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武汉至广州客运专线项目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1项目概况 1.1项目建设必要性 武广铁路客运专线位于湖北、湖南、广东三省境内,是规划中的京广客运专线的重要组成部分.目前,京广铁路是我国铁路网中最繁忙的铁路干线之一,2002年以占全路约3.3%的营业公里完成了全路客、货运输周转量的16.8%和9%.其中,武汉-广州段尤为紧张,运输能力处于超饱和状态,严重制约了区域经济的发展.与此同时,国民经济和社会发展还将对京广通道客货运输能力和质量提出更高要求.利用既有线扩能,新建货运双线或其他线路改建分流等方式,均不能彻底解决运输能力和运输质量的问题.因此,迫切需要修建客运专线.  相似文献   
在铁路第六次大面积提速调图中,铁路部门以掌握核心技术为目标,积极推进原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新,大力推进自主创新战略,在高速动车组关键技术等8个方面取得技术创新成果26项,掌握了既有线时速200km及以上提速改造成套技术。  相似文献   
Walking has been highlighted as an independent transportation mode as well as an access/egress mode to/from public transit to encourage the use of more sustainable transport systems. However, walking does not seem to have priority over other transportation modes, especially in areas where various modes of movement are in conflict. The pedestrian push-button system seems to be a solution to distribute the right of way. The focus of this study is on the performance issue of the pedestrian push-button. Specifically, this study deals with issues related to mid-block crossings and attempts to answer two questions: whose waiting time is longer at pre-timed and push-button crossings, pedestrians, or vehicles? and which system – pre-timed or push-button – is better in terms of total waiting time? According to our simulation analyses, if the pedestrian flow rate is less than 120, 85, and 70 ped/h for two-, three-, and four-lane roads, respectively, the push-button system is recommended.  相似文献   
1项目概况 本项目主线北起广州市新广州站,南至珠海市拱北,经由广州市番禺区、佛山市顺德区、中山市;支线由中山市小榄镇至江门市新会区,经由中山市古镇镇、江门市外海.线路总长约142.6 km,其中广州-珠海116.979 km,小榄-江门支线长约26.628 km.预留新广州站向北延伸至沥滘的条件.  相似文献   
1 项目概况 武汉-合肥铁路位于湖北省东部、安徽省中西部,连接鄂皖两省省会,沟通长江中下游地区,设计时速200 km,预留250 km/h及以上条件.本线的定位是以客为主,兼顾货运,是规划"四横四纵"快速客运网和沪汉蓉铁路通道的重要组成部分.  相似文献   
1 项目概况 武汉-合肥铁路位于湖北省东部、安徽省中西部,连接鄂皖两省省会,沟通长江中下游地区,系国家一级铁路干线,设计时速200km,预留250 km/h及以上条件.本线的定位是以客为主,兼顾货运,是规划"四纵四横"快速客运网和沪汉蓉铁路通道的组成部分.  相似文献   
党的十六大以来,中国铁路发生了深刻而巨大的变化,正在步入由量变积累到实现质变飞跃的极为关键的阶段。在铁道部党组的正确领导下,中国铁路深入贯彻落实科学发展观,发达完善铁路网的建设全面展开,铁路运输生产力水平实现了大的跨越,铁路对经济社会发展的保障能力得到了明显提高,铁路管理体制创新取得了重大进展,铁路经济实现和自我发展能力大大增强。  相似文献   
简要介绍了“先锋”号交流传动动力分散电动机组控制系统研制情况,系统构成与功能和数据流程,最后总结了控制系统的效果和存在问题。  相似文献   
Although fuel cost has been the largest portion of annual operating costs of construction equipment, it is possible to save the energy and reduce cost using fuel economy enhancement technology. In this study, an organic Rankine cycle is applied to an excavator in order to recover waste heat, reproduce it into electrical energy, and consequently reduce the fuel consumption by 10 %. A design process was carried out to develop an exhaust gas superheater that recovers the waste heat from exhaust gas through a composite-dimensional thermal flow analysis. A one-dimensional code was developed to perform a size design for the exhaust gas superheater. The ranges for the major design parameters were determined to satisfy the target of the heat recovery, as well as the pressure drop at both fluid sides. Performance analysis was done through onedimensional design code results, which were compared with three-dimensional CFD analysis. By utilizing a 3D commercial code, the arrangement of the tubes was selected and the working fluid pressure drop was reduced through a detailed layout design. The design procedure was verified by a performance evaluation of the prototype, which yielded only a 7 % tolerance in heat recovery.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the use of finite-element (FE) analysis to calculate the fatigue strength of a bogie frame, for the development of tilting trains in Korea. A multi-body dynamic analysis was performed to extract the load condition by tilting on curves. Using the results of the multi-body dynamic analysis and the load scenario setout in the UIC standard, FE analysis was performed to obtain the stress distribution and to calculate the fatigue strength. An attempt was made to minimize the weight of the bogie frame using a back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN). The results of this study reveal that the stresses at some nodes are near the fatigue limit in the Goodman diagram and by using back-propagation ANN, the weight of the bogie frame could be reduced by 4.7%.  相似文献   
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