existing remote user authentication schemes have not provided the user identity anonymity, while user anonymity is particularly important in some practical applications. Therefore, based on self-encryption mechanism, a new remote user authentication scheme was proposed. The scheme not only has no need of maintaining a password table at the remote server, but also can protect the user's anonymity.  相似文献   
Introduction Remoteuserauthenticationschemesarevery usefulindistributedsystemssincetheycanguar-anteeonlythelegalusershaverighttovisitthere-sourcesprovidedbytheremoteservers.There-fore,overthepastyears,manyremoteuserau-thenticationschemes[1-8]havebeenproposed.In1981,Lamport[1]proposedthefirstwell-known passwordauthenticationschemeusingapassword tabletoachieveuserauthentication.However,Lamport'sschemesuffersfromtheriskofamodi-fiedpasswordtableandthecostofprotectingand maintainingthepasswordtabl…  相似文献   
Introduction Overrecentyears,withtheemergenceofdis-tributedapplicationsovertheInternet,anewmod-elofcommunicationandcomputation,calledpeer-to-peer(P2P)computing,hasgainedgreatpopu-larity[1-3].Contrarytothetraditionalclient-server model,P2Pcomputingeliminatesthenotionof“server”,andallpeersinP2Psystemcanactas clientsandserversatthesametime.Therefore,thesinglepointoffailureandthebottleneckof“server”encounteredinthetraditionalclient-serv-ermodelcanbeeliminated,andtheperformance andreliabilit…  相似文献   
AbstractA buyer-seller watermarking protocol is a combination of traditional watermarking and fingerprinting techniques. Recently, Frattolillo proposed such a watermarking protocol suitable for web context. Frattolillo’s scheme has two problems which would make it hard to implement practically. Several possible solutions to the two problems are presented in this paper.  相似文献   
Introduction Theprimitiveofbitcommitmentcanbeim-plicitlytracedbacktoveryearlyworksbyRa-bin[1],Blum[2],andShamiretal[3].Itsbasicsce-nariois:AlicecansendaprooftoBobthatcom-mitshertoabitb(0or1)ofherchoiceinsucha waythatBobcannottellwhatbis(commit phase),butlaterAlicecanopenthecommitment andprovehimwhatboriginallywas(openphase).Abitcommitmentschemeissaidtobebindingif thepromisee(Alice)hasnochancetocheat,i.e.,shecannotopentheoppositeofheroriginalcom-mitment.Wecallabitcommitmenthidingifthe commi…  相似文献   
Introduction Digitalsignatureistheelectronicversionof handwrittensignaturefordigitaldocuments.A digitalsignatureschemeallowsasignertotrans-formanarbitrarymessageintoasignedmessage,suchthatanyonecancheckthevalidityofthe signedmessageusingthesigner'spublickey,but onlythesignerisabletoproducesignedmessages.RSAdigitalsignature[1]isaverypopulardigi-talsignaturescheme,whosesecurityisbasedon theRSAassumption:“foragiveny∈Z*n,itis hardtocomputethemodulare-throotxofysuch thatxe=ymodn”.However,howt…  相似文献   
Let MPT (v,λ) denote a maximum packing of triples of order v with index λ and TS (u,λ) denote a triple system of order u with index λ. In this paper, for v≥6, we determine necessary and sufficient condition for enclosing an MPT (v,λ) in a TS (v+m,λ+1) with index λ increased by 1 and minimal increase in extra points.  相似文献   
Commitment scheme is a basic component of many cryptographic protocols, such as coin-tossing, identification schemes, zero-knowledge and multi-party computation. In order to prevent man-in-middle attacks, non-malleability is taken into account. Many forming works focus on designing non-malleable commitments schemes based on number theory assumptions. In this paper we give a general framework to construct non- interactive and non-malleable commitment scheme with respect to opening based on more general assumptions called q-one way group homomorphisms (q-OWGH). Our scheme is more general since many existing commitment schemes can be deduced from our scheme.  相似文献   
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